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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. It had a solid library of one publisher’s games, yes. And if you remember correctly, other than that it was a baron wasteland with nothing else but what Nintendo could provide on the horizon. And then even Nintendo was instead of doing new games, putting stuff out like Wind Waker at times, with no Zelda, Mario, or Metroid in sight. The point is, throwing your hands up and saying “ports?!? This is what people complained about on the Wii U,” following this direct is ignoring a shit load of context about why that was frustrating for people at that time. They aren’t similar in any way. It’s not really that controversial of a viewpoint. Pretty cut and dry.
  2. 8 is awesome even if it’s broken as shit. Perhaps theyre doing a remaster of it??
  3. (Also, again, most people aren’t inherently against ports. But if there’s very little other reason for people to buy your machine, it might rub some the wrong way).
  4. You kinda accidentally figured out my point. People weren't mad they were porting old games to the Wii U. They were mad that that's the only thing that was coming out on the Wii U. If the Wii U also had an original library that could stand on its own and make the system worth owning outside the ports (like the Switch does), nobody would have complained about the ports. So, this is not a valid criticism to level against the Switch. And check my post history if you like. I am certainly not soft on Nintendo. OK, fine? We're not talking about DOOM here. We're talking about 20 year old JRPGs. I'm the first one to post about how it's cool they ported DOOM to the Switch, but I would never touch that version with a 10 foot pole. But these games are marginally better (and actually often worse depending on the port) on other consoles vs the original version of the game. So portability become a lot bigger of a draw. Absolutely. And, again, type of game matters. The "only on a Nintendo console" thing holds water with Skyrim or Wolfenstein, or what have you. But a JRPG is a great portable game just by its very nature. If you have a Vita, sure, I totally get this not being a draw for you whatsoever. But that's the only case where your argument holds up, not "only owning a Nintendo console." I'm talking Animal Crossing, which you seem to actively hate. Which is totally your right. But it's one hell of a get for a lot of us. You're apathetic about Luigi's Mansion, and lukewarm on the two you just mentioned here. I totally get that for a Vita owning, Animal Crossing hating fella such as yourself that the direct might not have done much for you. But I vaguely read this thread prior to actually looking up what had been announced and the general vibe I was getting was, huh, must not have been very good. Then when I actually looked at the announcements I thought some of the reactions in this thread were absurd.
  5. @Bacon saying “ports” were a big complaint about the Wii U is at best ignorant and more likely for you intentionally misleading. Setting aside the fact that FF games are tailor made for portable systems and the ones announced are all great games, none of them have ever even been considered possibilities to be on a Nintendo console, period. This is huge. This is awesome. I love this so much. And yeah you mentioned the other games and essentially went on to say it’s still a shitty direct for you. This was maybe the best direct ever for me.
  6. WTF are all of you smoking? FF games, Animal Crossing, Luigi, etc This was an amazing direct. Holy shit.
  7. I’ll subscribe if they put some worthwhile games on it, maybe. NES games alone aren’t going to cut it though.
  8. I only ever get these to play single player franchises or franchises with buddies. It has been odd for me to see the my player mode become the draw for seemingly most people who buy these. I think that mode is kinda fucking bad? It ignores the brilliant design of the actual game, at the very least. But regardless this is bad for people who really like that mode.
  9. I’m actually surprised at how surprised people are that BR modes are fun. I still think Fortnite succeeds almost in spite of itself since the BR mode is so (relatively speaking) novel. BR fucking rocks.
  10. Lol well it’s not that they can’t afford it, obviously. But it still has to be very costly to design a map of that size from nothing. Personally I think it’s kinda cool it’ll have familiar terrain. Then again I don’t know if I’ll even recognize any of it because I haven’t seriously played the series since black ops 2.
  11. I think it’s just pragmatic though. Those assets are expensive, and I do think the design doesn’t have to be as pristine when it’s a bigger playfield, if that makes any sense.
  12. I think the demo is out on everything. I love Megaman and will give this a go sometime.
  13. The slog continues in the first big city. Just because other games do it doesn’t mean it’s not a slog. It’s nice you can explore a little bit but it’s not a lack of variety that makes it bad, it’s bad in and of itself. Again, it’s totally expected and I still love the game. But I’m not gonna make excuses for it.
  14. Walk 10 feet, cutscene. Walk 10 feet, cutscene. Fight 2 monsters. Climb a ladder very slowly. Cutscene. Walk 10 feet. Cutscene. That is barely an exaggeration. My guess is this will end up being one of my favorite games ever. But it’s a slog to start.
  15. Dragon Quest games always kinda felt like a game would feel like if Nintendo made a super traditional JRPG. This one so far is no different. I wish they had a quicker ramp up though.
  16. Skeptical about how this will control. Civ is an interesting get though.
  17. I almost am always playing 3-4 games at a time, but I try to keep the genres pretty different.
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