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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. It's better because it uses real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup.
  2. Whenever I think it's wild that some people simply cannot accept that it's possible for a Mexican person to be a white supremacist, I'm reminded that I know a lot of people who worked with Europeans every day who insisted that Spanish speakers from Spain were Hispanic despite them saying they were not.
  3. I honestly didn't know public figures used the platform that way. I don't think my feed has ever put a famous person's post in front of me, which is something that twitter does pretty regularly. And out of the people that it recommends I follow, it's either people I know or people connected to them, never a public figure. The more you know.
  4. What a depressing episode. Sally continues to be one of the most consistently and thoroughly victimized characters in recent memory. Not that a show is obliged to give characters what they "deserve" but she continues to just get raw deal after raw deal. Their poor fucking kid. Again what a wild pivot from a show that had the truly hilarious taekwondo girl fight to... this.
  5. I have had a facebook account forever but I use it infrequently; it’s mainly an RSS equivalent for family / friend photos. So I appreciate that I’m not an average user. But I don’t think it would have occurred to me in a million years to follow any celebrity of public figure on that platform, which is mainly what I use twitter for. What a world. Also it uses data from the National Weather Service and Republicans hate “national” anything. I wonder if Trump’s feud with hurricane projections moved the needle on this at all.
  6. The greatest expression of "you miss all the shots you don't take" I've seen in some time.
  7. You'll save $50, which may be worth it if you're only ever going to use the thing while it's docked. If you're ever gonna use it as a portable, the screen and the better kickstand are probably worth the $50.
  8. I can't fucking believe I whiffed on the pic with the drug vial in week 3.
  9. I don’t think I got tripped up on anything for too long. A few of the meditation chambers had some collectibles in them that I have absolutely no idea how to locate so it’s possible I’m missing something fundamental there, or it could be that the echoes are kinda hard to see against the blue glowy walls. Also some of the movement based echo… things took me a bunch of tries to finish. I think I also took like 5 minutes to see a crack I was supposed to squeeze through and I didn’t notice it until I pulled up the map and saw where I was supposed to go
  10. Anyone who's ever worked in a kitchen. An AI writing Avengers Endgame probably would have made a finale that made a lick of sense!
  11. I could have sworn that Peggy's mom and Peggy's relationship with her changed completely at some point, and that there was other stuff like that too, like them trying to age up the characters at some point and then just stopping. But it's been a while since I watched it.
  12. I appreciate that this is a weird question considering the show we're talking about, but wasn't there already a "continuity break" at some point in the show? I seem to remember a few of the characters and relationships changing for no real reason, so I wonder where this jump will occur from.
  13. The last good Superman movie came out before I was 1 year old, so... Me too.
  14. Hey I want to believe. But when I read the strat is “give all the resources and awesome IP to talented writers and directors, and make great movies,” I get the same vibes as when I hear execs say, “our new focus is delivering products on time and and on budget.” If it was that easy everyone would be doing it. But hey if that conjures a Superman movie that doesn’t blow ass I’ll be thrilled.
  15. I love Gunn but I dunno that his vibe is right for an entire “universe,” so we’ll see how broad of a brush he wants to use while painting DC.
  16. The strange issue with Nate is that there's an extent to which he's the "most realistic" character on the show. Not every dude that does misogynist shit is just a straight up asshole that actively hates women, not every successful man is actually confident, not every person has the self awareness to know that what they're going is stalking, etc. But the way he's written on screen just doesn't address ANY of that in an interesting way. Again, why does Jade even like him? Most of their interactions involve Nate being a jerk at best or again, STALKING her. I'm supposed to care that he's a nice guy deep down, so it's okay for him to just wait outside her work despite them having no actual relationship at that time? Why have the "let's keep it casual, actually you're my boyfriend" thing that resolved itself in 10 minutes? We know Nate is a wet noodle, he's in a relationship with someone he's been sweating for seasons now and can't say that he wants to be with her? Again with Ted we get insight into his struggles with mental health, we see him trying to do the work. With Nate it just turns out his dad was potentially a stalker too. And Nate's mom and Jade just... happen to be fine with that. Yay?
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