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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I’m going over to my sister’s. I don’t think we have anything special planned. It’s mostly just our regular weekly dinner, and then there’s a game we will only kinda pay attention to.
  2. As long as the coconuts aren’t picked by slave monkeys.
  3. I only use it when making smoothies, which is pretty rare.
  4. I thought the movie was fine overall. I would probably give it a 6. It's true that they don't make 'em like this anymore, because this one was originally written in the early 90's. Regarding the ending...
  5. I've been thinking about it. I bought it back at launch, but didn't stick with it for long. I might end up just playing Skyrim again though.
  6. I think Kal is mostly correct regarding gameplay, but for people who are excited to replay these games, just being back in that world with those characters is likely the bulk of the appeal. I don’t care if the shooting is poor, as long as I can do it with my homie Wrex by my side.
  7. Did I miss Days Gone on PS+? Or are you talking about that collection of games for PS5 owners?
  8. I finally got around to playing this. It feels like a beautiful culmination of everything Supergiant has done up to this point. But man, it gets a little too hectic for me at times, especially once you get to rooms where half of the floor is lava.
  9. Unless this is a complete technical disaster, I will definitely get this. I’ve had the itch to replay these games recently.
  10. Just make sure it has a flared base. “Without a base, without a trace”
  11. “The Helix” sounds like the central location in a dystopian sci-fi movie. And hey, it looks like one too!
  12. My 1br is $585 a month, which is low for the area (Cincinnati), but still in a decent part of town.
  13. I make $16 an hour at a Kroger DC. I get by alright (no kids, cheap rent), but not really saving a lot. That “hero” pay we got at the start of the pandemic was nice for those 6 weeks or whatever. It would have been nicer if it didn’t stop, or at the very least if it came back when cases spiked again.
  14. A Mortal Kombat movie is guaranteed to be stupid. Hopefully this will be fun stupid.
  15. I really enjoyed Firewatch. As long as you know what you’re getting into (and it sounds like you do) there’s plenty to like in it. Crazy to think that it’s 5 years old already. I also highly recommend The Stanley Parable, one of the more playful entries in this sub genre. Although you might want to wait on that one, since there’s an expanded edition coming (maybe) this year.
  16. Don’t be ridiculous. Heart Tears VIII isn’t out until July. I played through Persona 4 Golden and loved it, but I think that was enough Persona for me. I started 5 and got through the first dungeon and thought “this is fun, but do I really want to play another 90 hours of this?”
  17. “Couldn’t find Coupon.” Damn, I didn’t jump on this fast enough.
  18. Can't believe I forgot about this classic.
  19. I'll be watching this thread, and the next time I make it to Jungle Jim's (a local massive international grocery store) I'll see how many of these named sauces I can find. They claim to carry over 1,500 varieties.
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