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Everything posted by Slug

  1. 5.2 Update is Live BR Changes: New Limited Time Mode - Steady Storm: No safe circle, storm constantly closes in and moves at a consistent pace. Storm ticks health at 10 dmg/second. New Weapon - Double Barreled Shotgun: High close-up burst damage with a significant damage drop off at distance. Vending Machines have had their spawn rate increased and their material costs for items decreased. Remote Explosives reduced pick-up amount from 4 to 3 and reduced max carrying capacity from 10 to 6. Added a higher accuracy penalty to jumping and sprinting for Dual Pistols, Submachine Guns, and Hunting Rifles. The weapon fire position now more closely follows the actual player position when crouching and un-crouching (shooting while leaving the crouched stance will no longer fire bullets from full standing height until the animation is complete). This stops the technique known as "ghost peeking". Those are the major BR changes. There are a bunch of other tweaks and bug fixes. Full patch notes, including Switch performance improvements, can be read at https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news
  2. Welcome aboard! :P What's your Epic ID so we can add you for mediocre D1P action?!
  3. OK, so I gave it a shot. It's fun, which is what's important. Weapon controls seem to be pretty spot on. Not a lot of variation from your cross-hairs. Feels good. I like the variation of the abilities. So far I'm liking the engineer the best (turret++). Overall it's pretty fun and I'll absolutely be down to play if someone wants to, or if I'm done my Fortnite challenges for the week and looking to slow down and get a change of pace. I enjoyed it. That said: - I wish there was more cover in the wilds. If you're in the open and seen first it's pretty much over. - Everyone's normal jump feels like it's juuuuust a hair too low. Like..these are fit warriors. I should be able to jump up something that's at thigh-level. Shit, I'm fat and out of shape and I can do that IRL. - I hate the chicken mechanic. Just let me die. I have revived from chicken a few times, but those times aren't worth all the times I could've either (a) gotten into a new queue faster or (b) not had to sit there while some kid teabagged my chicken. - I'm not experienced enough to talk about balance yet, but there definitely seems to be some class abilities (and class weapons) that are better than others. I'm sure they'll tweak these though. - The forge mechanic is...interesting, but I'm not a fan. I mean..it's not bad. But it's too slow maybe? Battle Royale games are about surviving. Summoning all the players in the vicinity to your location is kind of counter to that goal. I've had to fight off multiple enemies every time I've used a forge. - $35 for the Battle Pass? Noooooope.
  4. 2nd legit solo win! Only took me nearly 1,500 matches! :P
  5. I liked their Dark Souls game for the most part. The only problem is it's too mechanically close to the game, which means I have a hard time getting people to play it with me.
  6. I'll download it for funsies, but I can't imagine being competitive on a phone. Side note: With as much money as Fortnite makes I wish Epic could come to some agreement with Sony on the account locking. Or a demonstration of some sort. Disable it for a weekend or something (planned, of course) to rile up PS4 players and get the problem back in the news. I really want to play on my Switch.
  7. There's classes? Public multi games with classes often run into balance issues. Any risk of that here? Concern over one class with a competitive advantage based on abilities becoming preferred?
  8. I didn't like the building mechanic at first. But once you have the basic structures down it's not bad. Actually makes for some really fun exchanges. I'll download Realm Royale tonight and give it a shot this weekend.
  9. It interests me, but I'm having an absolute blast with Fortnite right now. I only have so many gaming hours and between all the single play console stuff I am working on (God of War, Octopath Traveler, I am Setsuna, and now Tales of Zestiria) I don't want to splt the time up more with another Battle Royale. I'll download it and give it a try because I've only heard good things though. I just can't promise I can invest any real time into it.
  10. Should they just do away with helmets at this point? Make the pads smaller and just nix helmets altogether?
  11. - This is probably RG3's last real shot to show that he deserves to be in this League. Whether it's in Baltimore or elsewhere, he's playing for a roster spot. Can he perform well enough to get some coach's attention? - Debut of the Bears' rookie head coach. He'll be evaluating the roster, but can he manage (admittedly non critical cause preseason) game situations. What's his offense look like at full speed? Does Trubisky seem comfortable with his system? - Heisman winner Lamar Jackson's NFL debut. I don't care if it's preseason; football is back!
  12. They put blueberries in their beer. Pittsburghians are weird.
  13. You hear it on the street all the time. "Slurp Juice". "Minis". "Big Pot". That's right; all these kids are getting hooked on shields. The things they'll do for a "Chug Jug" or a "Shield Shroom". Despicable.
  14. Sure, I'm in. I bought Tales of Zestiria almost 2 years ago for PS4 and never even took the celophane off, because I was in the middle of something else. Then the games just kept coming out. I'll crack that open this weekend.
  15. Eel avocado is my favorite, probably.
  16. If eSports is expected to only grow in the future, then why not? People get rich off that shit. Hell, colleges have started to put together varsity level eSports programs complete with scholarships. People hire football, baseball, basketball, and whatever coaches for their kids. Send their kids to skills camps, etc. Makes sense that this would be a budding business opportunity.
  17. I started with Olberic who is an absolute beatstick at this point. I'd been running him, the merchant, the mage, and Ophelia. Ophelia just got kicked to the backup roster for Alfyn. He's too good.
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