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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Oh absolutely, I agree. The attacker was advancing on the guy until he pulled the gun out. As soon as the gun was out the guy backed off. There was no need to shoot in this circumstance. I think the man absolutely did not need shoot. Showing the weapon was clearly enough to stop the attack. No reasonable person should still "feel threatened" by someone backing off or running away. The shooter was absolutely in the wrong in this instance. My question was about Stand Your Ground in general.
  2. So no disparity in size/strength or circumstance matters if no other weapon is involved? Victim is elderly? 5'6 110lb. girl attacked by 6'4 250lb. guy? No weapons but victim is on the ground and the attack is continuing (repeated kicks, etc.)? Multiple attackers?
  3. Question for the class about Stand Your Ground in general - At what point is lethal self-defense OK, if ever? How many attacks should someone have to endure before deciding, "OK this person is going to really hurt me?" Someone bigger and stronger than you charges and knocks you to the pavement and stands over you. Do you wait for follow-up attacks? A kick to the face? Or does it matter at all; lethal response in self defense is never appropriate and you should just curl up and hope for the best?
  4. Woot! Grats! It's Fortnite Friday! Who's down for some shitty D1P Squad or Duo action?! I should be on around 8:30-9. Maybe earlier. If you see me on just join!
  5. $130 for the core set? My excitement is waning.... Then again I did pay $200 for Cthulhu Wars and have only played it twice in 3 years....
  6. I don't think it's something to be fixed. I'm pretty sure it was an aesthetic/artistic choice, not a result of some problem or limitation.
  7. So one more thing our governor is wrong about.
  8. Central Jersey is a myth. Come to south jersey. The pizza is just alright, but we got gigantic hoagies and cheesesteaks.
  9. I've given up on television news. BBC world radio and my local NPR station is about it for me.
  10. OK so I don't know what happened but I randomly got like 3 levels for each of my dudes in one fight. o_0 I was wandering through the Sunshade area, just killing stuff and working my way up to Sunshade to start Primrose's story. I had a random encounter with a bunch of lizardfolk. No big deal. I've mulched dozens of these guys. They were not particularly special in any way that I could see. When the fight ended I found they gave me over 1,000 EXP for the battle! I have no idea why or what was special about that fight, but 1k+ exp for an easy regular lizard dude fight. I roamed the area looking for more to fight, and I found them, but never again did any of them give me that crazy EXP bonus. So weird and random.
  11. I've never had a bagel in NY. So I'm saying pizza just because that's what I have a reference point for. I mean, there's absolutely some good pizza in NY. But there's good pizza in just about every city of notable size. NY ain't special in that regard.
  12. Fortnite Fridays? D1P squad? Being terribad all night for sweet Drift exp? WHo's down?
  13. I don't even give a shit if they allow cross play; just don't lock out my 3rd party account from being used on other platforms. I don't care if I ever get to play with other console players while I'm on my PS4. But I purchased all my content on PC and damnit, I wanna use it on Switch.
  14. No worries. Not like I was doing great or anything. :P
  15. Mo got to see first hand my awfulness yesterday. :P Every console player I know has said that it takes some getting used to, but ultimately builder pro is faster and better for them.
  16. Enjoyed a growler of Eclipse's Farmhouse Saison during D&D last night.
  17. I've gotta find whatever the Octopath Traveler version of the classic "Ribbon" accessory is. Because there's this one dude as soon as I challenge him it's like a Marlboro; instantly poisoned, confused, blind, etc.
  18. You'll have to teach me. Verticality is the devil. I'm good until I either get above or below someone, then I'm garbage. I can't keep track of my enemy's position. As soon as I lose sight of them it's game over; I can never reacquire them and they ace me from above, below or behind.
  19. Damn dude. I have 3 wins out of nearly 800 games. And I only count one of those wins as legitimate. o_0
  20. I am special. :P And yeah..but that's the same for anyone right?
  21. As far as I know, yeah. But fortunately it doesn't really affect me because I'm PC. The only consequence to me is that I lose out on portable Fortnite since I can't log in on Switch. I can still play with anyone on any platform because PC.
  22. No, Sony doesn't allow crossplay with other consoles pretty much at all. Only PC.
  23. Yeah it does. I'm primarily a PC player so it's no big deal since I can still play my account on PC which is 99% of my Fortnite playing anyhow. I was looking forward to portable Fortnite on Switch, but no dice since I logged in to my account on PS4 a couple times and Sony doesn't play well with the other consoles.
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