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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Well, most other people seem to be really enjoying it. I was always interested even in the base game, just not at $60.
  2. $26 for a game that now seems to be a lot closer to its initial promise? I think I’ll take the plunge. Have you played it since the update?
  3. I’m working my way through Hollow Knight and Octopath. I’ve been pleased with the Switch offerings as of late. I’m gonna buy NMS tomorrow. At the parents’ visiting this weekend. Switch is great for that.
  4. If you read the official piece they have a clarification. (And say it WILL be in there as a part of tides of war or something... which I don’t know what that is like if it’s something extra or something everyone gets).
  5. The first part is all he’s asking. That would be kinda dope but will never happen.
  6. I really don't do much if anything with mods. Any major differences?
  7. My parents bought an NES when I was 3-4. At first we had only Super Mario Bros, so I played the shit out of that. Sometime before kindergarten we got Mario 3. Really the NES was the only console I had until I was probably 10-11-12 ish after I had saved enough money to buy a PS1. Rented a lot of games back then.
  8. I’ve seen a few at work. One guy was so used to them and was able to barely communicate while having one he just wanted me to lower him to the ground. So I did. It passed and we went about our business lol.
  9. My job is stressful but I typically have several interactions in a given week that are pretty rewarding. It pays well enough for me. I have a pretty happy life.
  10. Supposedly they have improved this in subsequent models but I’ve never seen anything official about that.
  11. I mean like the movement and shooting itself feels really good. I did not like the new enemies they added at all. Don’t remember the new weapons. I thought 4 set up at least a somewhat interesting story. I never played 5.
  12. I tend to think of the average "gamer" in a negative light - one who uses homophobic language, the term "triggered," racism, and is a little too apathetic and smug about the world. I have no idea if that's justified or not. I sure like you guys, though.
  13. Impossible to know for sure, but I don't get the impression Sean Murray is a bad dude. He objectively handed the pre-release of the game poorly, though I do give him a little leeway because I don't think Sony was very helpful. But things being as they are at this point, I think people need to get over it. If you're not interested in the game and / or don't wanna see the dude rewarded for past transgressions, I get it. But just don't buy this and move on. I think it's cool he stuck with it and made something he can be proud of. Would have been easy to cut and run.
  14. I feel like people are being a little hard on 343 in this thread. They had a tough act to follow, and they at least have the feel of the games down.
  15. I guess I didn't play it long enough if they actually got rid of ordinance drops. Fuck that. Just like BF - give me vehicles in my map, and I'll use them as I see fit (I will drive the plane into a wall).
  16. https://kotaku.com/star-citizen-backer-sues-to-get-4-500-back-loses-1827666550 I've been a pretty big skeptic of this game for a long time. If you are cool with chucking money into it and have the means, have at it. But $4,500 and then you feel duped? Please. AT THE SAME TIME - I feel like the dev is full of shit as well. I just can't believe the support they've gotten.
  17. I could be, but it’s not like I said I was certain by any means. It’s a tough thing to look up.
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