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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. My in-game timer was almost exactly at 10 hours when I entered the final dungeon.
  2. I want to play this game again before I play Alyx. So what do we think will happen first: they finish this, or I get my hands on a reasonably priced video card?
  3. I was just coming here to brag that I made it to the final dungeon already, only to find that Xbob is a full game+ ahead of me. I've used a walkthrough a couple of times just to find where to go next. It probably wouldn't have been hard to figure out most of the time, but running around every town, talking to every person until you find the one that actually says something useful is one of my least favorite things in games.
  4. I chugged a big cup of strong coffee before going to my 6:10PM screening of this movie, and still struggled to stay awake. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a movie that could be described as "dream-like". My own dreams are shitty enough. I don't need to watch a whole movie of someone else's. There are some undeniably rad visuals. Enough for a couple awesome music videos (or movie trailers), but not enough to sustain a two hour movie. I have no idea what the fuck was happening for the majority of this movie, and I would love for someone to try and explain it to me, but please wait a couple of hours (that's my bedtime). But I suppose it's my fault for not reading the book ancient poem first.
  5. Pacing is the number one thing that turns me off of most RPGs, and it’s pretty good here. From what I understand, they’ve tweaked the difficulty of this game over the years. I’m happy with where it is now, since I haven’t needed to grind at all, just doing the fights along the way. The random encounter rate is maybe a little higher than I would like, but they usually go quick, especially when I can just hit the auto button and let my boys do their thing.
  6. So I'm chugging through FF1. I just cleared the volcano for the second crystal, which (I'm guessing) puts me at roughly the halfway point. I like the look and feel of this version, although I don't have a ton of experience with other versions to compare it to. Apparently the font has really pissed people off, but I really don't see the problem. Like I said, this is my first time making any real progress in this game, and now I remember some of the things that turned me off of it in the past (and they don't bother me now). The magic system is different from most games in the genre, and it feels very limiting at first. The fighter characters are boring, since you don't have any real abilities. What's the point of a thief without Steal?!?
  7. It's a weird movie. They straight up copy a lot of John Wick's world-building (everyone is either an assassin or in business with assassins. It's a library, but all the books have guns!!) but then it seemed like they were going to add a goofy comedy sensibility to stand out. Unfortunately, they don't take that far enough for it to really work. There's that one action sequence with a fun gimmick that I thought was done pretty well, but then that kinda goes away and the rest of the action is fairly straightforward. I would put it a little higher than a 4, but not much.
  8. I'm going old school simplistic as well - Final Fantasy. I bought that new bundle on Steam. I owned some version ages ago (I think the GBA cart that had 1 and 2) but barely played it. Since I dropped like $80 on these 6 games, I'm going to commit to finishing at least a couple of them. I've played a lot of FF over the years, but never actually finished one.
  9. It's always wild to scroll through his credits on IMDB. "Oh look, the director and star of Gladiator reunited to make another movie! It's about a guy who... hangs out in a French vineyard?"
  10. Your issue isn't a problem for me because I can't use an SD card on my lolphone. My issue, which involves my Daily Mixes updating in the middle of my shift, so I lose most of the shit I downloaded 5 hours ago, happens regularly.
  11. Understood. I fully acknowledge the severity of this situation. You have my full support in this and all your future endeavors.
  12. I get little to no reception at work (giant refrigerated warehouse) so I download playlists from Spotify every day before I go to work. I have my own gripes about that process, but they are certainly not worth bringing up.
  13. They're very clearly trying to do something different to keep this franchise going. For any number of reasons, a straight-up Ghostbusters 3 is not gonna happen. The 2016 movie had a, um, mixed reaction, so going further down that path is off the table. Tonally, it reminds me of Super 8, which seems like a fine way to go. Plenty of room for fun/jokes.
  14. I forgot I had a couple other points about my ME experience. It might be because of the tweaks they made to the combat experience, but it was a lot easier than I remember. I normally stick to the default difficulty on long, story-heavy games like this, but at points it was just too easy. I was taking out dudes with 1-2 pistol shots towards the end, often using my abilities when I got bored, not because I needed to. And Mako sections were similarly trivial (except for Thresher Maws). In most cases I didn't even bother trying to avoid shots when I was driving, and I almost never lost shields. I didn't buy a single thing from a shop. Early on, everything is too expensive, and then by the time you have money you can just find equipment that's good enough. Maybe on a higher difficulty that becomes necessary, or maybe I missed out on some cool items because I just straight up ignored the shops after a while. Not a complaint, I just thought that was kinda funny. Likewise, I had a massive supply of omni-gel at a certain point and nothing to really use it on, so I eventually just used it to skip every 4 second hacking sequence. They are so easy, it felt like a waste, but also they're stupid, so I didn't mind skipping them. Towards the end, when I was mopping up a bunch of side quests, I forgot that you hit a point where you can't return to the Citadel. I didn't mind, since I'm the farthest thing from a completionist, but I got mildly annoyed at how that was handled in the Journal. Some things got greyed out because you couldn't complete them, but not everything.
  15. Well, I bought it, like the chump I am. Now I just need to commit to actually playing them… … … …
  16. Now I want to dress up like Indiana Jones, go to a Hobby Lobby, and start whipping things off the shelves while yelling “that belongs in a museum!”
  17. I never got a rash or anything, but that foam is kinda uncomfortable.
  18. Credits roll on ME1. I took about 17 hours, doing a decent amount of side stuff. I really appreciate all the changes they made. I love the original game, but it definitely needed some updates to be fun in 2021. It felt good to play through a full game like this. I don't think I've done that since TLOU2 last summer. I probably won't jump into ME2 right away (going to explore some Game Pass content on my series X) but I'm looking forward to it.
  19. it’s two very funny numbers put together
  20. Review of ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’ (2021) LETTERBOXD.COM i was asked to do punch up on this movie and repeatedly pitched a bit in which lebron james goes through the sisterhood of the traveling pants franchise. “he and bugs could wear the pants” i said.…
  21. I’ve taken two short pandemic-time trips. Last September I got a cabin in the Red River Gorge area in Kentucky and hiked around for a couple of days. Then I did the same thing in Hocking Hills a few months ago. Both areas are beautiful.
  22. I can see why reviews are all over the place. The movie is all over the place! I completely enjoyed it, but the way I was enjoying it changed throughout the movie, if that makes sense. Sometimes it was so-bad-it’s-good, other times it was legitimately good and compelling. Wild stuff.
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