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Shadow of the Tomb Raider OT (update: Definitive Edition Trailer)


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12 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Thank you. Interesting about the animations argument. :thinking:

If you had a problem with previous games then OK, I can see such a complaint, but I didn't because the animations are NOT stiff. Maybe someone can show me what they mean about this, because this game's animations are no more or less "OK" than most other AAA action block busters. 

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I already beat the game with like 95% completion.  If you enjoyed the previous Tomb Raiders, this is more of the same.  For me, thats a good thing, the game is great.  


My main complaint would probably be it took no real risks, the differences from the 1st game to this game is minimal.  Hub Cities now which I don't really recall much of in previous games, and some minimal side quests given out by characters.  


Platforming felt identical to the previous games to me, with maybe a touch more jumping from platform to platform type puzzles/scenarios. 


Story is what you'd expect, nothing too special.  Its  gorgeous though and it was fun run through.  Some really cool scenes though that really take Lara to the next level of badass.

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22 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

So to those that have beat the game: Without spoiling anything, is the story good? I mean, good mythology, mystery, etc? I really liked the Yamatai mythology of the first game but Rise's prophet story was boring as shit.

I haven't beat it yet (about 50%) but I'll tell you that the plot could be exchanged for any Uncharted, Indiana Jones, generic pulp that defines this kind of popcorn blockbuster and it would change nothing. 

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This has been extremely underwhelming thus far.  I'm only like 3 hours in but they're holding my hand at every corner. Visually it can look great but things like water and fire are inconsistent looking. 


It's so God damn basic in gameplay but maybe things pickup. 

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:

This has been extremely underwhelming thus far.  I'm only like 3 hours in but they're holding my hand at every corner. Visually it can look great but things like water and fire are inconsistent looking. 


It's so God damn basic in gameplay but maybe things pickup. 


Did you find the nude code yet?

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9 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'm about 10 hours in and really enjoying it. Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed, because I want to explore everything and I'm afraid I'll miss something.

The good news there is that the over world map tracks your progress of completeness (%) per area. You'll be able to fast travel from camp fire to camp fire as needed to back track and grab what you didn't the first time through an area. 

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43 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Told ya. Should have played something else before jumping right back into an action type game. I knew it wouldn’t hold up compared to Spidey. 


Well TR is short so I decided to give it a shot. I'm fucking dissapointed. The Uncharted games BLOW this away tremendously. 


I just beat Uncharted lost legacy not too long ago and that is on another level than this game. I should have went back to DQXI. Now I feel obligated to beat TR since I blew $63 on it.

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8 hours ago, best3444 said:

This has been extremely underwhelming thus far.  I'm only like 3 hours in but they're holding my hand at every corner. Visually it can look great but things like water and fire are inconsistent looking. 


It's so God damn basic in gameplay but maybe things pickup. 

It's Tomb Raider. Have you played the others? If so, I dunno what you were expecting. 

6 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

The good news there is that the over world map tracks your progress of completeness (%) per area. You'll be able to fast travel from camp fire to camp fire as needed to back track and grab what you didn't the first time through an area. 

Thanks for the advice, but I'm competent enough to read a map. :p 

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1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:


why would you compare the two?  They're not even remotely the same kind of game.


Not directly comparing them. I understand they're two totally different genres. Experience wise, spidey blew me away with such amazing quality it's hard not to compare it in that regard.

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I'm a couple of hours in ~8%.  My thoughts

Graphically -- the environments are gorgeous, one of the best looking games I have played.  However the "skin shaders" don't look very good, IMHO, particularly the village in the benchmark.


The first 45 minutes are a super-linear, glorified cut-scene/tutorial, boring mess.  I didn't experience anything like this in the first two games.


The next hour improves, but....  Still not to the level of the previous games. 


I am hoping once it opens up, it returns to what I loved in Rise and the TR reboot.

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Just now, best3444 said:


I've played them all including the rise of the tomb raider. Uncharted series is superior. 

I mean, that's a personal preference. I like both series about the same, though I do like the crafting and equipment upgrades that TR lets you do. 


All I was saying is that if you've played the others, I don't know how you could be disappointed, since this is basically more of the same. You knew what you were getting into when you spent the $63 :p 

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:


Well TR is short so I decided to give it a shot. I'm fucking dissapointed. The Uncharted games BLOW this away tremendously. 


I just beat Uncharted lost legacy not too long ago and that is on another level than this game. I should have went back to DQXI. Now I feel obligated to beat TR since I blew $63 on it.

I’ve always felt Tomb Raider was a poor mans Uncharted. Even though TR came first. 

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2 hours ago, mikechorney said:

I'm a couple of hours in ~8%.  My thoughts

Graphically -- the environments are gorgeous, one of the best looking games I have played.  However the "skin shaders" don't look very good, IMHO, particularly the village in the benchmark.


The first 45 minutes are a super-linear, glorified cut-scene/tutorial, boring mess.  I didn't experience anything like this in the first two games.


The next hour improves, but....  Still not to the level of the previous games. 


I am hoping once it opens up, it returns to what I loved in Rise and the TR reboot.



@CastlevaniaNut18 my thoughts as well. Does it ever open up and not hold your hand? 

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Omg. This game is borderline terrible. The puzzles are ridiculously stupid and seem forced. Everything about this game seems forced with no fluidity to gameplay. 


There is screen tearing and bugs (Lara gets stuck in certain spots...happened at least 10 times now) with the visuals being way overhyped. The controls are stiff and I'm now understanding the complaints about animations.


The game is broken up in small set pieces with no real reason to be stealthy with the brain dead AI.  Just run in and unload your gun. Watch a small terrible unoriginal cutscene and rinse and repeat.


The story is so God damn basic with characters I don't give a flying fuck about. This game is mediocrity at its finest. I'm so disgusted I wasted money on this game. Quite frankly I'm shocked it recieved a review score over 7.0. 


I'm not new to this series but I have no fucking idea what happened with this game. I'm not being overly harsh either.


@stepee stay far away from this game!

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15 minutes ago, best3444 said:

Omg. This game is borderline terrible. The puzzles are ridiculously stupid and seem forced. Everything about this game seems forced with no fluidity to gameplay. 


There is screen tearing and bugs (Lara gets stuck in certain spots...happened at least 10 times now) with the visuals being way overhyped. The controls are stiff and I'm now understanding the complaints about animations.


The game is broken up in small set pieces with no real reason to be stealthy with the brain dead AI.  Just run in and unload your gun. Watch a small terrible unoriginal cutscene and rinse and repeat.


The story is so God damn basic with characters I don't give a flying fuck about. This game is mediocrity at its finest. I'm so disgusted I wasted money on this game. Quite frankly I'm shocked it recieved a review score over 7.0. 


I'm not new to this series but I have no fucking idea what happened with this game. I'm not being overly harsh either.


@stepee stay far away from this game!

Dragon Quest XI says hello.  :hug:

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40 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I feel as though I'm obligated to beat this POS game because I bought it. However, I don't want to start up dq11 again because AssCreed is coming out October 5th. 


Now I'm properly fucked. 

DQ XI is a looooooong game. It’s something you can play for a few hours and grind. Then put it down and come back to. Besides it gives you a pretty good synopsis each time you start it up so you don’t feel lost as to what you were doing. 

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It's like you've never played the prior games in this series. I dunno about performance on the Xbox, but I've not really encountered any issues on PC. And the rest of your complaints seem forced. This is pretty much an exact continuation of the reboot series. And judging from the reviews, you're in the minority with your hate. 


If you hate it that much, just quit playing. So you wasted $60, is it really worth all the hate and bitching?

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Anyway, I played for a while last night. Steam says I'm 21 hours in. I should beat it early next week on my next days off. I want to do all the challenge tombs and I need 2 more of those to finish.


It's been fun, not my favorite game ever, of course, but a solid title in a genre I like. I'd probably give it 8/10 at this point.


I'll finish this up quickly and try to see if I can get into Spider-Man. Hoping that one picks up some and starts to click with me.

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4 hours ago, best3444 said:

Omg. This game is borderline terrible. The puzzles are ridiculously stupid and seem forced. Everything about this game seems forced with no fluidity to gameplay. 


There is screen tearing and bugs (Lara gets stuck in certain spots...happened at least 10 times now) with the visuals being way overhyped. The controls are stiff and I'm now understanding the complaints about animations.


The game is broken up in small set pieces with no real reason to be stealthy with the brain dead AI.  Just run in and unload your gun. Watch a small terrible unoriginal cutscene and rinse and repeat.


The story is so God damn basic with characters I don't give a flying fuck about. This game is mediocrity at its finest. I'm so disgusted I wasted money on this game. Quite frankly I'm shocked it recieved a review score over 7.0. 


I'm not new to this series but I have no fucking idea what happened with this game. I'm not being overly harsh either.


@stepee stay far away from this game!


This...kind of makes me want it more.

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