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Everything posted by TwinIon

  1. Given that some amount of Vision's powers came from the mind stone, I wouldn't expect him to be nearly as powerful. Still, vision's body was a vibranium Ultron body, so it should be quite powerful if restored, even without the stone.
  2. I don't have a PSVR, so correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding was the games tend to be those that can be played standing in place or sitting, generally facing forward. It obviously limits the design space, but was necessary due to the nature of the tracking. I guess I figured that even if the next version has inside out tracking that they'd continue catering to a similar set of experiences, in which case, wires aren't that big of a deal. Don't get me wrong, I have a quest 2 and I love the lack of wires, but I'm sure that a wired PSVR would be much cheaper.
  3. I'm very surprised to see praise for this, because to me it's one of the clear failures of the game. It's an open world and I want to be able to approach it that way, but the so many camps are designed you're forced through a specific path. Maybe there are a couple of entry points, but overall it's incredibly prescriptive in how it wants you to approach certain areas. It's one of my absolute pet peeves in open world games to run into "return to story mission area" warnings when playing an open world game. Why the hell should I not be able to flank or take the high ground? I really don't go that far out of my way in these games, but I keep running into those messages during story missions and I hate it. I tried picking it up again today after taking a break and I'm not sure if I'll come back to it. It's a decent game buried under frustrating design decisions and glitches. To name some that came up during this play session: why is it that I can find and use a gun, but it won't go into my safe? This is a game about scavenging, and thankfully it lets you pick up guns, but if I find one I like on an enemy that I haven't purchased, I loose it as soon as I swap it for something else. Also, why in the world do you pay random camps for refilling ammo at a bunker? I don't really care since the amount is tiny and I always seem to have plenty of credits, but I just ransacked some whole camp, find their bunker, and then pay for the privilege of taking their ammo? Or how about the idea that I can fast travel to a camp, go to their mechanic, and be prompted to pay 50 credits to retrieve my bike? I also couldn't save, because despite being in a camp I was too far from my bike or a bed. I could write pages of annoyances like these, none of them game breaking, many that I'm sure won't even occur to a great many players, but they keep piling up. I do want to get to a point where I could take on a horde, but progression is so slow I'm not sure I'll put in the necessary hours.
  4. I really like that provision the cops are complaining about. Has something like that been included in other state legalization bills?
  5. I've been waiting for this since they announced the first PSVR. I'll almost certainly jump on board. Kinda disappointed that we didn't get more info for any kind of look at the hardware.
  6. I'll be going back as soon as I'm vaccinated and once there are movies to see. I haven't really looked at the release schedule, but I feel like there's little that will be unavailable to stream in the near future. I suspect summer we might start seeing more big movies with a more normal release schedule.
  7. I find the Australian news thing fascinating, and I kinda hope it goes through and news stays off of Facebook there. Don't get me wrong, I think it's incredibly stupid to force Facebook to pay for links that users post to the site, and essentially blacklisting news is a relatively reasonable response to such an insane law. I'd never support anything like that in the US, even if it were somehow legal. Still, I think a world where people don't get their news from Facebook is probably a better world than one where a huge percentage of the population only gets their news from Facebook. I could be very wrong. It could be that those people move to other platforms and their news diet becomes somehow worse than it was with Facebook, and people are radicalized to insanity at a higher rate than before. Either way, it'll be an interesting experiment at a huge scale if the current state of affairs holds.
  8. I suppose I can't blame Apple for trying, but they couldn't possibly have expected to get all that.
  9. I'm surprised that so many here want a Last of Us series without Joel and Ellie. Plenty of games have exciting worlds that I'd love to see explored outside the events or characters of the game itself, but Last of Us is pretty much only interesting because of the specific story it tells. Otherwise it's just another zombie show with a few video game easter eggs.
  10. This isn't new info, but I only just realized from some recent articles that the entire film will be in 4:3 (1.33:1) square aspect ratio. I thought the aspect ratio in the trailer was a weird thing for instagram or something. It's just bonkers to me given that this is a film that will be seen almost exclusively on home TVs and was shot entirely in widescreen (1.78:1), but will be released only in 1.33:1. It would make more sense to me if he released the square version alongside a widescreen cut, similar to what he's doing with the black and white release, but deciding to just make it all square is quite the choice. I hope someone does a comparison with examples of what is getting cropped out. After this I suppose we'll know for sure if it's ever a good idea to go full Snyder.
  11. It looks like a pretty low effort port to me. In the age of next gen upgrades and frequent high quality remakes, they'll have to do more to make me care about this game.
  12. I grew up playing it in arcades and at home, and while I'm aware of the movies, I guess I didn't realize it's popularity. I know the recent game sold well, but nothing that would indicate to me that it has some outsized audience. TIL I guess.
  13. I'm curious why Mortal Kombat, of all video game properties, is getting another movie. It's going to be dumb, it's just not clear from that trailer if it's going to be fun. At least it'll be on HBO Max if I get curious.
  14. I absolutely want to see both games as a medium and the conversations that surround games "grow up" and be increasingly capable of having difficult conversations. Especially in bigger budget titles. I want to see games tackle hard issues and take a larger role in defining the cultural conversation in any given topic. That said, I don't understand the idea that you'd make this specific game and not want to make a political statement. In movie terms, I think it's the difference between the Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. The Hurt Locker is what I think the devs of this game are shooting for. It's generally apolitical, unconcerned about the war itself and instead focused on the its impact on a man and the decisions he makes in a war zone. Zero Dark Thirty is an attempted retelling of actual events, and I'd argue by doing so is inherently political. Regardless of the accuracy, when you're telling a real life story, you're making decisions about what and how to portray certain things, which are all political when it comes to war. If the developers wanted to make an apolitical game about the urban warfare of Fallujah, I think they'd have been better off with an unspecific setting. It gives you much more latitude what you can create and sidesteps all the issues they clearly don't want to address, like war crimes or the politics surrounding the conflict. By selecting a real life battle, you're inheriting all the baggage that comes with it, like it or not.
  15. I got a deal on a PS+ sub and it seems like the PS5 will be primarily an upgraded PS4 for a bit. I'm giving Days Gone a go. It looks good in 4K60, but it's definitely a slightly lesser open-world game. It's not bad by any means, but it's no Spider-Man. I keep running into small things that annoy me and I'm hoping it gets better as I put in more time. I also suspect I'm going to re-play God of War.
  16. I wonder if dbrand (or anyone else making custom plates) considered making them follow the shape of the console more rather than just replicating the stock ones. I want an all black PS5, but I'm not sure I care enough to actually buy new plates.
  17. Apparently EA is due to decide on the fate of Anthem this week. The 30 person "Anthem Next" team has been coming up with how to renovate the game, but they'll need triple that to make new content and finish the overhaul.
  18. We usually have something like 50 people over for the super bowl, so it was kind of nice to actually watch the game. Quite a bummer that the game was so dull. I was really hoping for some Mahomes heroics.
  19. If I had to choose one, it would be movies for sure, though I would be surprised if video games haven't taken up far more of my time in total.
  20. Just finished this right after going through the remaster, which really shows how much less there is in this one. It occupies an odd space in that by having the full city available it feels like a full game, but it definitely isn't. There's less to do and far less to earn. I feel like they tuned the progression system for people that mostly just play story missions, and that's kind of a bummer. I'd rather have had more unlocks available, even if they were middling updates, especially with a bunch of stuff locked behind new game plus. I think they were on a good path with making Miles play differently from Peter, but it wasn't quite fleshed out all the way. Especially with the invisibility. It hardly ever felt necessary, and I personally found it more fun and exciting to just fight my way through most situations. I played through on Performance RT and thought it looked good, but it's not a huge difference from the Remaster. They're excellent benchmarks to set for a new console, but I'll be excited to see what they're able to do in a full sequel. Which is really what this game made me want more than anything. These games are a ton of fun to play, and I'm glad we got the remaster and this game to tide us over until a full sequel is ready.
  21. No one wants to buy a PS4 because the PS5 is already out. Virtually no one can buy a PS5. The Switch is a mature platform with a large library of popular games, it's very cheap, and it's readily available. Also, with new variations coming out, you get a not-insignificant number of buyers picking up a second console. Nothing about the incredible disparity of sales over the last two months surprises me. Now, if the PS5 fails to sell better once it's readily available for purchase and as more next gen titles come out for it, I will be surprised. I don't expect it to outsell the Switch anytime soon, but I expect it to follow a path similar to previous PlayStations eventually.
  22. One of the few games I might consider playing through again. The upgraded performance modes have made a huge difference with Spider-Man.
  23. I find it difficult to understand the decision making here. Why go through the trouble of purchasing and setting up this whole division if you're not going to give them time to make games? Why build out a platform like this if you can't give it any time to catch on? It's so odd to me they'd get to this point, having thrown all this money at it, and decide now to start shutting things down. It doesn't surprise me, but it's still strange.
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