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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. A dude that is repeatedly outside a woman's work before the place opens when they have no established relationship outside one shared baklava is absolutely creep behavior. It'd be one thing if he was also there for breakfast or something, but he's not. The only reason it doesn't fully come off that way is that we're supposed to be rooting for Nate. I probably wouldn't be as hung up on this if the show did ANYTHING to show us why or how Nate is growing. We see it with Roy, we see it with Ted, we see it with Jamie, etc. Nate spent season 2 as a self loathing asshole who couldn't get the girl and now... he got the girl? So he's better? Again for a show that has handled more complicated stuff better than this, it's weird that we're spending so much time with a character and arc that's just so undercooked.
  2. At some point in my 30s I found a journal I kept in high school and after checking out a dozen or so random pages, I honest to god burned it to ashes.
  3. Yes. I’ve seen people make the Zelda equivalent of fire breathing mechs and horribly cursed wooden automata. It’s great.
  4. I’m only a few hours into Tears of The Kingdom but I’ve already made a Mad Max car out of wood that I assembled poorly, the flamethrower i meant to strap onto the front for intimidation was placed poorly so my car caught fire, which caught Link on fire, and I while eating a meat skewer to replenish my health, the car caromed off a rock and into some exploding barrels, killing me instantly. Game of the generation.
  5. I think the line between "being a dork" and "being a creep" can be razor thin. Having a dude routinely show up at your work before you're in a relationship with them is absolutely something women complain about. We know Nate and his intentions so it's "fine" but showing up to someone's job with a diorama to ask them out on a first date is absolutely bananas. It'd be different if we had any insight into Jade's interest in him beyond a moment of pity after his date bailed on him, and again, he wouldn't be the first or millionth man to misread a friendly gesture as a green light.
  6. There truly is hope for us all. EDIT - they're divorced, I stand by my airball
  7. I mean yes, but being raised Irish Catholic and also being part Sicilian and Polish, I can assure you that when many people with a similar background mean that they were not considered white, they mean it more literally.
  8. Irish people were absolutely considered white at all times in America. Irish and Catholics were certainly discriminated against but that's been somewhat hyperbolically exaggerated to the modern, revisionist take that they were at some point "not white." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/03/22/sorry-but-the-irish-were-always-white-and-so-were-the-italians-jews-and-so-on/
  9. Young Sheldon has been on the air for longer than the Confederacy lasted; monuments to deserters, traitors, and losers should all be destroyed.
  10. I'm a neurotypical person so perhaps I'm LTTP here, and I hope this doesn't come off as anything other than a commentary on my potential ignorance. The Good Doctor has become a main character in a bunch of twitter threads lately because of the main character's apparently overt neurodivergent behavior. Some responses to this have been people posting who they think good or well written characters on the autism spectrum or who are neurodivergent are, and the list is... extensive. Both Ben and Leslie from Parks and Rec, OJ from Nope, most of the vampires from What We Do In The Shadows (apparently both the movie and the show), Jessica Day from New Girl, Elle from Legally Blonde, Lisa Simpson, Kingpin from the Netflix version of Daredevil, Dan Aykroyd's character from Ghostbusters, Drax, JD from Scrubs... the list goes on. Is this fandom projection? Me not knowing what I'm talking about? Both? Some of these never would have occurred to me in a million years.
  11. I use the handheld scanners when I shop for groceries and one time I realized I only scanned one of several racks of bank back ribs. And I lost got arrested for kidnapping one time.
  12. A man with Roy's arm hair has a 100% chance of having a hairy ass, I refuse to believe otherwise.
  13. You can have an easy, breezy, fun, ensemble cast kind of a show. You can do the dramedy thing. You can do this all at once. But you can't waffle and this show as of season 2 is a whole damn Waffle House. The hardest thing this show has asked any of its characters to do is Ted dealing with his shit. And the way that he rejects toxic masculinity, the way that he's emotionally intelligent, the way that he's navigated his relationship with his wife and their former counselor has all been really lovely to see. But it makes the rest of the stuff seem dull next to that shine. It's a high class issue to have but it's still an issue. Something like what happened with Roy last week is the most interesting this show has been this season outside of Ted's personal life. Roy has grown and matured since the first season to a great degree. His relationships with Ted and Keely are in no small part responsible for that. But he still can't help himself when he's talking to her and trying to be supportive. That 45 seconds in the most recent episode where he realizes he fucked up and it hurt Keely and he knows it and he went from trying to be supportive of her to looking to get forgiveness FROM her... that's really interesting! Best intentions and growth vs. instinct and immaturity, wanting to support a friend but still feeling entitled to the shit you gave up when you stopped being their partner. There's actually STUFF there! That one scene has been more interesting than literally everything to do with Nate in the last two seasons.
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