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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


how about a dumpster apartment 

He’s not wrong, that silly last comment about shipping container apartments aside.


Has Bernie talked about how to address the inflationary effect of NIMBYism on housing rents/costs?  Any honest conversation about what to do about out of control housing rents needs to.

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3 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

He’s not wrong, that silly last comment about shipping container apartments aside.


Has Bernie talked about how to address the inflationary effect of NIMBYism on housing rents/costs?  Any honest conversation about what to do about out of control housing rents needs to.


Why is the shipping container thing silly?

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7 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Why is the shipping container thing silly?


It's not silly in extreme cases where people would otherwise not be able to get or afford other reasonable housing...but proposing using containers as a means to mass-house people who can't afford homes (due to inflation in the housing market as well as increased student debt loads) is just a bandaid on the problem, not a real solution.

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


It's not silly in extreme cases where people would otherwise not be able to get or afford other reasonable housing...but proposing using containers as a means to mass-house people who can't afford homes (due to inflation in the housing market as well as increased student debt loads) is just a bandaid on the problem, not a real solution.


Have you seen shipping container conversions? It is a solid structure to build a home from. You can actually build all sorts of structures out of shipping containers, often at greatly reduced costs from traditional stick construction.

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29 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Why is the shipping container thing silly?

I meant ‘silly’ more along the lines of ’clumsy’.  I get the point he’s trying to make, but he’s using a politically clumsy example; people will misunderstand him as arguing that we should all live in shipping containers, when he’s actually arguing for sensible housing reform.


But, clumsiness aside, he’s right; I for one have never seen a shipping container apartment that was anything less than swanky. :p

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27 minutes ago, Jason said:

Housing costs being out of control isn't really primarily about construction costs.


And if NIMBYs aren't willing to let a normal structure be built then they're gonna REALLY flip out over a shipping container.


He isn’t making the argument that we just need to build cheaper houses, but that NIMBY regulations stop the ability to create an adequate supply of housing, and construction methods like shipping container conversions that can rapidly increase the supply of housing aren’t possible in places with heavy restrictions.


Shipping container construction projects can be done at rapid speeds and with high density, which make them a great solution to low housing supply.


But I get @Signifyin(g)Monkey’s point in his follow up.

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We already have inexpensive mass manufactured homes: trailers. And they can be quite nice, very livable, in my experience. Problem is we don't have places to put them in major metros, and the places that do exist you often are forced to lease the land that your trailer is located. We need major urban land reform, like what Oregon and Minneapolis is doing. But this means everything from parking minimums/maximums, minimum setback distances, FAR ratios, spacing between buildings, building materials requirements, and need sustainable transportation starting from the core of cities and going outward. I'd even argue that some fire regulations are counterproductive as well (like, we seriously build massively wide roads in urban areas instead of forcing fire departments to buy smaller fire trucks)

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46 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

We already have inexpensive mass manufactured homes: trailers. And they can be quite nice, very livable, in my experience. Problem is we don't have places to put them in major metros, and the places that do exist you often are forced to lease the land that your trailer is located.


“Manufactured homes” as they have tried to rebrand them aren’t a terrible option, but you can’t stack them which limits the ability to create high density developments.

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Democrats take aim at the media


Sanders on WaPo and their response:



"I talk about [Amazon's taxes] all of the time," Sanders said, "And then I wonder why the Washington Post which is owned by Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, doesn't write particularly good articles about me. I don't know why."

Baron said, "Sen. Sanders is a member of a large club of politicians — of every ideology — who complain about their coverage. Contrary to the conspiracy theory the senator seems to favor, Jeff Bezos allows our newsroom to operate with full independence, as our reporters and editors can attest."


Biden camp on media:



Appearing on "CNN Right Now" with Brianna Keilar, Joe Biden advisor Symone Sanders criticized the national media, suggesting stories about Biden's recent gaffes were a "press narrative, not a voter narrative." Keiler pressed Sanders, asking her about another recent gaffe. Sanders dismissed that, saying it was a "false narrative" because Biden "corrected himself."

Separately, on Twitter, Biden's national press secretary TJ Ducklo also zinged the national press. Ducklo noted Biden's recent speech about the threat of white nationalism. "Iowa press: The stakes of this election couldn't be higher. National press: 'But his gaffes!'"


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But the media is right on both of them, Sander's is left Trump, they're even going after Weigel for his personal twitter, saying Warren had the largest crowd in Iowa, they're shit lords.  Biden is also prone to making horrific mistakes when speaking and hasn't offered any substance other than "I'm not Trump"


At the same time WaPo currently has this up for sanders on the front page, absolute shit lords.



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Houston Chronicle: Beto, come home. Texas needs you.



O’Rourke has had these moments before. Last year, he was asked if he supported Colin Kaepernick, the NFL quarterback whose protests by kneeling during the national anthem sparked a nationwide conversation. Instead of giving a safe, wishy-washy answer, he gave a heartfelt yes: “I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your rights, any time, anywhere, in any place.”


It went viral, the way his answer last Sunday did. We aren’t used to seeing candidates act like real people.


Frankly, it’s made us wish O’Rourke would shift gears, and rather than unpause his presidential campaign, we’d like to see him take a new direction.


So Beto, if you’re listening: Come home. Drop out of the race for president and come back to Texas to run for senator. The chances of winning the race you’re in now are vanishingly small. And Texas needs you.


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Tom Steyer has reached the donor mark. He just needs one more qualifying poll to get into the next Democratic debate.


Steyer didn't reach the donor mark by the time the article ran so he won't show on this, but here's where the candidates stand:




Delaney, the good businessman, has spent his money wisely.





The third candidate who seems to have a shot of making the stage (albeit a long shot) is New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who got her first qualifying poll last week. She still needs three more polls to qualify and, as of Aug. 7, approximately 30,000 more contributors to meet the donor requirement, but she’s still much further ahead than the other bottom-tier candidates.





While former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has one qualifying poll to his name, he reportedly had only 13,000 donors as of July 2. (He may also be exploring a possible Senate run back in Colorado.)


Inslee and Williamson:



Two other candidates, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and author Marianne Williamson, have reportedly surpassed 100,000 contributors but have yet to hit 2 percent in any qualifying surveys. As for the remaining seven candidates deemed “major” by FiveThirtyEight, none seems remotely close to 130,000 donors, and none has a single qualifying poll yet.


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29 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The point of cnn is to sell ads not report objectively, or anything that looks like that. Just imagine if Bernie or Warren wins the pushback that will happen. This is just the beginning. 


Difference is that Warren Warriors aren’t whiny pissbabies, so they will collectively shrug it off and move on. Berniebros can’t even handle tweets about crowd sizes. 

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3 minutes ago, Chris- said:


Difference is that Warren Warriors aren’t whiny pissbabies, so they will collectively shrug it off and move on. Berniebros can’t even handle tweets about crowd sizes. 


Very interesting that some Twitter warriors put Sanders in those political cartoons of him taking fire from opponents during the second debate -- as he deserved to be -- but conveniently left out Warren as @SFLUFAN noticed.



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