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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. Fortnite matches you with the same control type lobbies. So if you are 1 Console + 1 PC Player, you'll be matched up with other 1 Console + 1 PC Player. I don't think you'll be lobbied with 2 PC players. Its essnetially a Crossplay lobby so everyone in there is a mix of PC and Console. If you play on Console with Keyboard and Mouse I think u are put into a PC lobby. I dont think there is any clarification on the Crossplay thing, but I'd wager it'll be cross play between all platforms. I really hope so at least, and it becomes the norm. That'll be such a huge thing for gaming to remove that barrier.
  2. Sounds like it’ll be an extra perk of Ultimate Pass and not the only way to sign up. Seems like that’s be a fairly foolish approach.
  3. Why do you think that? I fully take it to mean console to console as well. Fortnite has it, Dauntless just launched with it. I don’t see why CoD couldn’t do it.
  4. What else is Kojima known for other than Metal Gear? I’ve never played Metal Gear and feel like I’m probably missing out some.
  5. I actually really like the game but never play anymore. They clearly have basically bunkered down and are retooling a whole bunch of this game. They’ve said they are fundamentally reworking loot as well. So even farming loot at this point is kinda pointless as we don’t know what changes they are going to make. Game is obviously in a bad spot, but I’d rather they kind of go quiet and fix it the right way rather than rush out band aid fixes which we what they were initially doing. The patches they did release did go a long way in fixing the quality of life issues with loading though. Still hoping they can fix the game and get it to a good place. I loved the gameplay and want to have a reason to dive back into it.
  6. Maybe I'm just not seeing them but are none of Sony's 1st party games on here? Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman, God of War, Uncharted 4... Edit - Looked them up, Uncharted and HZD are $20 already so I can see those not being discounted much more. Spiderman and GoW are still $40, which aint bad, but still in no rush to pick them up.
  7. Well I happily paid 2/3 the cost of this to say “Xbox watch HBO” and “”Xbox volume up” for a few years.
  8. I signed up to be notified of its release. Not overly excited for it but I like wasting money on new gizmos.
  9. I was confused when Apex launched with Apex Packs, instead of just sticking with Fortnites formula of direct sales for items you want. With how much damn money Fortnite brings in, I figured that'd become the standard most companies would move towards. I'm assuming you can have loot boxes if you cant buy the loot boxes with real life currency, right?
  10. I’ve been blown away by this show. I never knew any of the details of Chernobyl so this series is both eye opening and devastating to watch. Seeing the scenes of the abandoned apartment buildings reminded me of the Sniper level in CoD4.
  11. The big issue I see is the yearly releases really create a huge issue with the long tails on spending. I'm not going to invest much additional money into a game for Skins and all the other bells and whistles if that game is gone in a year and I have to restart that investment process on new skins. Fortnite, at least to this point, you know if you're spending money on it, it's gonna be around for awhile. Apex seems to be this way as well, even though their monetization is terrible at this point. All those games and others like Overwatch, ect all are games where you feel safe investing some money in cause they will be around awhile. CoD, I was like, if this game is essentially gonna disappear and start new in October again, why the hell am I gonna spend any additional money on any kind of cosmetics only to lose them. They need to figure it out if they care about those long tail revenue steams. I saw it suggested to seperate out the Battle Royale Mode completely as a F2P mode, and have it continue to evolve with new maps yearly based on each studios older games, and keep adding to it rather than starting from scratch each year. Until they announce something like that, no way I'm spending anymore money on it.
  12. Are Targaryens immune to Dragon Fire? Could have been a cool scene with Drogon and John if he did indeed try to burn him and John just stood there like the Night King did, then Drogon accepted John as his new master. Also, before Tyrion ultimately decided on the new King, I thought it might end up with all the Lords arguing and not being able to come to a consensus, just leading to the next "Game of Thrones", and all the Lords already starting a new war with each other. Kind of showing no matter what happens, things will never change, the hunger for power will just keep repeating itself.
  13. You'd watch all of them, don't you lie. I'd be interested in the rumored White Walkers, Night King prequel. I didnt read the books and the show didn't do quite enough to explain all of that to me.
  14. So they confirmed they will be doing spin offs right? That ending will do wonders for leading to some nice spin offs with the existing characters if they go that route.
  15. I liked it overall. My only real complaint is that the season was rushed and didn't do all the story arcs justice. A full 10 episodes would've done wonders.
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2019-05-19/sony-s-deal-with-microsoft-blindsided-its-own-playstation-team?__twitter_impression=true Interesting, one would think you’d talk to your gaming division when making these decisions.
  17. Prob a valid point, but aren't there plenty of ways to get discounted pre-orders on PC already?
  18. Isn’t Epic eating the cost of the $10 extra discount though not the developers/publishers. They aren’t forcing an extra $10.00 discount they are essentially paying $10 out of pocket was how I read it.
  19. I have an external SSD and def have better loading times than friends without one. Im not knowledgeable enough to know though if the price is good.
  20. I don't think you can't necessarily equate sales to how good a game is or isnt. Division 2 got nothing but high praise from just about everyone, yet didn't meet their expectations. They couldn't have asked for better media coverage, I'm not sure I saw any negative press or reaction to it at all. It's a good game and way way better than the first game. Even if it was a bit overhyped in my opinion.
  21. Yeah that report came out right after launch based on UK Physical sales, then a few days later a report came out it was Biowares 2nd best selling game already after its 1st week. I believe Jason Schierer reported it, but don't recall what his source was. *2nd strongest launch of any Bioware game, only trailing ME3. So not sure if how it fared long term.
  22. A few I know that played it have pretty much shared those same feelings. 12ish hour campaign, mediocre in just about every sense other than core combat.
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