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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. Taken - 7.75/10. Effective, entertaining little movie. My first time ever watching. Will watch the other two soon.
  2. Nothing. My present was finding cheaper 2019 Homeowners insurance with the same coverage as my 2018 policy.
  3. I'm just glad that RE2 has finally gotten some love; I got burned out on RE4 and REMake getting so much attention. Speaking of RE: Directors Cut. I just recently found my PS1 copy a couple of months ago.
  4. I hardly see 1080p TVs much these days. My local Best Buy had like two models on display last time I was there. There's nothing stopping these manufactures from adding features like HDR to 1080p sets, but 4K is the hotness now.
  5. So it turned out to be a shady ass asset swap of ARK and evidence was found that it was just some ARK DLC spun off into its own game. Nice.
  6. Was never hyped for this game, but I did like the first one. Thanks to Game Pass, I'll download it; probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise until it hit the bargain bin.
  7. It's not F2P, so that's bullshit. I love how 59.99 a pop isn't enough anymore.
  8. Maybe go back to HZD. FH4 has taken up a lot of time, gonna step away from it.
  9. I fucking loved Rambo 2008. I will be seeing this.
  10. I didn't even know this show had been revived. I remember it from the 90s when Jenny McCarthy and then Carmen Elektra hosted it.
  11. Quantum Break Fallout 4(after 2.5 years of playing off and on. . .finally) Last of Us Remastered
  12. Other than a brief obsession with UT2K4 death match, years and years ago, I haven't really touched online gaming, but I get the appeal.
  13. Most of the craziness in FL comes from the people who have moved here from elsewhere, not the natives.
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