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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Blizzard is very diliberate about their games. I’m not sure they could get OW running how they like on Switch. Or maybe they just don’t feel the audience is there for the game on Switch.
  2. I remember loving Yo-Noid as a kid. Would rent it and just thought it was so fun. Sometimes youre just wrong.
  3. Generally i think it’s good to see something or consume something, think critically about it, and then read a variety of other opinions on it. Hard to do this with games for me because I tend to immerse myself in news and opinions about a thing before I touch it (partly to inform purchasing decisions, partly because I think it’s fun), but I think critics in all mediums are very important and generally help improve their respective medium.
  4. It’s tough, because this stuff needs to be disclosed and he needs to lose his job and probably never work in this industry in that capacity again BUT he still doesn’t deserve to be harassed. And I’m talking true harassment, not people making jokes at his expense.
  5. Damnit. I’m gonna drunk buy this sometime, aren’t I? https://kotaku.com/diablo-iii-is-coming-to-switch-later-this-year-1828367234
  6. Man I should have played more BF1. I liked that game. Not as much as 4, but it was still good. Nowadays all the devs are chasing their Fortnite / Overwatch / DOTA style forever game. It’s interesting to see that contrasted with companies essentially doing the opposite with the yearly franchise thing.
  7. The framework exists for a great game in the battlefield realm. I keep pulling for them to pull it off.
  8. I have very fond memories of timesplitters on PS2 launch day. Pulled an all nighter with my best friend at his place. I would welcome a new game in the series.
  9. 1. Being mainstream and being taken seriously as an art form are not synonymous. It’s not as cut and dry as you’re making it, either. It’s not just about gamers reading reviews: developers read what good critics say and take it to heart. Well written reviews with legitimate criticism, along with good journalism, have improved the industry and will continue to do so. Streamers do not affect the industry nearly as much in this manner, as I’ll get to below. It wasn’t that long ago Nintendo had girls in bikinis with DS’s chained to their bodies (or whatever it was). 2. There are a multitude of issues with streamers as the main influencers of the industry. They very well may be, but that is not a good thing. They are essentially paid advertisers as well as trying to maximize their own brand. I could go on. 3. I disagree. As wade said before, the mechanical stuff can be outlined in a breakout box of addressed as needed in the review. But those things - while useful - absolutely are relics of how video game reviews started out. It’s a running joke now for vets who talk about adding up all the categories to spit out a score. It is immature and it is going away, which is a good thing.
  10. I’m playing it on pc. Obviously runs really well. I’ve heard it can get pretty rough on switch in the late going. And it is kind of a big deal because of the precise timing needed. Not sure about the other two, but assumed it would run fine.
  11. I like the horizon games but it’s kind of an odd horse in the race. They do a very specific genre very well - I like ‘em too - but they’re not really the same beast as these other games.
  12. So it plays no role? What exactly is your position here? You’re shooting down my views without offering anything in the way of reasoning. If you disagree, fine, but there’s not much else to say if that’s all you are gonna say lol.
  13. It's not solely contingent on criticism, but that is a large part of it. Games may be mainstream as hell, but they are not held in the same regard as other mediums. Now, it's up to you whether or not you give a shit about that, and I don't think anyone is saying you're wrong if you don't, but I agree that we need to progress in how games at large are critiqued.
  14. There’s a spectrum between the typical review style we saw for decades and elitism. I don’t think wade is suggesting we start only writing highbrow better than thou stuff.
  15. Yeah that’s cool, but it’s not really enhancing or specific to the open-worldness of the game is what I was getting at. I think people take Rockstar’s worlds for granted in some ways since we’re so used to a certain quality from them. As a whole, I think they are a bit above everyone else at it.
  16. Gosh, I don’t know. I’m inclined to say Rockstar is the best at the actual open world part - their worlds are typically filled with the most interesting and polished types of chaos and fun that can be had with an open world game. And personally I think they typically tell a pretty good story (which I know many disagree with). CDPR made a helluva game with Witcher 3, but I found the open worldness of it to be lacking. It looks gorgeous, and the sound and art design is second to none, but you have such limited ability to actually interface with the NPCs or environment. And although everyone seems to hate Bethesda now, I freaking love their open worlds as well. I guess those would be my top three. I don’t really think From’s games are really all that open world-y.
  17. I hope nothing but the best for this game. But I do feel like it’s gonna be one of those games people go nuts for the first week and then when there’s some time removed it’s like, yeah it was fine.
  18. I beat god of war this weekend but I’ll probably go back and clean up some side stuff. Im also to the point where I can do the worst ending in hollow knight, but I think I’m gonna go for the best ending, which seems like it adds a lot of time.
  19. But a lot of the older dudes are still around, they just change publications or start their own stuff. And I’m more talking about your claims of salary. I doubt they make a killing, but at the same time I have no clue what they’re being paid. I’m not sure anyone does, really.
  20. I think it’s like anything else: some reviews are very thoughtful and well-written, and most are pretty boilerplate to bad. I think it’s too reductive to say it’s just this cushy job that anyone can do. They don’t just write reviews, after all, so I could see someone getting overwhelmed with stuff to do to the point where they are unable to put in the necessary time to review a game properly. Forming an opinion on a game is easy, but putting it into a succinct summary that isn’t generic, grabbing footage of yourself playing the game, editing it into a video (which he does say this was the first time he had done on his own), all while juggling a full workload of other stuff could get overwhelming and the temptation to take shortcuts is there. We’ve all taken shortcuts in our lives,are mistakes. Problem here, though, is he not only broke a rule that is on the list of “rules you absolutely cannot break,” in journalism, he doesn’t seem to think he did anything wrong. A mistake was made, but it wasn’t anything he did that was intentional (in his mind). He says he’s taking responsibility for it, but he’s not. He’s saying I didn’t do the thing you think I did, but I’m sorry, in some strange attempt to save face. And then attacks a credible journalist and talks about what a victim he is. I’m pretty empathetic guy. If the dude’s video had come out discussing how sorry he was to the guy whose work he stole followed by a thoughtful discussion of how he has gotten into this bad habit over the years, how he’s gonna do everything he can to break the habit, how he knows he has to work to gain anyone’s trust back in this industry, I’d say hey ok, I’m cool if at some point this guy works his way back. But with the video he posted (which, btw, does he not have one fucking person in his life to tell him that video was a horrible idea?), nah. Get him out of here. Too many people out there trying to have these absurd jobs who are doing it the right way. Go buy some more fans and stay on your YouTube channel.
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