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Fable 4 - alleged leaked details from Reddit

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My guess is most of Microsoft's new studio acquisitions projects will essentially all be slated for Next Gen releases.  


I've never been a big fan of the Fable franchise.  1st one I thought was okay, but the 2nd I felt was terrible. Never put much time into the 3rd. 


They were always just too easy and childish for me.  


I hope this reboot turns it into more of an Epic feeling open world RPG, something that feels close to The Witcher.


And really all we've seen from Playground Games is the Forza Horizon games, so I'm REALLY curious to see how they do on a new genre.  Kind of like no one knew what to expect when the Killzone guys were making an open world 3rd person action adventure game.... I really hope Playground knocks it out of the park.

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14 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

ehhh, two had it's moments.  Combat was the best in 1 though


I hated two. It was a massive disappointment in every regard. 3 brought some of the magic back but it had too much Fable 2 in it still.  

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17 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I hated two. It was a massive disappointment in every regard. 3 brought some of the magic back but it had too much Fable 2 in it still.  

I like the music and the stone face doors in two but I was super disappointed with the combat.  I didn't like the whole gun era of 3. 

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8 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:

I like the music and the stone face doors in two but I was super disappointed with the combat.  I didn't like the whole gun era of 3. 

There were guns in Fable 2 as well. I hated guns in all the games(2&3). I wanted high fantasy, not fantasy with guns. 

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Each Fable is very much its own game, and I've enjoyed each one for the experiment that it was, while still completely acknowledging that none of them have lived up to their infamous father's promises. Let's hope this is the one that brings it all together! CHICKEN KICKERS UNITE! :rocking:

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17 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

lived up to their infamous father's promises

I was glad I had never heard of Fable until it was already out. My introduction to Fable was a standee at GameStop. I thought the standee was hella rad and I wanted it but it was only for the Xbox and I didn't have one. That Christmas I got a Xbox with a Trigun decal put on it by my dad and a copy of Fable. When I first played Fable I actually didn't like it. Sometime later I did give the game another shot and I loved it. And then I got Fable: The Lost Chapters. I played that game so much I could beat it in one sitting. That game was perfect to me at that time. I can see the flaws with it now, but back then I could not. I loved the shit out of it. I was very sad I never did the final thing I wanted to do in that game. Putting on Jack's Mask makes you 100% evil. Well, I wanted to see if I could become 100% good while wearing the mask. But then I kinda just stopped playing and literally never touched the game again. Don't know why anymore. I guess I was just done with the game. I mean, that was literally the last thing for me to do in the game but I never did it. 

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I remember hearing Peter talk about Fable 2 and my thought was “oh here we go again.” I turned the video off and never watched him do another video for any Fable game. I was all the happier for it. I rather enjoyed Fable 2 and 3. Lots of mindless distractions. It’s like a little bit The Sims and little bit action game. 


The Fables are games you can easily play while talking with friends in a party chat. 

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