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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I don’t remember there being an inordinate amount of hype for Titan Souls. I can get behind Celeste tho. Good, not great.
  2. Something something white straight men are unable to say LGBT without repeating the whole alphabet as a "joke"
  3. There’s usually around 10 of those in any marathon. You also see a lot of “worst parade ever,” and stuff like “run now, beer later.”
  4. Also Nintendo did it with NES to SNES as well, but generally it’s incredible that these companies repeatedly fuck it up.
  5. Well in general, I'll be the resident Jeff Bakalar fanboy if I have to be, but I still think the guy is worth listening to and generally knows his stuff.
  6. OK thanks - this is the piece I needed to see. So is this specific to Red Dead or does the S do this with all games?
  7. It's definitely more muted than if it were EA, but people certainly aren't pleased with Sony about this. I hope more devs keep calling them out on it until they cave. Good on Todd Howard for this. He doesn't have to do that.
  8. He said it doesn't "look" any better, and from there I can see where you're coming from. But in context everything he says makes sense and isn't misinformation. He describes what upscaling is, which further confuses Dan and Abby lol. But when he was saying it doesn't look "better" he was saying that it is upscaling it, not running it natively at that resolution. The S? Everything I'm reading, including MS's own support page, states the S only upscales. So if that's wrong, do you have a source? If you had Jeff in the room with you and you asked him can tell a difference, he would say something like "OF COURSE!" He never says in that whole thing there's not a difference. He in fact goes into what the differences is!
  9. Since you're concerned about accurate information, he literally says "it just upscales whatever you're looking at to 4K." If this is inaccurate, I'll concede, but I think at this point you're backing away from your original comments and misrepresented what he said, which is the type of thing you had a problem with in the first place
  10. He says it’s being upscaled. He’s actually being quite careful to say it’s not actually rendering the game at a natively higher rez or whatever. He didn’t say what you said he said.
  11. Again, I'm fairly certain he absolutely did not say that, so I guess we're an an impasse unless someone can find the audio.
  12. If you can find the podcast I’d be interested in re-listening to that section. I believe you’re misunderstanding what he was saying, but I can’t say for sure unless I have the actual audio. Also, again, I think you’re conflating things. He understands it well but doesn’t give a shit about explaining mundane details on a podcast, and also you can understand how things are output from different SKUs and TVs and still have difficulty seeing or apathy about the differences (I’m not talking about red dead specially here). There’s a spectrum to how much you both can see from person to person and give a shit about what might be minor upgrades to one person and a world of difference to another.
  13. I think it’s fantastic and it pleases me how much the hardcore fans are pissed off about it.
  14. JB is very versed in tech like that and how it works. I think he’s just very realistic on his own perception of the differences.
  15. Oh jeez, I guess: Metro if reviews are good Whatever is next for Bethesda other than Fallout 76 (unless that surprises me) Hitman Honestly beyond that I'm not sure. Metro isn't even a sure thing for me. I'm looking forward to Red Dead, but it's console only. I'd love for MS to release the Master Chief Collection for PC. The rest of the year is pretty slow for PC specific releases I guess, but at the same time the only real sure-buys for me on the other machines are Smash and probably Dragon Quest (along with Red Dead).
  16. Really? It is almost literally a clone of Castlevania music, tone, enemies, feel...everything. Like, my concerns are the opposite - that all they did was copy that stuff.
  17. Oh there was plenty. Rocket league was the same week, and arms and Mario kart were out. I won’t belabor it anymore, but I doubt the multiplayer of doom was selling a whole lot of copies.
  18. Yeah, but in DOOM's specific case the multiplayer is not really much of a draw, and even if it was pretty good there are a lot better-optimized games to play multiplayer on the Switch.
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