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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I’ve started using this “carbmaster” milk. I like it in my cereal more than nut-based alternatives, although I guess if I’m trying to cut down on carbs/sugar, I should probably stop eating cereal.
  2. Season 2 of Evil has started up (yay) on Paramount+ (boo). It’s the same weird show that I can’t decide if it’s great or terrible, only now they can say “fuck”, so that’s cool.
  3. @BrickTo keep it relevant to this thread, you need to start referring to that ring as your CO Power.
  4. I don’t like it, but I can understand games like BotW and Mario Odyssey not dropping. Those are still two of the marquee, “must buy” Switch games for anyone buying the system now. But like crispy said, is Astral Chain still hanging out on the best sellers list? Luigi’s Mansion 3 still raking in the dough? Splatoon 2, a 4-year old game that relies on multiplayer, should probably be $20 at the most, but nope, full $60. I won’t pretend to understand business better than the heads of Nintendo, but it feels needlessly stubborn at this point.
  5. I mean, not to keep rehashing the same point, but this sale is comparable to the recent sale on the Switch store for games like Fire Emblem and BotW, but these games all came out in the last ~8 months.
  6. Please, watch them all, in chronological order. 1-3, Solo, Rogue One, 4-9. For science.
  7. Sorry to hear that. I feel like I’ve come close a couple of times, but it’s more like I seize up and can’t process anything at all for a few minutes. It’s had to explain.
  8. Nintendo has kinda fallen to a neutral place for me. I don’t hate them, I’m just not interested in a lot of their output. And that’s OK! I get like one big Switch game a year, and I’m fine with that.
  9. I gave away most of my GBA games at one point, but I think I held onto these two and the Fire Emblem games.
  10. Playing DOTA to warm up for this is like going through Army boot camp as prep for your local softball beer league.
  11. I kinda want to double dip on BotW so I can put away my Wii U for good, but a 30% discount on a 4 year old game just feels terrible.
  12. Flightplan (2005) - I watched this because I’ve recently realized that “thriller on a mode of transportation” is one of my favorite sub-genres. It’s pretty unremarkable. The story is barely passable, performances are fine, a more interesting director maybe could have spiced it up. Red Eye is easily my pick for airplane-based thriller of 2005.
  13. I started thinking about this when Godzilla v Kong came out: I wish there was a market for "big budget" short films. The reason for that movie to exist, the shit everyone wants to see, is maybe 30-40 minutes. But because you can't sell theater tickets or $30 Blu Rays for something that short, they've gotta add 90 minutes of whatever to justify the budget.
  14. What is a "AAA studio" in this context? A new Metroid game, which they have very carefully labeled as "core" game in this historic franchise, is going to be held to a very high standard, regardless of the size of the team, or the budget they were given.
  15. If they’re putting it out at $60, it absolutely deserves to be considered that way. If they want say “hey, we outsourced this, it’s a side thing, no big deal, it’s a mid-budget title”, cool. But this is Metroid 5, which is a Big Deal, so it’ll be judged accordingly.
  16. I attended a small film festival several years ago, and for those few days I just watched as many movies as I could fit in my schedule. That was a pretty cool curated experience, where I saw I bunch of stuff I probably wouldn't have normally seen. It was an indie festival, and most of the movies I saw never really broke out. The one exception was Tangerine, which was a blast at that late night screening. I think that kind of curation is cool, but for some reason for me it's hard to translate that idea to the streaming space. Mubi is a service that basically uses that as their selling point, and I subscribed for a month or two and barely watched anything. Yes, I might like that obscure Estonian drama you hand selected for me today, but when I'm sitting at home alone on the couch, I'm much more likely to click on some forgettable early 00's action movie that caught my eye on Amazon Prime.
  17. At this point, the best I can hope for is to maintain my current situation, which as I get older will only be sadder.
  18. This thread is a fun way to realize I haven’t been truly happy since I was like 8.
  19. My current wallet is kinda in between the old school fat wallet and the slim minimalist. I could probably scale down, since I never really need to carry more than like 3 cards and $20 cash.
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