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Redfall (Xbox Series/PC) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: Doritos/Mountain Dew/Rockstar Energy Drink cosmetic DLC now available!


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My 90 minute hands-on reveals limp combat and a lifeless world.





It's a sharply rendered world, but from a studio as stylish as Arkane it does feel like it's missing something. Deathloop and particularly Dishonored are wonderfully striking to look at, with such rich environmental world-building—their settings are instantly memorable. Redfall feels mundane by comparison. Despite the vampire threat, predominantly what you're looking at is normal, present day buildings and streets, and the art-style, though colourful and pleasant, isn't distinctive enough to elevate them.


As I start to explore, that feeling is compounded by the strange lifelessness of the town. Before my session, Harvey is keen to emphasise that I don't have to follow the main plot—I can just wander and see what I discover. But when I give that a try, what I find is… not a lot. There are little groups of enemies standing around in various spots, ready to come after me if I stray too close, but there's precious little to really interact with. Almost all the buildings I poke around inside are simply bare. No items to pick up, nothing to see, no signs of life other than bloodsuckers and cultists. It's a far cry from the intricate dioramas of Dishonored.





And really, this is the problem I have throughout: there's nothing here to get my adrenaline flowing. In combat, the shooting feels good, and there's a nice selection of guns to choose from (including more esoteric options like a stake launcher and a UV beam), but enemies don't put up an interesting fight, and there seems to be little strategic meat. There's stealth, and you can approach enemy encampments from different angles, but none of it really adds up to much more depth than shooting explosive barrels when cultists stand conveniently next to them.


The vampires are the worst offenders. Floating menacingly in the air and rushing at me to claw me, they at first seem thrilling—but once I pump a few shotgun blasts into them, I realise how weightless they really are. Easy to put down, feral in their behaviour, and usually found just kind of aimlessly hanging about with cultists, they have none of the grandeur or menace you want from a supernatural foe like this. They feel more like flying attack dogs. Once downed with a few shots, they flop helplessly to the ground, where you have to stake them to finish them off. It should be a cathartic moment—take that, you creature of the night!—but they're such limp enemies that it feels more like having to clean up after yourself.


The whole game really hangs on the idea that these guys are both scary and exciting to fight, and from what I play they just aren't. My last hope for an adrenaline rush is the anger of the vampire gods—as you slay bloodsuckers, the game regularly informs you that you're annoying their deities, which slowly fills up a big red bar. Take a break, and it'll drain slowly (though I have no idea what you'd spend that time doing), but keep fighting and it'll eventually summon a miniboss to put you down.






Redfall promises to bring gothic horrors, smart skills, and very cool vampire kills to open world shooters, and the first signs are looking good.




As you’d expect from a game in this genre, there’s a whole bunch of things to do beyond the main storyline. There are multiple safehouses to unlock, each of which becomes an ammunition stockpile and fast-travel location. There are activities which help pull neighbourhoods back from full vampire infestation, such as wiping out cultist rallies or preventing a powerful creature emerging from its blood amber cocoon. Then there are errand-like side quests that appear to be peppered with Arkane Easter eggs, such as one where you head off to find whisky and cigars.


But the best side activities are the strangest ones, at least from the small sample I’ve seen so far. Vampire Nests transport you into a twisted psychic realm where you must destroy a room-sized heart and then claim as much treasure as possible before the entire place collapses around you like some kind of blood splattered game show. Back in the town, you’re frequently reminded that ‘The Vampire Gods Are Watching You’, and if you cause too much trouble they’ll send an Incredible Hulk-like freak to beat seven bells out of you in a battle played out beneath a wild electrical storm. The repeating nature of open-world tasks feels completely at odds with Arkane’s typically hand-crafted approach, but it’s in these two activities that I saw a glimmer of how the studio is rethinking the building blocks of the genre to make them feel more systemic or novel.






The studio that made Dishonored, Prey, and Deathloop is heading into uncharted territory, but using its design principles as its guide.




Special abilities aside, I was surprised by how solid the first-person shooting felt. Although Arkane's previous games are built around first-person shooter dynamics, in terms of pace and intensity, these games have always been atypical, especially in comparison to the likes of Call of Duty or Destiny. But Redfall's shooting feels like it's in a good place, with weapons that provide satisfying feedback and have a heft to them. Pistols range from quick and snappy for when I was trying to stay on the move, to punchy when I needed to clear out a room; sniper rifles were precise and took a decent chunk off health bars when aiming for the head; and assault rifles felt suited to crowd control and getting into the thick of the battle. Coupled with the various abilities characters have, there was a good back-and-forth dynamic between guns and powers that kept me engaged.


I was worried that the looter shooter design trope of whittling away at health bars endlessly would become tiresome, but enemies didn't feel like bullet sponges, and there was also an execution mechanic where, after a certain amount of damage, I could get in close and stab vampires through the heart to deliver a finishing blow using the stakes attached to weapons. Doing this is key, as otherwise vampires will heal and get back into the fight. Along with the other two pillars of combat, I found myself staying engaged throughout my time. Naturally, that time was very limited, so it remains to be seen if this can be sustained through multiple hours, but thus far I am encouraged by it.






We got hands-on with Arkane's upcoming co-op FPS Redfall and, so far, it's shaping up to be an open world vamp 'em up coursing with Arkane magic.




Remember when Arkane said their co-op vampire 'em up Redfall is more akin to Far Cry than Left 4 Dead? I do! I remember a chill ran down my spine as I cast my mind back to Far Cry 6, where the tutorial island itself was longer than anything else I'd played that year. I was scared Redfall might succumb to a similar fate. I imagined it filling my head with map markers until my head swelled, popped like a balloon, and dropped grey rarity brain matter.


Well, having given Redfall a go for 90 minutes I was, perhaps, being a bit dramatic. The game may be open world, and may have some slightly jarring open world-isms, but I felt like Arkane's magic wasn't diluted by it all. Their talent for storytelling and level design bubbled to the surface constantly, making exploration a genuine joy. Sure, I have some reservations, but I can't deny that I'm itching to play it again





Redfall is a silly game about shooting vampires, but also not. Yes, it's about clearing a town of a supernatural nuisan…




"The thematics are that the [richest] 0.1 percent are already vampires," Smith tells me. "And in this game, they literally become vampires." Our conversation comes after I've played an early mission in the game which culminates at the Addison Mansion, a creepy house previously home to one of Aveum Therapeutics' founders, whose DNA experimentation led him to believe he was some kind of god. (If you've seen the brilliant mini-series Dopesick, which focuses on the real-life exploits of the Sackler family, there are interesting parallels here to Purdue Pharma.)


"Our fiction was never a disease metaphor," Smith continues, describing those who either have become vampires or ended up as cultists worshipping them. "It was always elective, it's not like a zombie outbreak where I accidentally gave you vampirism. You have to decide. So, [Smith points at me] if you're a vampire, and I want to be a vampire, I'm probably begging you. And you're probably like, 'Bring me your neighbour's kids'. And I bring you my neighbour's kid [in exchange]. That's literally our fiction."





"Twice on this project, Austin has lost power and water," Smith says, reflecting on his life back at Arkane Studios in Texas. "We had no power for 10 days and had to boil our water. Another time recently we lost power for four days. People died. No power for five or 10 days means old people, poor people, people at the edge of society, they can die. We keep undermining the infrastructure so the rich have it very good, and everybody else has it worse and worse. It's terrible. And meanwhile, you have guys yelling on the street, like, 'go home' and 'go back to where you're from'. I think all of that was in my head."


Smith recalls completing work on Dishonored 2 at Arkane Lyon and living in Europe during a period where the UK voted for Brexit, right before the US voted for Donald Trump. "I woke up in the middle of the night," Smith says of the US election, "I was on Twitter and I was just watching my friends be like, 'What the fuck is happening?' There was just this crestfallen, defeated, kind of reaction. And that's when I felt it: 'This signals the beginning of something really wild.' This is populism. This is like echoes of earlier times in history." And while all of this goes on in the background, he continues, numerous "horror show" incidents have taken place involving pharmaceutical companies.






The trailers don’t do it justice: Redfall looks great, feels great, and promises something great – if Arkane can overcome an age-old problem.



First thing’s first, the shooting feels better than Deathloop. This is something that Arkane Austin’s studio director, Harvey Smith, chatted casually to me about before the hands-on. The development team, only fairly recently, figured out how to make the various different guns – stake launchers, UV light blasters, magnums, high-calibre sniper rifles, and more – feel really, really good. Each class feels right in your hands, whether you’re fanning the hammer of a revolver or wretching the level of a rifle back before popping another headshot, this is what shooting should feel like – not the paper-thin water pistols we had in Deathloop.



And that’s important, because in Redfall you are underpowered. This game is hard, and that’s where I see the Stalker influence coming through. Your enemies are faster than you, stronger than you, louder than you and – unless you play well – they’re probably smarter than you, too. And you can’t just shoot them. The game encourages high-paced, risky gameplay by making you execute enemies once their health reaches zero. If you don’t get there in time, they come back to life, and you need to spend more precious ability points and ammo to finish them off. Firing stakes into their hearts, or using a weapon with a stake attached at melee range, will do the job. But these finishers add another level of on-the-fly decision-making into the mix. And it feels incredible to be in the midst of this bloody chaos, clinging to life and diving from body to body and driving stakes through hearts.




While fans may be disappointed at its less system-driven approach, Redfall is shaping up to be the studio’s strongest shooter to date…




When Redfall was first unveiled, it seemed as though the internet responded with a collective shrug. As the new creation from immersive sim maestros Arkane, expectations were understandably high – yet to many players’ disappointment, it looked like the Dishonored creator had abandoned its RPG roots for Left 4 Dead-esque co-op shenanigans.


It turns out though, Arkane devotees needn’t have worried. After spending two hours exploring the gloomy streets of a vampire-infested Massachusetts, I’m happy to say that Redfall is an utterly engrossing and atmospheric shooter.


As I was chucked into my solo slice of Redfall, I was pleasantly surprised with just how competently its blend of guns and ghouls holds up as a single-player experience. It helps, of course, that the minute-to-minute gunplay is phenomenal. While Arkane’s no stranger to firearms, it’s never been an area where this developer has really excelled.





While Redfall is defined by its unique vampire assailants and fun Far Cry 2 style combat, Arkane’s FPS game feels incomplete without its multiplayer.




Despite all of these positives though, I leave my solo experience feeling not-quite satiated. I only caught a glimpse of the main storyline in my mission, which while intense and exciting (no spoilers here, don’t worry) left me wanting more. I did die a few too many times because of the umbrella refusing to close, too, which quickly became very frustrating – especially because I spawned back at the firehouse and had to run all the way back to the Hollow Man’s mansion at the opposite end of the island. While the scattered safehouses will negate this in the future, it was pretty annoying and felt like a huge, meaningless time sink.


I think the bigger unscratched itch, though, is that I was solo. I think Redfall will really come alive with a group of players. The intention of co-op combat, of a ragtag group of heroes shouting excitedly at each other, seems to lurk beneath the entire world and its combat encounters. It already feels reminiscent of the good old Left 4 Dead multiplayer days, or even its spiritual successor Back 4 Blood. While the story is intriguing, it seems to frame the combat more than define it.


I don’t mean to suggest the story is bad – don’t eat me alive, I’ve had enough of that in-game. In fact, the snippet that I saw was moving, jarring, and rage-inducing. I want to see more, I want another bite, but until I get to try the multiplayer it feels like Redfall is missing just that little sprinkle of stardust that could transform it from a good game to one of the best PC games of 2023. Arkane seems to feel the same way – the teamworking aspect even takes centre stage in the game’s trailers – so I was a little surprised to discover this trip was single-player only. I liked what I saw and of course I’m glad Arkane wants this to work as a single-player game, but it doesn’t feel like, deep down, that’s what it’s really for.





Preview | Hunting vampires all over town seems like great fun so far




Look, I know comparing an Arkane game to Far Cry is going to run a gamut of responses depending on how you feel about Ubi's open world cookie cutter. But it's the best one line hook to get across what playing Redfall feels like. Imagine all of Arkane's world building from things like the Dishonored series, Prey or Deathloop, but filling out a fully explorable map where you can go anywhere. I keep thinking about those Dishonored moments where an out of the way alley or side door could open up a whole new thing you could have missed – this is that, spread over an entire town. 


When I start my 90 minutes hands-on, Redfall opens up before me: buildings and roads roll off into the distance, strange lights flicker in the distance while weird silhouetted structures rise up against the skyline. There are side missions and map markers to investigate, encounters scattered all over its streets, and plenty more. Even in the brief time I have to look around there's loads to discover among some satisfying combat and atmospheric weirdness. 






It’s time to stock up on garlic and sharpen your pool cues




After playing Arkane Studios’ Redfall, I was left somewhat puzzled about how to classify the strange new co-op shooter spawned from the minds that brought us Prey and Dishonored.


The closest thing I can equate Redfall to is an expansive immersive-sim sandbox that attempts to keep its narrative front and center.

Redfall is definitely not a horde-based co-op shooter akin to Left 4 Dead or Warhammer 40,000: Darktide — studio director Harvey Smith has already stressed that.


Yes, Redfall incorporates co-op elements, but like other Arkane games, it’s a solo experience first. In fact, Smith encourages players to play the game solo first, and to invite friends for an encore performance. (Unfortunately, co-op wasn’t playable in a recent 90-minute hands-on demo with the game in New York.)





Arkane Studios' upcoming loot shooter Redfall features elements from previous titles including Prey and Dishonored with the general gameplay from Borderlands with spooky sci-fi vampires thrown on top for good measure and it's a blast..



In a lot of ways, Redfall has clear ties to the stealthy combat in Dishonored, though it actually reminds me most of another franchise: Borderlands. The main difference is that its pacing is a bit less frenetic, opting instead for a slightly slower, more tactical style of combat, similar to what we got in Prey. There’s a nifty skill tree that lets you enhance a character's abilities, so you can choose if you want to play more offensively by adding extra damage and range to your attacks, or you can play a support role by focusing on healing and recovery skills. And though my preview was restricted to single-player, I feel like the most fun way to play will be with friends, where you can combo multiple characters' skills in a four-person squad to create some surprising team attacks. I’m not going to lie, having a buddy watching my back would have made the game way less scary, which is a testament to Arkane’s success at creating an eerie atmosphere.




Preview: Arkane Studios' first step into an open-world RPG shows a promising start.




When people think of the acclaimed developer Arkane Studios, stealth-action adventures like Dishonored or Deathloop probably come to mind. These kinds of "immersive sims" are known for letting players maneuver through a "clockwork world" where characters go about their daily lives and players complete larger, open-ended objectives. So it's a bit of a surprise to see the developers shifting to a more direct kind of looting and grinding-action RPG with the horror fantasy of Redfall.


After spending time with a single-player preview build of Redfall, I could still make out some hints of Arkane’s signature open-ended style amid the vampire slaying. But it's still a noticeable shift from the bleak worlds of Prey and Dishonored, with a team of charismatic vampire hunters that bring the vibe of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer to the gameplay of Borderlands.


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The developers are "looking into" removing the always online requirement for single-player (but I personally wouldn't hold my breath):



Redfall developer Arkane is "working actively" to remove the game's always-online requirement when playing strictly in …




The other response, Smith continued, was to accept the reaction and find out if things can - at a late stage in development - be changed.


"We do take it with a lot of empathy," Smith said. "We listen. And we have already started work to address this in the future. We have to do some things like encrypt your save games and do a bunch of UI work to support it. And so we are looking into - I'm not supposed to promise anything - but we're looking into and working actively toward fixing that in the future."




Unsurprisingly, there was a PS5 version of this game in development before the MS acquisition of Bethesda put the kibosh on it:



Microsoft reportedly did not want a PlayStation 5 version of Arkane Studios' upcoming vampire shooter Redfall following…




Microsoft reportedly did not want a PlayStation 5 version of Arkane Studios' upcoming vampire shooter Redfall following its acquisition of Bethesda.


That's according to Redfall game designer Harvey Smith, who, in conversation with IGN France, said Microsoft's stance on Redfall's development was "no PlayStation 5" after the takeover.


"We were acquired by Microsoft and it was a change with [a] capital C," Smith told the website during a recent press event (via Google Translate). "They came in and they said 'No PlayStation 5, we're focusing on Xbox, PC and the Game Pass'."



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Redfall (Xbox/PC, 02 May 2023) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: multiple hands-on previews/videos posted, developers "looking into" removing always online requirement for single-player, MS acquisition of Bethesda killed PS5 version
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Redfall (Xbox/PC, 02 May 2023) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: "Layla Ellison: The Telekinetic Threat" Hero trailer and "Summoning and Slaying The Rook" gameplay video

I still have some concerns of it playing well as a single player game and the difficulty but it looks fun to me and I like the atmosphere. 


Another game rumored to be UE5 that isn’t though I just read :( It’s still UE4


Wonder if we will get the first AAA UE5 game this year, I thought it was finally going to happen but idk now looking at upcoming releases. Maybe if Stalker 2 makes it this year.

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Redfall (Xbox/PC, 02 May 2023) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: "See How Jacob Got His Mysterious Powers" Hero trailer

Redfall is going to launch with only Quality Mode on console. Saying an update will release after with a Performance mode.


4k30fps on Series X

1440p30fps on Series S


Completely unacceptable for an Xbox 1st party game, and an embarrassment to Xbox.  They were beating the drum on how this generation would be more about feel and games being 60fps.  To have a 1st party title launch without a 60fps option after what is technically a year delay is laughable.


If they can't release games that are "done" after all these delays, I'd say it maybe time to be more transparent about what the issues are, or start holding more at Xbox Leadership accountable.  Phil Spencer has been in charge for awhile now, and while I think he's made some amazing decisions, there are still way too many baffling issues at Xbox to just completely ignore. 



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15 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Expecting 60fps on all console games going forward is probably a pipe dream -- particularly when these games will no longer have to support PS4/Xbox One cpus.


In this case since it’s just UE4 and has a performance patch coming so it’s obviously possible…they probably should have had that sorted by launch. Maybe nobody in the real world cares as much as we think about it, but at least in terms of internet rep, I feel a delay would hurt less than the reaction to 30fps only launch. I’m not sure if that actually translates to less sales/engagement though.

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3 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

 4000 series hoping for 240fps because... look at the graphics :angry-fap:


It should technically run at 240fps provided no cpu bottleneck as a 3090 is listed for 4k/60. So a 4090 should be able to do 4k/120 x 2 with dlss3 for 4k/240. But since I don’t have a 240hz display Ill have to settle for 6k/120 :(



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4 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Expecting 60fps on all console games going forward is probably a pipe dream -- particularly when these games will no longer have to support PS4/Xbox One cpus.

No one should ever expect 60fps to be ubiquitous as long as 30fps is considered playable (which I'd argue the majority of all players agree with, even if they don't know what fps means).


There will always be a choice to make something look better or run faster, and while market forces are shifting, most mainstream gamers seem to prefer better looking by default.


I think launching without a 60fps mode is just another example of how frame rates are nice, and while some have a strong preference for frame rate over quality, the opposite remains the default.

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18 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

They just don’t like cinematic games anymore.


It’s crazy that we are only 2 1/2 years removed from when 30fps was totally just the same as long as there is good motion blur! I can’t wait to watch it slowly transition back to that.

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Just now, stepee said:


It’s crazy that we are only 2 1/2 years removed from when 30fps was totally just the same as long as there is good motion blur! I can’t wait to watch it slowly transition back to that.

It doesn’t help that 30fps on the PS5 and XSX/XSS “feels” worse than the previous gen, supposedly something to do with the way the new consoles do frame buffering. I noticed it immediately when I got my PS5.

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3 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

It doesn’t help that 30fps on the PS5 and XSX/XSS “feels” worse than the previous gen, supposedly something to do with the way the new consoles do frame buffering. I noticed it immediately when I got my PS5.


I wonder how much it is different compared to last gen and how much harder to go back as we further and further move beyond 30fps. I can’t really tell a difference myself (not saying there isn’t one though) beyond oled handling motion a little worse but I think the difference is highly exaggerated online due to people getting used to 60fps.


I’d like to see a last gen on lcd vs current gen on oled DF video for science!

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8 minutes ago, stepee said:


I wonder how much it is different compared to last gen and how much harder to go back as we further and further move beyond 30fps. I can’t really tell a difference myself (not saying there isn’t one though) beyond oled handling motion a little worse but I think the difference is highly exaggerated online due to people getting used to 60fps.


I’d like to see a last gen on lcd vs current gen on oled DF video for science!

OLED isn’t the difference, I had an OLED for my PS4 and Xbone as well, and I can play Switch games at 30fps in handheld or on my TV just fine, but my launch PS5 and XSX 30fps modes are just bad most of the time. There’s a lot of reddit threads about this, and it’s not people just getting used to 60fps; people who still have their last gen consoles are flipping back and forth and noting the difference. :p 

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9 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

OLED isn’t the difference, I had an OLED for my PS4 and Xbone as well, and I can play Switch games at 30fps in handheld or on my TV just fine, but my launch PS5 and XSX 30fps modes are just bad most of the time. There’s a lot of reddit threads about this, and it’s not people just getting used to 60fps; people who still have their last gen consoles are flipping back and forth and noting the difference. :p 


I wanna read a tech breakdown on this, wonder what it is specifically and if there is a way around it!

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5 minutes ago, stepee said:


I wanna read a tech breakdown on this, wonder what it is specifically and if there is a way around it!

I’d like one too, the frame buffering being different is speculation, some others seem to think it’s a defect in launch units 



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The big reason this is an issue for me is we already had a game that had this promise to patch in features post launch, and that was Halo.


Coop is coming after launch.  It took a year, and ultimately was indicative of much larger issues with the games content pipeline and how ready it was.


I can play games at 30fps fine, I enjoyed Gotham Knights.  But for an Xbox 1st party title, next gen only, with the ability to supposedly take advantage of all the new tech in the box, it feels like they are releasing the game unfinished.


Especially when your marketing was focused on being the most powerful console.

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  • 2 weeks later...




The First Differences Between Solo and Co-op


The Redfall developers have made it abundantly clear at this point that, despite having the look of some other looter shooters or four-player co-op games, this is, ultimately, still an Arkane game. When I played on my own for a little over an hour, it certainly felt like it. Sure, there are limited abilities per character and stealth isn’t always as big of a factor, but the storytelling and simulated world are all there. You’ll randomly stumble across a vampire feasting on an unfortunate victim, opposing factions suddenly break out in gunfire, and sometimes you’ll hear enemies discuss their plans for the future. This all still feels true with two-player co-op.


The bulk of my playtime at Arkane Austin was with Creative Director Ricardo Bare, who played as Jacob, a former mercenary turned solo sniper with a magical eye and raven to go with it, while I tested Devinder, a cryptid hunter who came to Redfall for a book signing. I picked up the controller and promised Bare I'd reign in my worst gaming tendencies; scanning the contents of a shop for spare health in imaginary junk food my character doesn't need but deserves, reading notes left to lost lovers, and watching enemy patterns to scheme the best way to eliminate them as efficiently as possible. Of course, the first thing I did when we loaded into the second of two Redfall area maps was run on top of a truck to see if there was anything in its bed. Old habits die hard.


Still, those habits felt relevant in co-op. With only one other person on the adventure, more often than not I felt like we were partner detectives. Redfall stands still in the moment the vampires attacked; homes are a mess as people evacuated and battlegrounds of warring cults are host to corpses with stories of their own. Some of those stories are in the form of loot, while others are written out on loose sheets of paper or notecards to collect. One of my favorites was a torn-up convenience store in the middle of a cult fight. I'm not certain why they needed to string up a rotting pig, but I have a feeling it had to do with them worshiping the vampire god "Bloody Tom." I don't think he'd be too interested in pig blood, though. Maybe offering the wrong blood is what brought misfortune upon this group.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Redfall (Xbox/PC, 02 May 2023) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: "Campaign Co-Op Preview" article and video (IGN First)
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Redfall (Xbox/PC, 02 May 2023) - Open World Co-Op Shooter from Arkane, update: pre-load now available

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