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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Superman is such a pussy. Skeletor tried to do the same thing to He-Man with the Diamond Ray of Disappearance. But He-Man crushed that shit with his bare hands and came back right away.
  2. Pretty sure there’s room in the world for both From style story telling and FF style story telling. I love Souls games and discovering the lore as you go. But I also absolutely love the fuck out of huge over the top story telling with plot twists and emotions and all kinds of insane shit. And this demo does give you both. You get a little glimpse into the crazy story telling but then when you’re done it unlocks a mode where it throws you later into the game with a lot more abilities unlocked so you can try out more advanced gameplay. Hence, one of the best demos of all time 👍🏻
  3. Lol at thinking I actually put the energy into blocking him. The posts are too much of a car wreck to block and miss out on 😂
  4. I played to the beginning of the swap and absolutely loved it! I don’t have a good eye for graphical stuff but I thought it looked pretty amazing. The cut scenes look just as good as the Diablo 4 ones imo. I seriously love everything about this so far.
  5. Same, AC 1-Ezio’s Trilogy are some of my favorite games of all time(yes I even loved 1). Just give me more of that.
  6. I’ll chime in on the level scaling/something missing. I’m running a Barbarian and felt the exact same way. Weapons felt pointless and everything was a struggle. But now at level 40(running WT2) I’m starting to crush everything and I’m one shoting a fair number of enemies. This version really is more about getting your skills to a place where they’re combing off each other as well as your weapon. I picked up a new Axe and there was a noticeable bump in damage. So for those struggling I’d say just stick with it. It does eventually get to the feel you’re looking for.
  7. I feel like I really really need to finish Rebels before this comes out
  8. Can’t wait to have to climb AT-AT’s in order to unlock the map of the closest area. Then go to one of the 100 icons unlocked so we can help a farmer clear farting Ton-ton’s off her property or some UBI shit like that
  9. Little to no actual gameplay, the “in engine” nonsense a cop out. I believe only 4 actual dates. I get in the current climate Devs are less willing to put a solid date on things and that’s fine. But when you’re a company that is being bashed for not having any games, and you don’t deliver dates as well as not actual gameplay to prove the games are close? Not good. “Let’s just say 2024 for everything so we look good, then we’ll delay it all later” Starfield looks pretty awesome. Just hope all those mechanics actually work properly and the bugs are limited for something so grand. The first party stuff they showed, outside of Starfield, looks pretty meh But at least there’s games? Maybe? B-
  10. At the time it was ok. Incredibly corny and seems crazy he never figured it out. But the dude they got is so genuine and nice you kinda just get sucked in.
  11. I hope this season has at least a semi satisfying close to the current arc so I don’t have to feel bad about pretending it doesn’t exist after this season. Kinda like how Into the Borderlands wrapped up pretty much everything after two seasons then for some reason had a third season haha
  12. This, 1000% this. For as much shit as people gave the modern story, that’s a big part of what I loved about 1-3(not really 3 though). The mystery and cliff hangers in each game was fantastic and I couldn’t wait to find out more. Then they ended it the way they did and never gave us the modern game they were CLEARLY building towards.
  13. Crap I think I forgot to submit last week. This week was tough. I think I got 5/6? Couple decent guesses and a couple hail Mary guesses.
  14. Im cautiously optimistic. I think Covid derailed S1 hard. The first 8(?) episodes were really solid. Great adaptation? Not really, but solid in the own world they were building. Then Covid delayed the final two episodes of the show, the actor playing Matt was fired and they CLEARLY had some kind of rewrite to get around him not being there. Those last two episodes felt so off compared so the first bunch completed before the Covid break. Sooooo with an uninterrupted S2 I’m hoping they can get it back on track. At the end of the day the more high budget fantasy we get the better haha
  15. I didn’t know that about the secret exp system. How do you know when you hit different tiers?
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