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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. The last games of theirs that I played before I swore them off forever was Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy. It starts at a great point and click adventure game then falls off the rails and then features the greatest action sequence ever in gaming when you fight a prophet... ...and then the Internet...
  2. I wouldn't expect it to scream AAA. It's the first game by a new studio and is selling for $40. I'm still hyped for this game, so I hope it's good.
  3. I'm having a hard time coming up with a more confounding call by a coach.
  4. More accurate than a simple temperature check, so good enough for me. I believe they're something like 80+% accurate. That should work out fine since anyone possibly exposed is getting tested daily while most every student opted in along with and the entire faculty to being tested weekly. The school even went as far as hiring another nurse. That puts the 400 student school at 3 full time nurses.
  5. I already pre-consented my son for daily testing if he were to ever be exposed. He's also going to be getting weekly tests regardless of known exposure. I signed him up the second the forms were available. These are the dumb quick swabs that aren't ticking your brain, so he'll be fine. I more worried about him finding some cotton swab and trying to ram them up his sisters' noses.
  6. Cool. First COVID-19 case at my son's school. It took a whole two weeks. We'll see how the school's policy works going forward. Students get the choice of either staying home for the next ten days before coming back to school or agreeing to daily tests first thing in the morning for the next ten days. Sounds like everyone involved has agreed to the daily tests.
  7. If the pandemic were 10 times as deadly, we still wouldn't have seen a difference in people until after the extra millions had died.
  8. Now there's a game I haven't thought about in forever.
  9. To be fair, every gun should be 1 hit kill, but that doesn't make games very fun.
  10. I guess that one is better than the one Lock Picking Lawyer picked with a twig he found in his yard. I find it depressing that most gun locks are purposefully shitty because they only exist to comply with local laws.
  11. I'm a big fan, and I normally hate this run/stealth/escort/stealth/run genre, but for some reason it really works well here. Everything is set up well, so it's more of a puzzle than your typical stealth game and that's more of the case as the game goes along. There are a couple of weak parts in the game where it leans a little too hard into action, but I still beat it. I should point out, I seriously value my time. I am not at all the type to finish every game I start. I'm pretty quick to drop a game when I'm not enjoying myself, even if I'm hours in. Hell, I haven't even beaten Outer Worlds because I found the final mission annoying. I'll beat it one day because I absolutely loved the rest of the game. I paid full Nintendo price for Tokyo Mirage Sessions and dropped it like half an hour before the final boss because the whole maze dungeon leading up to him was obnoxious...and I maxed out the stats in every character in that game. Either way, I never even bought Plague Tale on release specifically because I didn't think I would like it. I literally only gave it a shot recently because it was free on EGS.
  12. Go play Teardown on Steam. It's still in early access, but who cares. That game doesn't get nearly enough love around here.
  13. I'm more interested in what they're going to do with the rest of the cast than with Hawkeye. This series is also giving us Yelena, Echo, and maybe Kingpin...if we could be so lucky to have more Vincent D'Onofrio.
  14. I so absolutely hate the "I'm winning this fight, cut scene, oh no I am defeat". It's still out there in games. Fuck you. If you're going to make me lose anyway, don't let me waste time restoring my health or have to "win" the fight by knocking the enemy HP down to some random number. I think the most recent bad offender here is Kakarot in the fight versus Raditz. You have to lose that fight, but it still makes you go up against Raditz for two rounds and bring his HP down to zero before he's like "Ha, you're so weak and I was holding back". Meanwhile Goku went from 100% HP in the fight to ragged and almost dead in the cutscene.
  15. Yes, very much so. Nothing like seeing your 5/yo brother eaten alive by rats.
  16. I don't know. A Plague Tale is basically a giant escort mission and that game is pretty great. Two that come to mind are ones that JRPGs absolutely abused. Save points and random battles.
  17. How does a teacher get to cut some child's hair against the child or parents wishes and still keep their job?
  18. From the actual story... So I'm thinking...maybe Dems should start talking about how everyone should really trust their local hospitals because they are absolutely doing everything they can to save lives and that any conspiracies to the contrary are absolutely false.
  19. He has the exact tone I have when I'm, say, scolding my toddler for calling their uncle a bitch.
  20. In case you ever, for even a second, stopped thinking Facebook was the worst... Instagram internal research: ‘We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls’ WWW.THEVERGE.COM Facebook isn’t been open about Instagram’s negative influence
  21. Here are the patch notes... Nintendo Support: Nintendo Switch System Updates and Change History EN-AMERICAS-SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM
  22. The last chapter was certainly setting things up for a final arc. My assumption coming out of it was that either they all get dragged into greater war when it reaches them or they head out to end the Hawk's war against non-humans. In the end, I don't see how they stay together. They each have their own dreams. Eventually they're going to part ways. Either way, the last chapter wasn't actually done. A far as I can tell, his assistants finished it up for him after his death. Berserk not having been canceled while Duranki is clearly canceled leads me to believe they really do want to continue the series, but they aren't really sure how. The only thing we know about the end of Berserk is that it was always supposed to have a more hopeful, though maybe not exactly happy, ending. Miura always seemed like he had a story he wanted to tell and he formed Studio Gaga to make that story happen. He doesn't seem like the type that would want his fans to not see the story finished. However, it's also really difficult to follow up and complete the work of a legend. I don't envy the position they're in.
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