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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. The original SLJ Shaft. I've seen(and read all the books) all the Richard Roundtree Shaft films.
  2. Won't be Spurrier's first rodeo with something like this since he was a coach in the now defunct, USFL. Tampa Bay Bandits, baby!
  3. I didn't know the original did well enough to warrant another.
  4. Never got into this franchise, but tried the first demo. It was OK. Power went out when I was fighting the boss and I never went back and tried again.
  5. They failed spectacularly with this thing. Jesus Christ.
  6. I too have a copy of SH3 that I never played. Had SH2. Convinced a maintenance guy stole it out of my apartment years ago. That's the one I really wish I still had.
  7. I bought the Steelbook version of SOTTR this past Black Friday for like 20 bucks. Guess I didn't have to. Haven't even cracked it open. SMH, that's what I get for sitting on it.
  8. Hope you're not a foot guy, because. . . .wow, are her toes nasty. *shudders*
  9. Nope. You can be Game Pass only. Have not had Gold in a couple of years actually. Game Pass and XBL Gold are two separate services. Obviously, if the game you've pulled off Game Pass has an online component, then yes, Gold would be needed for that. I plan to just dick around with SP for a few hours and move on.
  10. Gotti - 4/10. Two hours of mafia cliches and haphazard timehopping. In more capable hands, this material could have been something much greater.
  11. Cruise will be just about 60 by the time M:I8 comes out. Well, Stallone is in his 70's and still doing this, so I guess it's no big deal.
  12. Still have the copy I bought 20 years ago.
  13. Maybe Silent Hill. Game turned 20 a couple of days ago.
  14. They have zero excuse for not having at least PS4 BC on the PS5. If they don't, they're assholes.
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