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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. Tomb Raider 2013. I initially was just gonna play a little to appreciate it @ 4k/60, but damned if this isn't becoming a full playthrough.
  2. The Highwaymen - decent. Costner and Harrelson turned in great performances.
  3. Saw a Steam sale and grabbed Tomb Raider(2013) - my personal fave of the new games. Hadn’t been able to play it at 4K/60 until now.
  4. May be grabbing and playing Saints Row The Third Remastered today; sounds like they put a lot into it.
  5. Glad it was a failed murder/suicide and only he died. Fuck that guy.
  6. Could be good, could be just taking a turd, making it bigger, and making it smell worse.
  7. The ratings are pretty shitty, but CW isn't gonna give up on it just yet.
  8. Welp! The ratings have been poor, but somehow it's been renewed.
  9. If you come to terms with the fact that Andromeda's story is utter shit, and are selective with what side quests you take on, you can enjoy it. The combat is the best of all ME games
  10. Working through a series of short stories featuring an avenger called Nameless that Dean Koontz did exclusively for Amazon.
  11. I'd forgotten about this, and I'm a huge fan of the original and the 80s version.
  12. I liked it. Would be real interesting if Sega could hypothetically get back into making consoles.
  13. Other than nailing the 40s and early 50s, I didn't think the game was THAT good. I remember one of the DLC's where most if not all the missions were on a timer. Lame.
  14. So we get to drive. . .and drive. . .and drive. . .. .and fucking drive, with updated graphics.
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