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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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What the hell was Warren’s strategy tonight? 

There isn’t a poll that has her as the preferred progressive to Bernie, and she came in 3rd in her own state, to a guy who didn’t even come to MA.


I support Elizabeth Warren, but tonight was a disaster for her.

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My thoughts on Bernie from 2015 to 2019 are pretty well known here, and even my current support trends toward pragmatism (I will vote blue no matter what), but the glee with which some of you view these results is rather disheartening. 


There is a lot to be said about the feasibility or efficacy of Bernie's policies - and I do not discredit any of those issues - but we need someone who will fight. The votes for M4A may not exist in Congress, and the fiscal machinations to make it possible may never come to pass, but consider stories like this (read the full thread):



I cannot, in good consciousness, read stories like that and do or think anything other than 'we need someone who will dedicate every fiber of their being for these people'.  I do not see that in Joe Biden. I see in Sanders an opportunity to bring the biggest voice in government to working class people in a way it never has before, and it hurts me on a fundamental level that it may not come to pass. There is nothing celebratory about that.

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10 minutes ago, Chris- said:

My thoughts on Bernie from 2015 to 2019 are pretty well known here, and even my current support trends toward pragmatism (I will vote blue no matter what), but the glee with which some of you view these results is rather disheartening. 


There is a lot to be said about the feasibility or efficacy of Bernie's policies - and I do not discredit any of those issues - but we need someone who will fight. The votes for M4A may not exist in Congress, and the fiscal machinations to make it possible may never come to pass, but consider stories like this (read the full thread):



I cannot, in good consciousness, read stories like that and do or think anything other than 'we need someone who will dedicate every fiber of their being for these people'.  I do not see that in Joe Biden. I see in Sanders an opportunity to bring the biggest voice in government to working class people in a way it never has before, and it hurts me on a fundamental level that it may not come to pass. There is nothing celebratory about that.

In case any part of this is directed at me...


I was in the tank for Warren, my guy. The likely outcome of tonight’s results... I get no kick from this champagne. She couldn’t carry a sack lunch tonight, let alone her state which depresses me in more ways than one. The only upside is that way more people seem to be showing up to vote for Joe fucking Biden, of all people, tonight, and I hope they show up and vote blue again this fall.


That and the genuine, continued confusion regarding how anyone could possibly have been surprised, even for a second, that the guy who hangs his hat on being an outsider, non-establishment candidate wasn’t supported by insider, establishment Democrats... AGAIN. I’d happily vote for Bernie come November but come the fuck on, now.

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6 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

regarding how anyone could possibly have been surprised, even for a second, that the guy who hangs his hat on being an outsider, non-establishment candidate wasn’t supported by insider, establishment Democrats... AGAIN.

There's not a single person surprised by this, more like grim acceptance

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13 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

And i assume higher voter turnout in primaries correlates with higher voter turnout in the general?

It certainly lends itself towards higher GE turnout. And given that the race really will turn on just a handful of states, seeing a solid uptick there is a positive sign for the Dems.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So... what's going on in Texas? It's a horse race out there.

Texas is being Texas. I’ve been saying it for years now that our Dems are not as liberal as other states. Doesn’t shock me at all the the moderate candidates are >50% of the vote share.

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Biden is shocking in Texas in the border counties too, not winning any but being within a handful of percentage points in a lot. Nobody would have guessed that after the early state contests where Sanders performed very well with the Latino vote.

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10 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

It certainly lends itself towards higher GE turnout. And given that the race really will turn on just a handful of states, seeing a solid uptick there is a positive sign for the Dems.

I'll believe it when I see it, but that's something at least.  Thanks. 

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:

That would absolutely not happen.  She could do that to Bloomberg because he's got the personality and presence of a wet paper towel.


The Imbecile would steamroll her hard -- not on actual issues -- but on his sheer bluster alone.  All he'd have to say is "Pocahontas" and that would throw her off totally.  You don't "debate" him on issues - you have to literally wallow in the muck and grime with him.


So...Avenatti 2020?

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

Eagerly awaiting more mental gymnastics to explain how the guy who couldn’t beat HRC or Biden could have beaten Trump... somehow...


Definitely makes sense to judge this based on who won states the Democrats are never winning in the general election. 

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