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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I remember seeing that first in The Last of Us. It tells you right on the pause screen when the last save was.
  2. She learned how to fly after listening to Steve explain away how he could still fly a plane that was built 60 years after he died. You just have to "feel the air" or some shit.
  3. This is the Biggie I know and love tolerate.
  4. I was all in on the drama in the beginning. There was a certain point where I tried to distance myself from it all because it got too real/sad.
  5. Ah yes, the one notable thing CMack ever did.
  6. I each too much junk as it is. Don’t need it regularly mailed to me.
  7. I'm excited for this one. And in case you missed it at the end of the second trailer, this is part of the HBO Max Warner Bros thing, so it'll be streaming in two weeks when it hits theaters.
  8. I only know history via Tom Hanks movies, and The Post is about the Pentagon Papers, so I think that's the one.
  9. Various hand issues, which really kicked in about a year ago, unfortunately made it hard for me to hold a controller or mouse long enough to do any real gaming for half of the year. There was a lot of poking at my iPad though, so entirely far too much Hearthstone has been played. I did have a few good months there in the summer, where all I played was TLOU2, Tony Hawk 1+2, and COD Warzone. But anyway, since I stayed fully employed the whole time (and not working from home), I didn't necessarily have a ton of extra gaming time.
  10. My brother in law plays his Xbox constantly, but it’s only the same few games. When I told him about Game Pass Ultimate, he said something along the lines of “that’s cool, but I already have Gold, I just buy the games I want, and I don’t play on PC”.
  11. Tingling/numbness in the pinky to the elbow is likely cubital tunnel syndrome. See a doctor if possible, but if they’re anything like mine, they’ll just tell you to sleep with a splint on your elbow. There’s a good chance that will help, but it might take weeks to feel better.
  12. You’ve been on the Game Pass street team for a while now. Did they give you a heads-up about this?
  13. Wow, just straight up doubled the price? That’s wild. I’ve been on GP Ultimate for a while now, so hopefully that doesn’t go up.
  14. I’m saying I watched that throne room fight probably 10 times and never noticed any continuity problems, because I wasn’t skipping through it frame by frame trying to tear it down.
  15. Sure, that's ok for The Princess Bride, a light bedtime story of a movie. But when depicting something as serious as a laser sword fight between space wizards, we deserve a rigid adherence to realism.
  16. A few weeks ago, I scheduled my next therapy session for my regular time. My therapist asked this morning if I could reschedule. My regular time is noon on Wednesday. Neither of us were really thinking about it, I guess.
  17. I try to keep all of my shopping to once a week, usually a weekday morning. Since I'm only buying groceries for one, I can usually get in and out in 15 minutes or so.
  18. Hey, he had 3 Doors Down and Lee Greenwood, what's he complaining about?
  19. So far each episode has had its own self-contained story, exactly like the sit-coms they are emulating. But there are enough weird holes being poked into that formula that make it seem clear to me that it isn’t going to hold for forever. It’s probably all gonna blow up at some point and give us big reveals that are going to set up some crucial corner of the MCU’s Phase 4 or whatever. Honestly, I would almost prefer is this stayed a weird little side thing. I want as much Paul Bettany as classic sit-com ham as I can get.
  20. TheLeon

    Porn addiction

    I don’t like porn. Yes, I’m sad and lonely, so I can see how you would think to tag me in this, but I’m a weird prude who doesn’t watch porn.
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