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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Lately besides my usual platforming/story/exploring stuff I like most I’ve been really into crunchy visceral combat like Dead Island 2 and Evil West.
  2. I have a theory that maybe all of this free speech stuff is a bunch of nonsense no matter how you look at it and none of it matters beyond whatever it’s being used to sell
  3. Depends if you can hold out a year and a half for 5000 series or not! It’s too bad 3000 series didn’t have dlss3, would have been much easier to wait to the next gen.
  4. I think it’s that most people know what the term means, but questioning the term is more about scoring points against Xbox like haha it has no exclusives etc. I think overall it largely doesn’t matter and I usually see console exclusive these days and that seems clear enough!
  5. “Let’s just say things aren’t going very well. Will they get any better? It’s possible, but I wouldn’t say it’s a certainty. I look at Nintendo and I look at Sony and I see they have all these great games coming out. Fantastic games. And we just love to be part of that conversation. At Xbox we like to ask ourselves, are gamers happy? And right now if I look at the industry as a whole, I think we are happy with how that looks.” - Matt Booty at the next investor call, probably.
  6. I gotta say I’ve been really enjoying the gaming laptop + nreal combo. It’s nice having all that local power and the ease and comfort of just hooking up the glasses and holding a gamepad. This little 14” thing is a beast, I’m super happy with its performance even if I’d rather the cpu was intel, but maybe they had their reasons for that. I do like playing some on the laptop screen because it’s just so damn nice looking and I get hdr, but for longer sessions laptop design doesn’t work so well for me and that’s where these glasses are a game changer. Biggest issue with my whole setup right now is I wish the glasses were brighter now and my Rokid’s haven’t given any updates yet!
  7. I think the problem is these types usually don’t want to just go away and silently mind their own business amongst each other. I think long term it’s usually more about wanting to “take back” America or whatever and they probably wouldn’t be happy without massively displacing everyone else. I like the idea of White Cis Island where bigots just fuck off and inbreed themselves into extinction, but I think it works best outside of the same territory as the rest of us.
  8. Might hit a first sale to at least get a couple hundred off but either way that’s going to be one hell of a tv!
  9. It’s sad. I know some people from high school and I look at their facebook posts now and some of them believe Joe Biden is actually president
  10. As a bit of a renaissance man, a man of the world if you will, an everyman with both exquisite taste and an ear to the people, I find this to be quite pish posh.
  11. I mean, he said “food for everyone” not “on me”! Dude just thinks people should eat
  12. lmao that is one hell of a difference between fights I wonder how easy the easy is, this looks pretty fun.
  13. I stuck with 65” because I feel like in general that’s a good PPI for 4k, especially at my viewing distance which is around 9ft yeah. I wouldn’t mind myself a larger size at 9ft away though, but I want to make that jump with 8k as I don’t want to lose perceived clarity.
  14. And answered a few work questions! Well, it’s only 12:45pm here, so I’m just about to start the video gamin. Also gonna start planning out a short Reno trip in a week or so.
  15. I would say as far as timing that I agree you can get into a never ending cycle waiting for the right tv at the right time but I would just say get whatever tv you want whenever unless what you want is the current years model and it just came out. It just always makes sense to me to always buy current year 6 months or so in. It never will be a value that makes much sense.
  16. No this is definitely better than the English Patient
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