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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. My left hip has consistently been tight and I usually need to stretch it and foam roll to keep my mobility. I think it stems from having a shorter left foot than right foot (about a shoe size and a half difference) and some pigeon-toed-ness that causes it.
  2. I liked the PS2 but never loved it. I do feel though that if I’d been a bit older when it launched (I think I was 10 or 11) it would be an all time favourite.
  3. I couldn’t imagine going back to either unless you have some nostalgia for either game.
  4. In fairness that seems to be what coming generation is about, playing old games we already own slightly faster.
  5. Couldn’t get into the last book mentioned so, on recommendation by my wife, I’m reading The Goose Girl. It’s listed as a young adult, fantasy novel, though some of the description and subject matter push it into just ‘adult’ fiction. I’ve also bought four books that I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy based on the authors, so hopefully this will get me back into reading again after a little hiatus.
  6. I watched it and it was very entertaining. They also timed the release perfectly and the whole Rudy thing, good lord.
  7. Still plodding along though on Chapter 5-3 so getting their. I’m going to buy the next Dark Anthology game for Halloween and after a bit of thinking, it seems that getting PS Now for a month actually works out best as it has Observer, Days Gone, SOMA and The Evil Within 2. All ideal Halloween games - but none is actually want to own.
  8. This thread makes me wish I was 15 and could literally just stay in a dark bedroom and play a single game for an entire weekend.
  9. I’ll just mention PS4 games I’m still looking to pick up, although I’ll be getting a Switch (finally/hopefully) next month so I’ll be using that for any indie releases for the past year. Anyway: Spiderman Final Fantasy 7 Doom Eternal Resident Evil 3 Control Outer Worlds Jedi: Fallen Order Then on my PS+ account I’d like to play through Detroit: Become Human and possibly Borderlands 2.
  10. Nothing to do with this thread, but I think it may have been the first game review I ever read where Shadow of the Empire was referred to as a jack of all trades but a master of nine’ and as a seven year old I had no idea what it meant. Sorry, as you were...
  11. Just killed a few snuffly Regenerators in RE4. 15 years later and it’s still a deeply unpleasant noise. Update: Chapter 5-2 is a bit of a pain. I’ve died twice after not being emotionally ready for a load of Iron Maidens, then waves of enemies and then more Regenerators. Not helped by my awful ability to play the game and no ammo. Update #2: On chapter 5-4. Just got through a bit of a slog against all the enemies, but hoping I’m on the back straight. It’s still a great game but it would be nice to focus my energies (whilst I have them) in something else.
  12. ...during podcasts when it isn’t pre-decided content. Anywho, I think that’s enough of that conversation for the time being.
  13. My point though is she’s a great podcast personality but not necessarily when it comes to video games (at least not recently).
  14. I was mainly referring to the Podcast itself. I might be the minority but bar the off quick look I don’t access much GB media.
  15. Never been in a fight, have been punched a lot in rugby (and once dishes one out) but I’m confident most people would batter me.
  16. That’s both shit but in the last few months it does feel like she’s better at being part of the conversation, rather than contributing to it (the last few weeks especially have felt like she has only been playing games for an hour a day, mainly Fortnite, whilst the others have been carrying on with it as their main job). I’ll watch her where she goes however.
  17. I like the idea of this, but likely wouldn’t play it. It does remind me that we have a 360 and I was thinking of buying a new controller for it and a few of my favourite 360 games (namely Halo, Gears and Mass Effect)
  18. I’ve been playing my DS in and off for the last few days. I have quite a few games I’ve not touched but might be suffering with too many games to realistically ever play. For the time being, I’m going to stick with Spirit Tracks, Picross 3D and then later on get back to Mario and Luigi and Ace Attorney.
  19. One more day to go until the UK government tells me whether I’m allowed to go outside at all. I miss the days when people were saying there we no chance of a second wave...and now here we are, really we should have a full second lockdown but economically we can’t. So thieve most likely to become ill (low income workers) will continue and those who can afford to stay at home - will be.
  20. I want a Switch Lite, but the fact that the issue may happen and I'd have to send the whole console away concerns me. This also reminds me, I need to start dropping that I want one back into conversation with my wife...
  21. I read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It's strange that I can recognize the world building and characters as being amazing...but the actual story just kind of leaps along and really doesn't have much substance. I'd almost welcome someone re-writing it today, adding about 200 pages and turning it into something more substantial. I've also technically just read Beyond the Stars, which is a collection of short stories for children to pick one I want to teach in a few weeks (I went with the Kind of the Birds). I've also started a book called The Lie of the Land, but I've been so busy/tired lately, my small amounts of downtime tend to be quick goes on the PS4 (or DS), or guitar.
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