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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Oh yeah, I tried that a while ago. There was a demo for the Xbox version. It seems like a really solid throwback platformer.
  2. I would have never expected Cage to star in a Disney+ series, so it doesn't really feel like like we're "losing" him. And from the article: so a new Cage movie is still possible.
  3. Huh. I've had this game in my Steam account for at least a decade, but I don't remember ever playing it. Is this still considered one of the high points of the series?
  4. I was thinking "it's been a while since we've heard from this guy. I wonder what he's been up to recently" completely forgetting that he made that James Bond movie that was supposed to come out a year ago. Oof.
  5. I've caught up on all of the BP nominees now. Promising Young Woman lived up to my expectations, with a few pleasant surprises. Well, "pleasant" may not be the right word, but you know what I mean. Minari is great. Don't have much to say about it. Some wild stuff from Will Patton. The Father is... I don't know. It's not bad. It's pretty standard Oscars stuff to have a movie based on a play featuring beloved actors to get a bunch of recognition, but Ma Rainey could have easily taken this slot. I also watched News of the World this morning, and I'm a little surprised it didn't get nominated for more things. Not that it's particularly amazing or anything, but a throwback Western starring America's Dad seems right up their alley.
  6. It doesn't do anyone any good to keep thinking about these consoles in terms of "generations", at least as far as Nintendo is concerned. Playstation and Xbox have spent the last 20 years going head-to-head, releasing new, competing hardware on very similar cycles. Nintendo hasn't been playing that game since the Gamecube, and it's pointless to try to lump them in with the others.
  7. For the last month or two, every game should be available for 99 cents. Let me load up my Vita with a bunch of weird visual novels I’ll never play.
  8. It’s interesting that these are two completely different ways of loosely “adapting” the same source material. Lupin the Third is about the grandson of the character from the classic French novels. In the new Netflix show, the main character is a modern day guy who has basically modeled his entire life around those books.
  9. The extra vaccine in your system comes out in your urine, like vitamins. So you could be the world's first golden shower-based charity.
  10. I was going to watch this today before going to work at 2PM, then I realized something wonderful: I don’t have to.
  11. Season 3 of Ozark came out about a year ago. I didn’t get into the show when the first season came out. I tried a couple of episodes and it didn’t hook me, but I gave it another shot last year and got really into it. Watched all three seasons in like 10 days.
  12. Mine cleared yesterday. I’ve been able to keep working like normal for the past year, so I didn’t really need this, but also I don’t make a lot of money, so it definitely helps.
  13. In a bit of good timing, Another Round just dropped on Hulu today. I’ve been looking forward to watching that one for a while. Promising Young Woman has been available as a premium rental for a while now, but comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray tomorrow, so it’ll be a little cheaper to see.
  14. What counts as original and adapted can get weird sometimes. Before Damien Chazelle made Whiplash, he made a short film (basically an ~18 minute chunk from the middle of the movie) to raise funding for the feature. He ended up getting nominated for Adapted Screenplay, because according to their rules, the feature film was based on the short. And I’m sure that a movie like Trial of the Chicago 7 was written using reference materials, but I guess since it didn’t use enough from a single source, it counts as original.
  15. The eligibility window was expanded this year, and the ceremony itself was pushed back two months, I believe all for pandemic reasons.
  16. I really enjoyed Trial of the Chicago 7, but it doesn't need to win anything. If they wanna be woke, Judas is right there (and is the better movie in basically every way).
  17. Love that Judas and the Black Messiah is getting recognized, although it's weird that the co-leads both ended up getting nominated for supporting. I've seen most of the major nominees at this point, except The Father, Minari, and Promising Young Woman (which I'll see this week). It's honestly rude that the Tenet score wasn't nominated.
  18. I hope I don’t have to change my sexy avatar.
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