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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. The "World Events" are all over the place, but I already find myself skipping the majority of them as they already feel repetitive. None of them introduce any exciting gameplay elements. Save the hostage - Shoot at the enemies and clear like 2/3 waves of reinforcements. Hostile Territory - Kill a few waves of enemies Propaganda - Kill 3 waves of enemies Control Point - Kill Guarding enemies then kill a few waves of enemies and boss Supply Drops - Kill 3 Enemies standing near supply drops, kill 3 waves of enemies, open supply drops Every single activity is the same, kill 3 waves of enemies with sometimes a heavily armored boss at the end. They are just titled differently. It's what I was getting to at the beginning, if the character builds themselves don't feel drastically unique and different, I'm not sure End Game is gonna be what its hyped up to be if the gameplay doesnt feel all that unique. So far the builds seem like they may have some potential, but I'll have to see. I am excited for the Raid though as requiring 8 players I hope it introducing some cool new mechanics or puzzles that require teamwork.
  2. Yeah I read that @Spawn_of_Apathy, but again, I think the main hiccup when developing these games is probably more the Character Classes, abilities, weapons, loot balancing, game economy, over the actual missions and activities. Raids I could see being a big development hurdle in order to develop the proper puzzles and what not. Playing Division 2 though, I can't imagine this game was hard to develop since all the work has been done the past 3 years just improving Division 1.
  3. Wasn’t Destiny like 5/6 year development too? I feel like with games like these, getting the engine working, figuring out gameplay systems, and loot mechanics ect are 90% of the work. Once you get that done, adding story and content must be the easy piece. Division 1 had such little content at launch, but nailed this engine, gameplay cover shooter mechancis, then spent 3 years learning the loot mechanics the community wanted. So they could easily turn around a new game cause 90% of the hard stuff was done it was just building in new content and story. Destiny 2 had no real excuse though.
  4. Microsofts biggest issue coming into this gen is it felt they wanted all first party to have long revenue streams, and kind of forced their 1st party studios to find ways to implement them. Look at Loot Boxes in Forza? I mean how the hell do you need loot boxes in a sim racing game. Even that first Hot Shots Golf type game at launch, they had card packs I think (loot boxes). Halo 5's Warzone was pretty much built for MTX and Loot Boxes, Gears had tons of loot box type mechanics. My guess is they've learned their lesson and now are letting studios do what they want to make the best game first and foremost. So I could definitely see EA putting that same pressure on Bioware, and Bioware rather than spending all their efforts on a traditional single player RPG then tacking on Mulitplayer with loot boxes, they probably wanted to try to build a game focused around multiplayer, try something new. It's a good game at its core, but yeah they definitely have a lot of learning and tweaking to do.
  5. Regardless of end game, the game so far just from Level 1 - Max has been fantastic. They really did look at every single aspect of this genre and made sure to address pretty much every ask community wants. Really loving it so far.
  6. So far I think Division 2 is terrific. I also said the same about Destiny 2 for the first 2 weeks it was out. I'm still waiting to reserve judgement to say if I think its as good as people are hyping it up to be. So far though the ride from 1-30 has been so good. I do think they give you too much loot, I end up ignoring most of it cause it just throws so much at you its annoying to sort through. I personally love that both Anthem and Division 2 came out so close together, I love jumping back and forth between the 2 cause they are so different.
  7. Just got 8 MW from Heart of Rage GM1 with a relatively low luck build.
  8. They've also acknowledged not having the bosses having a chance to drop Legenadary's is being changed cause people are just quitting out before the boss fights.
  9. I'm enjoying the game, there is a lot to do, and I really like the sense of Progression, not just with your character, but with the world itself. Upgrading the Whitehouse, the Theatre, seeing more allies patrolling the streets, taking control points, it all does feel like your taking back Washington. As much as the game gets credit for having so much to do, it still is just as repetitive as every other Looter shooter. Save a hostage, oh just kill a group of enemies. Take a control point, kill a group of enemies then defend. Its not really a knock cause theres only so much you can do, but just like Anthem and most other looter shooters, the variety of events is still rather limited. Its why I say I'm holding off on so much long term praise on the End Game. If most of the end game is replaying the same missions with different enemy faction, meh. If its just replaying all the same world events and what not with new enemies, meh. The little I played of the End Game stuff in the beta wasn't all that impressive, so I have to wait til I actually get that far to see if it's actually as good as its being sold.
  10. Yeah i thought it was a World Event, but the Titans one isn't technically a world event. Im okay with them adding small different World Events and what not, I've seen a few new events or contract types that ive never seen before, and even if the gameplay isnt drastically different, it still is nice to have little new changes. Still need some new drastic changes.
  11. Was it? I just saw it on the Events page on their website? I flew to the Northeast part of the map last night to see if I could tell if anything was new, then realized it said Northwest. Were there just tons of predators spawned all over the place at least? If these are their ideas of evolving world... ill be really really disappointed.
  12. I still get on to do my daily stuff, but other than that, I'm fine waiting until they start dropping new content and other things. I still really enjoy the gameplay but I don't get any sense of progression at this point. I'd assume they probably had plans to have some content out earlier but with how buggy everything is that's the priority. Lots of work to do for them for sure. It was a perfect time for Division 2 to drop.
  13. im excited for this. Being a huge Battlefield and Battle Royale fan, can't wait to try it. But Dice didn't make this, Criterion did? Hope its good.
  14. I thought Dragon Age Inquisition was rather good, at least for its time. Was it hated on? I'm still a fan of Bioware. I enjoyed all the Mass Effects, all the Dragon Ages, and I even really enjoyed Andromeda. The combat was really fun in that game, and the story I thought was fine. I didn't caught up in the facial animations and all that, and had a good time with it. I have enjoyed my time with Anthem, but I can't excuse all the issues its had. It is a technical mess for sure, and some design decisions were things they really needed to revisit. I still think it's got a high ceiling if they get the time to fix it, the core of the game of excellent, but it is a big hole to dig up out of.
  15. Freeplay Event BEASTS OF THE FIELD - PART 2 Reports in from ranches and caravans outside the walls - the fauna of Bastion are acting erratically. Investigate the Northwest corner of the map in freeplay and see if you can find any answers.
  16. Does this stay tried and true to the Borderlands formula, or move more towards a "Live Service" type game like Destiny/Anthem/Division.
  17. What level are you? How can you properly comment on start middle end game if you are only 12 hours in? I know Division 2s end game is being praised but until I get there I’ll reserve judgement. Every looter shooter has felt pretty amazing to me 12 hours in. I do agree with most of you points though it feels like a very well made game. The thing id say that is holding it back from being the best looter shooter ultimately maybe the gameplay itself. I think both Destiny and Anthems core gameplay is more fun than Divisions. But I guess that’s a matter of opinion. Hats off to Ubisoft though they did an amazing job with this game.
  18. You can tell Division 2 is a sequel that took all their learnings from the original and improved on all those mistakes. It’s a good looter shooter, but the gameplay is pretty bare thus far. The enemies do feel a bit more organic and aggressive and do flank smartly almost the times. I think Anthem can have a much higher ceiling but it’s gonna take BioWare quite a bit of time to get there.
  19. I’ve used gameshare with a friend forever now and only a small handful of times had issues accessing my games due to Xbox live outages. The benefit far outweighs the issues. Literally takes 2 seconds to set up and basically just gives ur friend/family access to ur entire digital library. No brainer for me. My friend also gets free game codes quite frequently from their job so they just give them to me since they also get access so I get quite a few freee titles.
  20. I agree the entire loot and gear systems need to be rethought. And even with the appearance of the javelin not being tied to gear, I still feel like having a few slots tied to the suit that could create unique appearances for drops could go a long way as well. The guns don’t necessarily need to be all that insane if they keep adding more and more gear and abilities as well. Borderlands had 1 ability per class, the Guns were that game. I enjoyed Borderlands a lot and the characters played very unique, but there wasn’t much craziness in their abilities. Anthem has done a good job with the Javelins and abilities, but need to keep them coming. Also have unique effects for the Legendary gear. If you use a Legendary seeker rocket have it set off a gjallahorn type effect or something compared to a regular seeker rocket. I still think a lot can and will be improved upon. The game really feels like it was forced out a year before the devs wanted.
  21. Last night ran GM2 Heart of Rage with Skillz and ARZ, pulled a Legendary from a chest, 6 MW and 1 Legendary, so not a bad run. Did my Legendary Contract this morning and had a brand new objective I've never seen before... not that the gameplay was different. If they introduce new World Events and Objectives they also need to incorporate new gameplay elements. Make obstacle like courses or time trials for flying... the flying mechanic is done so well but so underused when it comes to objectives...
  22. I had a single Legendary this morning off a Legendary Contract boss, the Spider Mech. Lots of Masterworks today in all the things I did, but the Legendary's are still scarce.
  23. Yeah GM2 is rather easy now... haven't tried GM3 much yet though without a proper squad.
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