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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Just finished. Clocked in at just under 40 hours. Not even close to 100%. Towards the end(from Hel and the wolf onwards) the story picks up so much I kinda started pushing through it cutting back on side stuff. This is easily the greatest video game story I’ve ever experience. Just my opinion. Other games have had maybe greater individual moments but from start to finish, the entire Arc of Kratos is brilliant. This is also the only game other than Last of Us 1 that had a moment where I just wanted to stop. The story reaching such an isolated wonderful moment with a heavy sense of dread following that I didn’t want to move forward for the characters sake. So i guess there’s a shitload of story still left to find? I know there’s something that unlocks if you 100% the game but I’m not sure I’ve got the patience to go and do that. There’s other good story stuff too or just YouTube it?
  2. White Lotus S2 - 9/10 I thought the first season was fine. Beautifully shot and acted but I lost interest as it went along. This season was fantastic throughout, incredibly compelling. The Sicilian setting was also way more of a character itself than Hawaii. “My Achilles heel is an Achilles cock, it’s like a Greek tragedy” 😂😂 line of the year
  3. Dial M for Murder is one of my absolute favorite films
  4. Just watched it with my wife(who doesn’t know the game). First off, that was 80 minutes?? Good lord did that fly by. Felt like a regular 50 minute show. I loved every second of it. Seeing a game that was so powerful and memorable to me recreated in such a way on screen was amazing. I think there’s just enough new things sprinkled in that it kept it still feeling fresh. People are entitled to their opinions but I do not understand any kind of “it’s not different enough” criticism. This is arguably the singular video game story that earned the right to be translated as is. For me, The Last of Us was the game that you could finally point to and say that “look, videos games 100% belong at the table for serious storytelling” it was the first game that to me achieved a Hollywood level of storytelling. And so to me that game deserves to be adapted as faithfully as possible, to be given the Hollywood treatment. It’s so fitting that this will probably become the first truly great video game adaptation. To me a very faithful adaption with sprinkles of improvement and new stuff was the perfect way to go with this show.
  5. The true test will be if the show can recreate the absolute tsunami of crippling emotions when the
  6. This might inspire me to get back to these. I read/listened(literally a combination of both) about halfway through book 4 leading up to the show. The last episode left such a bad taste in my mouth I just stopped engaging with the series completely haha. But I just finished Steven Kings Fairy Tale and I think the existence of this thread and desire to participate is pushing me to pick them back up.
  7. I LOVED Prometheus. People went full “bombs in space” on that movie for no reason 🙄 Covenant sucks though. But then again that movie pissed me off in the first 10 minutes when I realized the sequel/story I wanted was just a 10 minute flashback at the beginning 😐
  8. Red Red Redemption 2. It’s the only video game I truly hate down to my core. Fuck that game and fuck everyone who made it.
  9. Puss and Boots: I forget the Subtitle 9/10 Brought my son to the theater(first time since Sonic before Covid for him) to see it today. Uhhh it’s fucking fantastic. During the action sequences they switch to a “Spiderverse” style of animation that looks fantastic. Story is great, the emotional parts land really well and the it’s funny as hell. John Mulaney as the bad guy crushes it. Def recommend it.
  10. This show has full on hit its stride. Absolutely loved the latest episode. Easily the most beautiful of the show so far as well. Also kind of an underrated thing but this show is also really really good at finishing single episode arcs while also leaving you with fantastic “holy shit can’t wait to see what’s next” cliff hangers.
  11. Yeah I don’t get Harry Potter or Kids Show vibes from this at all.
  12. I thought that looked fun as hell. These movies have always been over the top with the gore but in a very silly “Tarantino/cartoonish” sort of way. Loved the Remake and hopefully this one can come close.
  13. The original is still fun, it’s worth the watch. Just remember you’re watching sillier 80’s fantasy. Not post LotR modern serious fantasy. So I just watched 5/6. And yeah, they kick it up. 5 is def the best of the season up to that point but 6 is like a level above. It’s like a new series is starting. The vibe of 6 is just so utterly brilliant and as has been said, it feels like they really found their voice and confidence to make the show they actually wanted to make. The trolls 😂😂😂😂. The cameo is brilliant, there’s humor, high stakes, serious and earned emotion and a hell of a mystery to leave you with “nooooo what happens next!” This show is becoming my happy place. It just makes me smile.
  14. The interaction comes later. You’re playing bots until you hit bronze rank. The matchmaking is actually determined by your collection level not rank. Different tiers of cards unlock at different collection levels. Everything is relatively basic until you hit Tier 3(collection level 400ish I think?) that’s when stuff really opens up. It becomes much more than “make numbers go up” and the combos as well as counters you can pull off are pretty insane. All that being said, you have to like it enough to get there(doesn’t take that long) but if you don’t like it now it might not be worth it to put the time in.
  15. This is so spectacular. I finally just finished and I’m so unbelievably moved. Never did I think Star Wars would be a thing where I just sit and stare at the blank screen even after the credits are finished. The show itself was so utterly brilliant. This thread has pretty much covered all the reasons why. But I can’t remember the last time created so much genuine and earned tension. So many moments and such a journey from Episode 1 to 12. And that final funeral speech. My god that speech. I’m so thankful for this show, and I hope it gains legs through word of mouth and we get more like this. I don’t want laser swords, hand lightning and space dog fights to go away. But I want so much more of this as well.
  16. Came here to say this. He’s my favorite comedian right now. He’s able to straddle these lines flawlessly while being legitimately clever and funny.
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