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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. The payoff of the gadget podcasters getting and maimed by faulty gadgets was great.
  2. But he said he was a house n word, so he was really making fun of himself and OTHER people that say that word! Get on his level, and other fallacies.
  3. To think she did all that dancing around Egyptian only to get bused on the way to Australia.
  4. Bill Maher needed to be reminded by black people that it's not okay for him to say the n word, so like... maybe nobody should take him seriously about anything at all.
  5. I don't think there's a single mainline Zelda that comes even remotely close to 2/3 of the games being puzzles, and until BotW the most popular don't even touch 1/3. Somewhat ironically BotW has more puzzle solving than a couple other Zeldas put together, they're just not doled out within dungeons.
  6. I hope every episode has a seizure warning and then it's just 22 minutes of the character standing still while tens of thousands of enemies melt at 10 FPS.
  7. IIRC most research has shown that media prognosticators in politics, finance, sports, etc., are all essentially no better than chance, long term.
  8. I did have the same exact thought and noticed Wally's hesitation. I also don't know why I thought it was so funny that Oliver cured Bloodwork's HLH, but I did. "Oh shit my HLH, I'm going to die!" "Nah you're cured but like you're going to die in prison much later now I guess." I thought a lot of the "meta" shit here was funny, like them essentially saying, "Oh yeah Diggle that wasn't a Green Lantern ring, that was just a trick," followed immediately by Oliver saying part of the Green Lantern oath. Pick a lane.
  9. I feel like showing that Rebecca still has Ted's biscuit box on her desk and them texting one another shows that they're still tight. I appreciate that approach but would appreciate it more if the space it freed up was being spent on stuff other than Nate and Keeley being dumb, or a potential angle where the team isn't fully on board with Colin coming out after they all decided to rebuild Sam's restaurant. I just can't get into the Nate stuff. I don't think we know enough about Jade to have her be anything but a foil for Nate becoming less of a chud. But like... has he? Yeah he didn't spit on the mirror this time to transform into heel Nate and it's nice to show him with his family. But we know that Nate is ultimately a good guy whose self doubt occasionally manifests in destructive or toxic ways. Nate's face turn is going to be dependent upon a reconciliation with Ted and this show is almost certainly going to let that happen. And that's good, that attitude is the main thing I like about the show! But there's just no meat here. Nothing Ted has done to Nate is even close to being on the same level of potential betrayal as his wife ending up with their marriage counselor and then keeping it a secret, something that Ted handled with more understanding and compassion than could reasonably be expected. So we're just left waiting for the inevitable, while Rupert tries to "corrupt" Nate with sports cars and models. It's just not interesting. I mean in an episode where Sam's father is finally on screen, Sam's patience and kindness is tested, and we get really great moments like Sam's dad talking to Rebecca, Sam's dad seeing that the restaurant is named after him... all that hits so much harder than everything with Nate. It's such a weird misplay. Anyway I'm not especially well read and certainly not a big fan of classic English literature, but even I know Sense and Sensibility was initially published in three volumes. And looking online, it seems like there were 750 copies of it printed. So Jack buying one that has Jane Austen's autograph and then writing Keeley's name on it is like rolling a blunt with a page from a Gurenberg Bible, it's fucking insane. That said 100% loved the Mike Tyson's Punch Out reference, 10/10, no notes. EDIT - the more I think about it, the more I actually dislike the Nate / Jade thing. Why is she interested in him? Throughout the show a good half of their interactions have been either him being an asshole to her or him doing stuff that is adjacent to stalking if we're being charitable. Hey, Jack spending time and money on Keeley... that's potentially bad! Nate waiting for a restaurant to open so he can peek in at Jade and making her a pop up book... that's good!
  10. Watched the IGN review. Nothing big seems spoiled, but some fights and who's in them probably make it not worth watching if you're looking to stay completely clean having played Fallen Order.
  11. Everything Nate and Keeley related continues to be an enormous snooze (a bit odd that Nate’s quest to not be a creep involves him and his dad making intricate objects that I feel would creep the bejeezus out of someone you’re not currently dating) but this was an otherwise charming episode.
  12. Digitally resurrected Christopher Reeve confirmed.
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