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What time do you wake up on the weekday?


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I get up at 5am est time every day and it fuckin blows. I used to be able to get up at 6:15am when I lived near my work. Now I have an hour and 15 min commute to work each day and that gets draining. 


What time do you guys have to get up?

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34 minutes ago, Biggie said:

6am for work. Days off I sleep until 7am. 


30 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I'm fully awake by 0600 on a weekday and 0630 on a weekend/holiday.


Boy, you guys really sleep in on your days off! :p


I get up at 10am on my days off. I absolutely cherish sleep. 

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7am. Immediately crawl out of bed to make kids breakfast/pack lunches, get ready for work, drop kids off at school by 8:30, and off to work by 9am. I absolutely hate having to be non stop in the morning but the trade off is I stay up later at night and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Usually up by 8:30am on a weekend. I would sleep until at least 10am if I didn’t have responsibilities. 

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3 hours ago, Dodger said:

I get up at 8am and walk to my desk and start working. 


Fuck that's nice. 


2 hours ago, stepee said:

6:20am since I don’t have a commute anymore, weekends about 7am. I like to hang in bed for a bit but be out of bed by 9am or I feel like I’m wasting it.


7am on a weekend! 



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Weekdays, usually 4 or 5am. Weekends, when I work late, I usually wake up at about 11.


When I wasn't working at all, earlier this year, I would pretty much go to sleep about 2 hours later than the day before every day. My circadian rhythm did not follow the sun. I also live in a cave.


I'm also unfortunately not working again right now because of my shoulder, but it's different this time. It's almost impossible to sleep more than 1-1.5 hours at a time before I have to get up and move around, so I sleep whenever I feel like there's a chance it might happen.

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I wish I could sleep in on my days off, I just physically can’t. If I stay up really late the night before, like 1am, I might make it to 7. 

If I go to bed earlier in an attempt to get more sleep, I just wake up at like 3am instead. It’s fun. 


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17 minutes ago, stepee said:


idk I hit a point where it’s like why do I want to sleep in on weekends? That’s when I get to do fun stuff like whatever I want!


I get to do fun stuff and whatever I want too but I sleep in until 10am. Sleep is glorious!


16 minutes ago, Ominous said:


Sleep is overrated IMO. 


You shut your whore mouth!

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10 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

About 6:30 am. I would love to be able to wake up at 5 am, work out before I go to work, and enjoy myself a little bit in the morning, but I just have never been able to make it happen. 


Make it happen! Take control of your life and listen to Tony Robbin tapes and start working out!



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