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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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On 7/4/2019 at 4:01 PM, SFLUFAN said:

What do you say to an ethnic minority who says, "To hell with that.  The white working class has been pandered to for decades and every time the opportunity arises, they gladly vote for the guy who indulges their grievances.  Our advancement as full members of this society comes first, then we can talk economics."


I am utterly convinced the Democratic Party is in an unenviable, intractable position.

Yup, you can hardly blame any class or race for voting for their own interests over the interests of others. That’s why the dems are so fractured. The republicans otoh, have a very clear platform with a very clear target audience.

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Joe Biden says he regrets his comments on segregationist senators




Following weeks of criticism, he told a mostly African American audience in Sumter, S.C., that he regretted his recent remarks about working with segregationist senators in the 1970s. He also responded directly to attacks on his record, addressing in more direct terms his position on busing. He defended other portions of his record too, including his support of the 1994 crime bill, the 2005 bankruptcy bill and his 2003 vote in favor of the Iraq War.


“Was I wrong a few weeks ago to somehow give the impression to people that I was praising those men who I successfully opposed time and again? Yes, I was,” Biden said. “I regret it. I’m sorry for any of the pain or misconception I may have caused anybody. But should that misstep define 50 years of my record fighting for civil rights and racial justice in this country? I hope not. I don’t think so.”


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It wasn't that long ago that there were questions about how dems did so well in 2018 running female candidates to 2020 female candidates looking like they weren't going to do well.  Personally Warren's rise is more sustainable, hers is rising from consistent campaign messaging, while doing well in a debate could be gone just as fast as it rose.

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Might as well post about Swalwell.



Swalwell told CNN's Erin Burnett on Monday that he was "running to win and make a difference," and didn't have an honest shot at victory in a field of over 20 candidates.

"If we didn't see a path to winning, there was no other reason to stay in," he said. "I want to narrow this field and let others have their shot so that we can get a nominee that can beat Donald Trump."

Swalwell recently canceled a two-day trip to New Hampshire on July 3 and 4, in the first signal that his campaign might be coming to an end.


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For the first time, Miners' union invites Democratic candidates to court coal workers



In letters sent Monday to 23 Democratic presidential candidates and obtained by NBC News, the union’s president, Cecil E. Roberts, said many miners who have felt estranged from the Democratic Party for years are now interested in starting a dialogue.


“They want to talk to you, and they have a right to be heard,” Roberts said, inviting candidates to “demonstrate that Democrats are still the strong voice for working families that has long been the party’s tradition.”


The last Democratic presidential candidate to tour a mine with coal workers was John Kerry in 2004.



But the reality is far different. Coal production is expected to hit a record low in 2019, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a nonpartisan agency. And today, there are fewer people employed by mine operators and contractors than there were under President Obama, according to the Department of Labor.


“Coal-fired power plants have continued to close notwithstanding those rules,” UMWA spokesman Phil Smith told NBC News.


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1) I think coal miners are starting to see the writing on the wall, even with Trump production is down, and he/the Republican party doesn't care for them outside of campaign photo ops. We can't guarantee jobs at a mine, but we should be able to say "here are good jobs cleaning and repairing water systems/roads/solar install/wind install/etc and we WILL guarantee your health care for you and your family" which is basically what Trump told them, but has not followed through (and his DOJ wants to completely gut the current health care law that does benefit miners)


2) traditional campaign managers/consultants with their fees and everything is pure swamp people. Good riddance. The fact that it really is taking this long for politicians (did Bernie do this too?)  To get rid of those with obvious conflicts of interest says a lot about our political system.

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


2) traditional campaign managers/consultants with their fees and everything is pure swamp people. Good riddance. The fact that it really is taking this long for politicians (did Bernie do this too?)  To get rid of those with obvious conflicts of interest says a lot about our political system.


Bernie not only didn't do that, by all appearances his wife likely was one of the outside consultants and made heavy heavy bank in 2016.

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Buttigieg proposes broad plan to combat racial inequality



"If you're a white candidate, it is twice as important for you to be talking about racial inequity and not just describing the problem — which is fashionable in politics — but actually talking about what we're going to do about it and describing the outcomes we're trying to solve for," Buttigieg told NPR.

His "Douglass Plan" aims to establish a $10 billion fund for black entrepreneurs over five years, invest $25 billion in historically black colleges, legalize marijuana, expunge past drug convictions, reduce the prison population by half and pass a new Voting Rights Act to further empower the federal government to ensure voting access.


His campaign says it is equal in scale to the Marshall Plan, which used the equivalent of approximately $100 billion at current value to rebuild Europe after World War II. Buttigieg says the program would be enacted alongside potential direct reparations for slavery, not in place of it.


The two-term mayor also supports a constitutional amendment to abolish the death penalty, and intends to expand the Supreme Court and eradicate the Electoral College.

Buttigieg ties these lofty goals like changing the Constitution to his campaign's central theme of generational change.


"I don't know where we got the idea that it's impossible to do these things," he said. "This is a country that changed the Constitution so you couldn't buy a drink and then changed its mind and changed it back. Are you really telling me that we are incapable of using one of the most elegant features of our constitutional system?"


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1 minute ago, SFLUFAN said:

Now we're getting somewhere, Mayo Pete!


I saw this story shared by one of my friends who's more in the Warren/Sanders wing of the party (probably Yang as well), who said Pete's not her number 1 choice but she's really impressed with the scope of the plan. Hope he keeps this up.

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Simply put, that’s because they say outrageously offensive and bigoted things while draping them in the most gossamer-thin layer of plausible irony. They use “gay” as a synonym for bad, gleefully use the word “retard,” and mock the MeToo movement and what they term “liberal” feminism as a whole. It’s all delivered in a dueling pair of bored, near-monotones, interspersed with some purposefully provocative but less blazing-hot takes (“The only acceptable hobby is smoking cigarettes,” went a recent one.)


This fandom is strange, given that Red Scare is, again, in the business of saying outrageously offensive things. To pick one recent example out of dozens, Khachiyan and Frost of Chapo Trap House recently appeared in a bizarre article in Spiked, a right-leaning British magazine. (Nekrasova’s absence was unexplained.) Though Khachiyan has complained on Twitter that the quotes were taken out of context, the quotes themselves are pretty damn weird: she began the interview by telling the writer, “You can tell people I’m trans... I’m not trans, but you can say that just for fun.” (She argued later that she was simply making fun of herself, which, sure.) She and Frost went on to complain at length about “uptight, white, overeducated, liberal women,” as they put it, with Frost bizarrely claiming, using Lena Dunham as her sole example, that there’s a rash of middle-class women “voluntary [sic] removing their reproductive organs.”



It’s not limited to bad interviews with fringe magazines, though. Khachiyan also recently mocked a comedian named Kath Barbadoro who said on Twitter that she’d rather not work with clubs who host Louis CK. Barbadoro called it a “workplace safety issue,” to which Khachiyan responded on her Instagram stories, “Lmao Louis CK isn’t gonna jump out of the bushes and rape you, Kath . . . he’s a chastened man who also . . . did nothing wrong.” (He did.)



A weird and largely undiscussed wrinkle in the Red Scare version of hipster shock-jockery is the fact that it also includes some casual valorization of anorexia. One of them maintains a secondary Twitter account devoted entirely to what she’s eating, or not eating, plus photos paired with text in which she exults about how thin she looks. (I’m not linking to it because it would be frankly irresponsible to do so. A fair number of people in media follow it, though, which is certainly a choice.)


But yes, people who aspire not to be assholes are the real idiots.

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