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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Yeah, being a convicted murderer is a flaw, if you wanna get all technical about it.
  2. I just finished The Spy Who Came in From the Cold. I have to read more Le Carré now.
  3. I’m 1000% on board for this. Those first two episodes are so much fun.
  4. This is... not a particularly good movie. But I really like the two leads, so I still enjoyed it. I could have done without the first 40 minutes of lockdown-triggered domestic drama. The trailer made it look more fun, but it’s pretty serious during that first act.
  5. Nomadland will drop on Hulu the same day of its "wide" theatrical release - Feb. 19th.
  6. A couple of people in my department haven’t been to work in a week. Nobody will outright say it, but it seems pretty obvious that they treated positive. They work a different shift, so I have limited interaction with them, but I’ve noticed they are the type of people who frequently pull down their masks to yell at each other.
  7. For new content, online multiplayer, and one less reason to ever touch the Wii U again - it's probably worth that for me.
  8. Can't wait to see him get rejected by every other major publisher, so he ends up on Wattpad or some shit.
  9. She was trying to tease him like she often does whenever he says or does something vaguely romantic to her mom. So when he said something like "I love you so much sweetie" and my niece says "You're such a simp, Dad." We all kinda froze, and we asked her what she meant. To her, it just meant that he "simps" for his wife, like he worships her.
  10. Build them? I assume he has a full fleet of them stored in a secure storage facility, ready to be deployed when the time comes (which it has, btw).
  11. I’m in the opposite position. This is my day off. I want to relax. I would rather be at work right now, where I get almost no reception and nobody follows the news (unless it’s about sports).
  12. I do love Slay The Spire. I can imagine it translating to a tabletop format easily enough.
  13. Saying this completely unrelated to anything just posted, but I find it’s often valuable to consider the source of a review.
  14. I finished The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune. It is an extremely sweet, charming, fun read. It’s message of acceptance is delivered with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but the overwhelming earnestness of it worked for me.
  15. Oh yeah, nothing wrong with theories and speculation. I think my experience getting heavily invested in Lost as it aired somewhat burned me on trying to look too closely at certain things. I hit the tipping point where trying to “solve” the thing left me incapable of actually enjoying the thing.
  16. I think part of the trick of Spirited Away is that there aren't "correct" answers to some of this. I don't think Miyazaki himself would be able to tell you exactly how much time has passed, either in the spirit world or the real world, or if time is different between the two. It does make me think about the movers they hired. How long do they sit in their truck, waiting for the family to arrive? Do they just unload all of their shit in the front porch after a few hours? Do they wait a day or two and file a missing persons report?
  17. My 12 year old niece called her dad a simp on Christmas. It was awkward.
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