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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Sheā€™s pretty shitty for the things she said. But this particular thing I donā€™t really see the issue. Sheā€™s not wrong about legacies and why people care about them. Granted I didnā€™t read that article Iā€™m just going off the short quotes from it.
  2. Yep I have the same issues with red screens from my LG(around the same time as yours). Initially they replaced the panel for free even though it was 6 months out of warranty. Happened again with the replacement and now I just live with it and Iā€™ll get a new TV in a year or so. Seemed like it was a fairly common issue with those screens back then but not an issue anymore
  3. Oh I forgot to mention. Just to add to the surreal feeling of the night. There were no trailers, not even the normal Regal ā€œwelcome to the showā€ thing they run. Lights go down and here we go. Then the movie is only like 75 minutes. Followed by about 5 minutes of credits because like 12 people made the movie šŸ˜‚
  4. Soooooo I went to to see this tonight. My buddy and I bought tickets a month ago šŸ˜‚ We were convinced weā€™d be the only ones in the theater. But to my absolute delight, the show(only 1 showing) was SOLD OUT. Packed theater and a such an amazing time. This is about as B movie slasher as it can get. But the plot works, thereā€™s actual logic for why they are the way they are lol. Tons of gore but campy enough it doesnā€™t gross you out, great creative kills, every horror trope box gets checked. Truly a great time at the movies. I think this is only in theaters till the 23rd and Iā€™d highly recommend going, cause why the fuck not šŸ˜‚
  5. I stood in front of the living painting that plays the string instrument just listening for like 5 minutes yesterday. Yeah Iā€™m gonna be playing this for awhile
  6. I have a LG B9 thatā€™s a few years old and I have the balanced option so Iā€™d assume youā€™ll have it as well
  7. I didnā€™t really care about the Bat Girl movie but after hearing him talk about it on Stern, now I REALLY want to see it.
  8. Very interested to hear your impressions. Iā€™ve been teetering on getting one for a couple months now. I donā€™t have any kind of ability to play PC games(just have a work laptop) so that alone feels worth it.
  9. That absolutely exists but thatā€™s not at all the reason for the hype. Itā€™s 100% the fans of arguably the biggest IP out there right now. The developers knew exactly what they were doing in the marketing, it wasnā€™t until very recently they got into combat or even the dam story. The bulk of the early marketing all centered around ā€œLook you can actually walk around Hogwarts! We have all the common rooms!ā€ THAT is where the hype is coming from for the legion of Harry Potter fans. Hell I donā€™t even care about Harry Porter that much but even I think itā€™ll be cool to walk about that school/world haha
  10. Another very solid episode. Coming off of what is arguably one of the best episodes of television ever, it was naturally going to come down a bit. After a bit of a breather this week looks like next week is gonna go nuts again.
  11. To be fair I didnā€™t read the article. So just based on the quoted statement alone. When was there a shift in the thinking that the mega pharmaceutical companies arenā€™t evil as fuck? They 1000% are. Now if heā€™s also actually an anti-vaxxer than heā€™s an idiot. But heā€™s not more of an idiot than Phizer is evil so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø And lol at asking James Gunn to comment on other peopleā€™s tweets.
  12. Just watched it. Absolutely fucking loved it. The whole scene with the boyfriend in the kitchen was brilliant and then the description of his course šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that might be my favorite scene out of any movie Iā€™ve seen in the last year.
  13. Pretty sure theyā€™re done with Last of Us games. Arenā€™t Naughty Dog working on a fantasy themed game right now? But yeah the way the second game is told I would be totally down for them splitting that into two seasons.
  14. I have three that will forever by my top three gaming moments. Bioshock - Would You Kindly? Ocarina of Time - The entire temple of time/Link aging sequence. Gear of War 3? - Doms Death
  15. Easily one of my most anticipated games. Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Harry Potter, I like the movies never read the books. But my wife is a massive fan and I canā€™t wait to play through this with her.
  16. Oh yeah thatā€™s right. I think I like this version better. Keeping them more isolated seems like the better move.
  17. Damn that episode flew by. I played the game right after it came out so I only really remember the main beats and not any of the exact little details so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s shot for shot and whatā€™s new but damn is this show good. The opening(obviously new) was great. The clickers were perfect. My wife has zero knowledge of the story other than the basic concept and is loving it. She even usually dislikes ā€œzombieā€ stories but is loving this because ā€œthis feels significantly smarterā€
  18. I think I remember actively hating Mat for being so generically stupid until around book 4? I think thatā€™s when he pulled a 180 and became one of my favorites.
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