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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I'm so used to scrolling everything at this point that I just don't notice or care. And since I check a lot of mini painting subreddits, having image previews makes me see more content more quickly.
  2. I think reddit in general has always looked bad, but old reddit looks worse than the redesign, yes.
  3. Think of how much they'll be able to save in the middle part of the series where the actor who plays Perrin can be replaced by a cardboard cutout that doesn't move and just gets slapped around by Faile.
  4. I feel like there’s a really compelling season 2 - 3 if you clipped a lot of the fluff and condensed it. There is some really good stuff in both season it’s just spread too thin.
  5. This phenomenon used to be pretty obvious with TV pilots too. I always remember the pilot for something like Smallville being really big in scope, then the second episode / first REAL episode airs and everything looks worse
  6. Man I dunno. The good parts of this episode are the show at its best. It's heartfelt, earnest, and sweet. It embraces doing the work as being as important as the work ever being done. It's a really lovely ode to positive masculinity. They kept the Believe sign! The team staged a musical number! But there's just so much bag fumbling, too. The Roy / Keeley / Jamie love triangle is so played and in an episode that resolves plots at a breakneck pace at the end is completely unnecessary. The "swerve" of Ted waking up at Rebecca's place is such an obvious and dumb red herring. We established that Rebecca doesn't care about Rupert winning anymore, why waste time grinding him into the dirt in this episode? Why bother showing us that Dr Jacob sucks and can't be bothered trying to be interested in what his partner and her son are watching? Again and for the last time, everything to do with Nate this season absolutely stunk up the joint. He's just... better now! And Jade is perfect! We spent SO MUCH TIME on this plot over two whole seasons of TV and there's so little to show for it. The fact that eventual reconciliation with Ted happened isn't the issue; Ted has forgiven greater sins. We hear in this episode that trying to be better and trying to change is the thing that matters. But we never see that with Nate! He just got a date with Jade and he's better? He owed Keeley a much bigger apology than he owed Ted and that's just ignored. And nothing that this show did over its three year run justifies an "is it a dream sequence?" montage like what we got here. That's such a silly, silly thing for the show to do. Just... why? It's been a wild season 2 and 3. The vibes of this show are truly lovely, it's just a shame that that so much surrounding them weren't up to the same level of quality. EDIT - I try not to bag on CGI shots especially in COVID times., but the Stonehenge shot in this episode was legitimately terrible looking.
  7. I appreciated that Lindelof created a false dichotomy of brilliance / kindness and that the author called out the notion that it's a bullshit premise.
  8. i think it’s a bold choice for a show that to some extent hung its hat on stylized and “funny” violence to have two really harrowing scenes; the public shootout from last season and the NoHoBal confrontation in this one.
  9. The Gene stuff is weird. I appreciate that he's complicit in a lot and that his narcissism / pathological need for attention / self aggrandizement put him in the show's crosshairs. His anger with Barry specifically makes a lot of sense, of course. And there's the irony of him killing the one person whose confession would exonerate him right at the time it seemed like Barry had accepted that he needed to turn himself in. But yeah, nothing about the Jim / Gene arc made sense once Jim became aware of the money. Jim's logic had been unerringly good until that discovery and then it went right out the window. The notion that Gene's son would think that he got shot because he found out about the money is absurd; presumably Gene called for help since he didn't let is son bleed out? Again I don't need the show to "make sense." Nothing about Taekwondo girl "makes sense" at all and that whole episode was absolutely incredible.
  10. It's a funny coincidence that Barry and Ted Lasso are, presumably, going to end this week. Both vehicles for SNL alums, both started off funnier than they ended up and took a more serious turn. Anyway. If Sarah Goldberg doesn't win some kinda award for this season there's just no justice in this world. I don't know that where Sally ends up "makes up" for how genuinely cruel I think the show was for her over the last 2 seasons specifically; she thinks of herself as a murderer like Barry but killing someone in self defense DOES NOT make her the same as Barry. But it's really a credit to how good Goldberg is that there's zero doubt the mask was off when she was talking to John after getting captured by Hank. "Be true to yourself or die / end up in prison," seems to be the Barry formula in this season specifically and I guess Sally earned her wings in the finale. The confrontation between Fuches and Hank was great, both in terms of the performances themselves as well as another of the show's excellent takes on violent confrontations. It's horrifying, it's confusing, and we only really get to understand what happened after it's over. Fuches survived because he shielded John with his body, his whole reason for being there being really the only time in the show he did something selfless without the expectation of reciprocity. Gene getting comeuppance for just not being able to let it go is peak Barry. I do have some quibbles with how the show ended. I know the show deliberately employs fridge logic from time to time but it's rarely through how the actual characters themselves behave... so Jim Ross leaving Barry alone in his garage and pinning Janice's death almost solely on Gene makes absolutely no sense. The FBI learned that Barry is a hitman! Sally knows! Gene is alive and was protesting the notion that he killed Janice! Jim was thoroughly convinced that Gene is an idiot and he wasn't entirely wrong, so Gene doing the wrong thing with $250K does not seem like enough to convince Jim that he was Barry's puppet master. It doesn't ruin the finale or the ending, but I think this turn specifically was pretty dumb for an otherwise smart show. And I don't think the stuff with teen John worked. We spent fewer than five minutes with him. I don't believe the Sally that fled from Barry, told John that she and Barry were killers, that left LA, that seemed content being alone, who presumably did not let John watch The Mask Collector, would have changed her story with John. So his smile at the end is that he's happy his dad is remembered fondly, that he believes that narrative about his dad, or some combination of both. I don't have issues with speculative endings, but I don't think the finale gave enough for that exercise to be productive.
  11. The honeymoon period will never end, she'll always let me do whatever I want to her.
  12. The designers of Elden Ring were cowards for not letting me put a mushroom on the end of a stick that I can use to bounce enemies off cliffs.
  13. Not long now! Dunno what I'll end up picking up beyond the core set.
  14. I'm not going to pretend that it's "as good" as Tears to Elden ring, but it's like taking a couple shots of 195 proof grain alcohol instead of having a well crafted cocktail. It's dumb and it's great.
  15. Tears of the Kingdom > Vampire Survivors > a million fuckin miles > Elden Ring
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