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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Rush hour traffic around Philly is already an abomination.
  2. Imagine Starfield getting absolutely dunked on by an incremental upgrade to Vampire Survivors. Except we don't have to imagine, it's going to happen.
  3. I did this too, I thought my 100% file of FF6 was something like 200 hours, then I found the cart a while back, booted it up and it the endgame save was just under 60.
  4. I... don't think this is true at all. FF7 takes < 40 hours to beat unless you're going bananas and trying to get everything. HLTB has the average playtime at 37 hours, nobody's spending 20 in Midgar.
  5. Bringing this back up today, the 5th anniversary of his death. When I think about him, I often think of this interview where he talks about sexual harassment and the cultures that allow it to happen. Specifically, this bit has always stuck with me. That level of introspection is difficult. When I try to think of how I can better myself and how I can "be an ally" if I can borrow the cliche, I try to be the kind of person that people would feel comfortable coming to for support or help in these kinds of situations. Also to make sure I do not come off as the kind of person who seems like they'd be complacent about these things, or worse, a participant in them. "I see this as a personal failing" always really lands for me whenever I re-read it. RIP to a real one.
  6. The best parts of Rebels are some of the best parts of all Star Wars.
  7. If it’s not either of the two obvious possibilities (and really just one, like I said, unless emblazon is getting cute), then I’m completely stumped! I genuinely think it’s easy.
  8. I feel like 3 is pretty easy unless Emblazon is trolling. I'm ready to take that L
  9. The LIV is funded by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia and is inherently political. Maybe take up your objection with the PGA
  10. Shocked that all of the conservatives super into golf aren't livid about the sport being in the pockets of the Saudis. Shocked, I say!
  11. I've got a good thing going here. Adderall Alligator Benzo Bonobo Crystal Croc Depakote Dolphin Ecstasy Echidna (I feel like Knuckles is already 75% of the way there) Fentanyl Ferret Ganja Gorilla Hash Haddock Ice Ibex Juice Jaguar (this cat is just ripped) Ketamine Koala (obvious) LSD Lamprey Molly Mallard for the water fowl representation) Nitrous Nightengale Opiate Ocelot Peyote Penguin Quaalude Quahog Roofie Rhino Salvia Scorpion Tramadol Tiger Ultram Uakari (cheating since I used tramadol twice in a row, whatever, eat my ass) Valium Vole Whippet Weasel Xstacy Xoloitzcuintli (a stretch, gimme a fucking break) Yaba Yak Zing Zebra
  12. It will never, EVER stop blowing my mind that Dairy Queen has a drink called the MooLatte.
  13. The real D1P was the friends we made along the way.
  14. I'm further ahead in the series than I am in this thread, so I have to refer to my notes while I talk about... Chapters 1 - 12 of 1990's The Great Hunt A brief aside to call out that it's been roughly 3,000 years since the last ASoIaF book, but good ol' Robbie J managed to get out The Eye of The World and The Great Hunt in the same calendar year. In which... The Darkfriends have a social, and we learn that some Whitecloaks are SUPER BAD as opposed to just very bad Rand got really good at sword fighting really quick Padan Fain / Mordeth starts his glow up Moiraine doesn't tell Siuan that the Forsaken are back for... no reason? I've never understood this, it seems like it'd be one of the first things that comes up Egwene hangs out with Padan Fain for... no good reason! Mat does a solid Gollum impression We get some lengthy prophecy stuff and Moiraine STILL doesn't mention The Forsaken being back to Siuan for... no good reason Hurin shows up and can smell stuff real good Fain can make illusions now I guess? Hey we see Lanfear but we don't know that yet A Padan Fain POV, ugh this guy sucks so much and not in an interesting way We get some details about Egwene being a dreamer EDIT - on and I guess the horn and the darrger get stolen, lul TGH continues the comparatively breakneck pace of the first three or so books, assuming I'm remembering when things slow down correctly. Unlike the stuff at the end of TEoTW kind of not jiving with how things work later on power or ability wise, I feel like in hindsight the start of this book is a mishmash of things that end up being really important and directly foreshadow things very specifically and other stuff that makes little to no sense. Stuff like the dark prophecy teases stuff that I don't think shakes out until way later, like Slayer and his deal. But stuff like Moiraine not mentioning the Forsaken being out to Siuan is absolutely bananas. Also there's some stuff that seems to make no sense at the time, like Siuan knowing which way the Trollocs went. Also I assume that Siuan and Moiraine feeling the "tingle" when the other is channeling mentioned here was retconned into New Spring? The way it's mentioned here doesn't apply to how women detect one another channeling anywhere else so far. It's so frustrating to see how deadly RJ is establishing Padan Fain to be knowing how things ultimately end up going. And while I appreciate the extent to which things actually happen in this book and we largely focus on and get POVs from characters we care about, the beginning of this one specifically I feel moves almost too quick for anything to really land. But hey! There's still no Faile, and that's something to be happy about.
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