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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I'll buy one if they're in stock sometime, but this shit is so stupid.
  2. Are the vehicles like rewards still, or are they actually on the battlefield for you to get in and out of as you please?
  3. I didn’t need that, but it takes them so long to really even reveal what the game actually is, from both a gameplay and plot standpoint. Man it’s a slog. I was actually surprised to see any push back on saying it starts slow.
  4. Sony went from the absolute dominant market leader in the PS2 days to dead even at best and losing the hearts and minds of gaming consumers (which MS in turn handed back to them at the beginning of this generation). This shit matters. These big companies are still run by old baby boomers who never evolved with the times. They’ll be on your side until they feel like they don’t need to be financially, and then they’ll feed you shit and tell you it’s cherry pie. Smart companies have already figured out that the younger generation will more likely support you if you take care of them. None of the gaming companies have quite gotten there yet.
  5. I actually feel the game gets better if you put it on the harder difficulties. There's like two separate sliders, one might just be a toggle that turns off some of the UI information, and the other a straight up difficulty meter where the enemies are more powerful and resources more scarce. I understand the gripes with the gameplay, but for what it is I think it's really good - at times great if you play it on the harder modes.
  6. I fell off the game hard. It starts slowly, to its detriment. I actually finally got to the good stuff, but the game wore out its welcome in those first few hours, so I just needed to take a break. I hope to go back soon. There’s a lot to it, but the hype didn’t prepare me for the beginning slog.
  7. It’s a top 5 game ever for me. The ending is so so perfect. Ive beaten it 7-8 times. Infuriates me that the platinum is locked behind multiplayer trophies.
  8. Currently doing a new game + of dark souls remastered, playing hollow knight, playing Skyrim, and actually a little pillars of eternity and FF6. Too many at once. I really should go back to god of war.
  9. Hope the guy stays healthy. I think he’s good for the game.
  10. To me they’re separate issues that sometimes get conflated. You can have a positive body image to some degree if you’re overweight and still understand that being overweight is not necessarily a healthy thing. I’m a physical therapist, and I have actually never met an overweight patient who was in denial about their weight affecting their health. I’ve also worked with some incredibly healthy overweight and even obese people, whose labs and overall health indicators are in healthy range. It’s certainly not the norm, but I’m always pleasantly surprised by those people lol.
  11. I played and loved the first walking dead. Tried to go get into a few games since then and I just can’t do it. It’s not just the graphics it’s the gameplay.
  12. Red Dead Smash Possibly Battlefield depending on reception and if friends wanna get it Dragon Quest Probably forgetting something.
  13. Ummmm I dunno if I’d go that far. It’s sort of like all about calling bluffs or choosing not to challenge a possible lie. Like, you can play the game straight and never lie, and I’ve played it with people who just don’t wanna lie and it’s not fun. The whole appeal of the game is catching someone who’s trying to get away with a crazy amount of shit, or thinking there’s no way someone could have what they say they have and it just so happens yes they do. Grudges get built up in a good game. Sometimes people you won’t expect to will lie a lot and that’s fun too tho. But to me, the game really is as good as the group you’re playing with. So it certainly is like resistance in that way.
  14. Played it a lot. Needs the right group of people (people willing to lie), but it’s fun.
  15. Take the time to learn to parry. It's big in this one.
  16. One major difference between the two from a casual player of both was the way they handled weapons / armor. In Destiny 1, when you got a rare named weapons, it would / could have random stats I think. (Forgive me, I'm probably off on the finer details). In two, the named guns / armor were the same stats for everyone. So once you had that gun, you had the same gun every other idiot had. It didn't really bother me, but I think it annoyed the diehards. If you don't plan on playing the game like a psycho, there's not a huge difference. They'll feel generally the same with some quality of life improvements in 2. Destiny in my opinion is a game that people could probably love if you went in with low expectations. I bought into the hype (twice) and was massively disappointed both times. There's a game in there somewhere, but damn if they don't totally miss the mark outside the gameplay itself.
  17. Dark Souls Remastered. Dark Souls is one of my favorite games I've ever played. Beat it two nights ago and strongly considering just running through it again.
  18. I need to get back to Persona. I'm probably about halfway through and fell off of it. Today... I'm not sure what I'm gonna play. I have about an hour before I should think about going to sleep, and I'm doing the thing where I'm just sitting here looking at the games I'm in the middle of and can't decide what to go with.
  19. Battlefield 5 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Cyberpunk 2077 Doom Eternal Neo Cab The Last of Us Part II Resident Evil 2 remake Super Smash Bros. Ultimate These were the standouts for my personal taste. I wasn't expecting to be all that into BF 5 - I liked 1 but it didn't stick with me - but there's something about it that intrigues me. I'm a big From fan so of course I'm curious what they do next. Cyberpunk seems a long way out but looks like it has incredible promise. I'd love some more Doom. Neo Cab looks really cool. I think Last of Us ended perfectly and needed no sequel, but since they're making it I'll bite. It looks like they're on the right track. RE2 is one of my favorite classic games, and it looks better than it has any right to. I'm hoping Smash becomes what Melee was to me (an impossible task considering the point in my life Melee came out, but who knows). I already bought the Gamecube adapter for it.
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