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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. Kurt Loser is 75, Bill Bellamy is approaching 60, Idalis is 50+. . .wow.
  2. I'm still down to play it. I'm curious to see for myself if story is as bad as many who have seen the leaks say it is. May not be a day one. Admittedly, I didn't play the first game until 2018.
  3. LOL. I've been about getting one for a long time. By the time I decide to pull the trigger, a successor will be officially announced.
  4. Black Water - a fairly recent(2018) direct to video Jean-Claude Van Damme flick. 4/10.
  5. Built a Ryzen 3900X with 64GB of RAM a while back. I'm set for a while.
  6. Extraction - 6.5/10. Some good action and good performances, but I wasn't that engaged. The body count rivals a videogame. Rambo: Last Blood - Rambo + Taken/10
  7. No noticable drift with any of my Xbox controllers or Dual Shocks.
  8. Not sure. To be honest, pre-Origins, I wasn't really a fan of the franchise.
  9. Sony's approach has been kinda annoying. It wouldn't be if MS hadn't been so open and transparent. We saw the thing months ago, we've seen the internals, and are about to see games. Sony has shown us a logo and the controller. I hope they make up for it with some big ass event like an all PS5 State of Play or something.
  10. So many awesome songs on "Dirt." I could listen to "Would" everyday.
  11. Someone who can ruin a show. *coughFearTheWalkingDeadcough*
  12. Not reading the spoilers, but I've seen comments saying that the spoilers completely killed their interest and that the story sounds like shit. Maybe true, may be some anti-Sony fanboy shit, who knows.
  13. Been playing AssCreed Odyssey off and on for months. Probably will fire that up today. After this, I'm done with AssCreed for a while, I think.
  14. Steve got on my nerves. His voice actor was awful even by old school RE standards. Jesus.
  15. LOL, once again, I purchased a game(RDR2), didn't get around to playing it, only to have it show up on Game Pass. Only paid 24.99 for it, but still. This is why I have not bought Control. I'm hoping it hits Game Pass one of these days.
  16. Game Pass is such a good deal. It's gotten me to try games that I likely would not have purchased, meaning I would have never played them.
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