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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I'm watching paint dry, so a little bit, yeah. Actually, I'm watching hundreds of thousands of changes I made to a server slowly propagate while my girls are sitting on the floor next to me playing on their iPads.
  2. That's the trick. They don't actually offer it. The only way unvaccinated don't take up hospital beds is if the beds are already filled or they just decide to stay home and not seek medical attention when their oxygen levels plummet. Everything I try to do is from the perspective of how it helps someone that isn't me. Honestly, I'm probably further down the line in that regard than I really should be, but that's life after being raised the way I was. My father was the kind of pastor that spent nothing on himself other than a new sci-fi DVD or Blu-ray, once a month. Even that bit he had given up on his final few years. Everything he had he pretty much gave right away. I spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about others, whole also not having much patience for people that needlessly put others at risk. It's why I've got no issue chewing friends out for speeding or ripping into family for driving themselves to a hospital while getting faint because they put other people on the road at risk. Like fuck your desire to save a $1k on ambulance fees, you could have killed someone else on the road. I don't want COVID. I'm asthmatic, so that's a problem, but even if it weren't...I have kids. If I'm in the hospital, who is watching them? My wife? It's she just quitting her job then? How are we going to pay the bills then? What if me being in the hospital and taking up a bed means that a cancer patient can't get surgery and ends up dying early because of it? That life is now on me.
  3. Hey, that's zero excuse. I'm also a man of faith. I view vaccinations as a matter of taking care of other, less fortunate folks out there.
  4. Yeah, but if you did get sick from COVID and needed to be hospitalized would you go take up a hospital bed that could be used by some non-COVID-related issue?
  5. It really comes across in a very "We don't care if we ever work with these guys again" sort of way. Honestly, why should they? Blue Origin is backed by tons of money, is working with industry behemoths, have already received tons of NASA money, and have shown nothing for it. Even Rocket Lab can reliably get to space and they aren't backed by world's richest men money and have five times fewer employees than Blue Origin. Like, what the fuck are those guys even doing out there other than just trying to get rich pulling in government contracts? On top of all that, it's apparently a toxic bro-fest over at Blue Origin... ‘Rife with sexism’: employees of Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin describe ‘toxic’ workplace culture WWW.THEVERGE.COM Blue Origin faces a protest from inside.
  6. No, also filled with perfectly healthy people with no prior comorbidities because everyone is healthy until they aren't. Also, what does it matter if you aren't at risk? Just don't use up hospital resources. Honestly, no unvaccinated people should be getting intubated at this point. If they get to that point, just send them home. Cancer patients and other people that aren't in control of their health should be the priority here.
  7. Just promise not to use up hospital resources if you do catch COVID. Right now, hospitals across the world are struggling to meet to demand and refusing patients because they're filled with unvaccinated patients.
  8. This doesn't even make sense. Why even make it optional, let alone difficult to get? Just compel everyone in the prison to get a single J&J jab and be done with it. I can't imagine it's easier to manage the crowds when they're all sick and dying.
  9. I remember there was a period of time that SNK was selling a whole NGPC with like six games for around that much.
  10. Looks like Bezos runs Blue Origin like an entitled asshat... Blue Origin ‘gambled’ with its Moon lander pricing, NASA says in legal documents WWW.THEVERGE.COM Why didn’t Jeff Bezos’ space firm pitch a cheaper proposal? NASA specifically told everyone to submit their best offers first because they didn't have the time and money to waste negotiating and they didn't think Congress would give them everything they asked for. Didn't matter, because Blue Origin's proposal was still higher than they actually wanted because they assumed NASA would want to negotiate with them because they were bringing Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman to the table. NASA didn't even bother countering and just chose SpaceX since they're offer was for half of Blue Origin's was while also what having proven their space chops.
  11. These games won't be the same without the awesome thumb stick with microswitches. Anyone around here ever use the PDP Versus? Looking around, it seems like it might be the only such controller on the market that isn't a Neo Geo CD gamepad or the Playstation version of the CD pad; all going for way more money than I want to spend.
  12. Yeah, I can't think of anyone's name other than Lennie's and I'm not sure if that's only because you just mentioned it right now. The worst episodes of SVU are easily the ones that spent their 44 minutes on Liv's brother or Stabler's failing marriage. The world is so terribly small when Stabler's daughter just happens to be involved in some crime his very specific line of work involves him with. I don't want to have to keep up with Law and Order. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for some interesting crime to see solved. The original series was Saturday morning monster of the week for adults that enjoy dreary financial crimes or a good whodunit.
  13. This is the best part of the original series and the worst part of the spinoffs. Once they started delving too deeply into the personal lives of the detectives it lost me as being timeless, watch whenever, wherever TV.
  14. I don't know about that. Look at the history for context. When Insomniac's first Spider-Man game came out, it had been in development at the same time as other Spider-Man games from other developers. It's a massive open world game and came out only a couple years after the last Spider-Man game which only came out a couple years after the last Spider-Man game and so on. This was before they were acquired by Sony. It rather seems that they just did a really good job with the game and Marvel was in no rush to kill off a legitimate AAA darling of a franchise just because of console exclusivity. These are the best Spider-Man games ever made. I don't think Disney cares beyond that. The games are great and they sell millions of copies. Cool. That's probably enough for them.
  15. You know, I've got zero problems with an actor that knows his range and revels in it. He seems like he's having a lot of fun there and, for me at least, that often translates to fun on the screen. I'm right there with you. If I actually cared about an actor playing the same kind of character too often, I'd have seen like three Sam Jackson or Keanu Reeves movies.
  16. I'd buy that if it were competitively priced, like the Oculus. I wouldn't if it were priced like the Index and it's fucking $300 controllers.
  17. So this means that he refused sedation for the colonoscopy only because he was afraid of Pence being in charge for a few hours.
  18. I'm completely jealous. He could pay off a bunch of debt, glue the receipts to a canvas, and send that to the museum titled Thank You.
  19. Is that not normal or have I just been working in the tech industry too long? I can't remember the last time I found myself at an employer and hasn't asked me to inform them of any patents I owned while also relinquishing the rights to any patents I helped create while on company time or with company resources. It's boilerplate for me to let everyone know I'm an uncreative hack that's never invented anything in my life.
  20. I love this story so much. I hope they hang the piece accompanied by a small plaque with a picture of the money they gave him.
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