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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. The same feeling you’d get dangling your legs over the edge of a skyscraper.
  2. I know I should be thinking about this as I have one child, I don’t think we’re going to have a second and contraception is rubbish. The thought of a vasectomy though makes me feel funny.
  3. Resident Evil 3 Spiderman Final Fantasy 7 Remake Super Mario Odyssey Links Awakening Luigis Mansion 3 and then probably a few indies I haven’t played like Dead Cells, Hades, Undertale etc essentially seeing out the rest of the PS4 releases I want and starting a Switch collection.
  4. As someone who isn’t directly impacted by the election but I’m interested in it, can we stop talking about getting stoned so I can read all the reposted tweets and opinions without having to scroll through all load of unrelated posts (except for the discussion of legalisation). Cheers.
  5. Really enjoyed getting a bit lost in Zeffo in Fallen Order today and in general, the game as a whole. I like the traversal and the use of force powers in puzzles and combat and the way that levels will slowly but surely unravel. I did find I was running around trying to work out how to progress - when I just needed to be signposted a bit more, though I managed to work it out.
  6. I think I'm going to starting relentlessly saving so next summer we can buy a new 4K TV and get PS5 to go along with it. As a side bar, I've always been someone that likes the idea of a Souls game, but I've never really played them (I've got to the Gaping Dragon, died a few times and not really touched the game since) - but that Demon's Souls remake looks pretty epic. I love the monster design (leaning more to dark fantasy than horror) and the lack of HUD looks great. It might tempt me to give the series another try (although with getting a Switch in a few weeks, I might get the Remastered Dark Souls and see if playing portably will help).
  7. I really like Sleepy Hollow - campy but creepy. Also I remember watching it a year after release at 10 and it being pretty awesome even then.
  8. To ask anyone else - playing on a PS4 (original) and when driving the game stutters and screen tears and just looking a fair few unstable textures. Hopefully there's a patch or surely this is refund worthy.
  9. Always sad news to hear of someone dying, however at 90, being one of the most famous actors ever and dying in your sleep in the Bahamas is up there with the best ways to bow out.
  10. Sad to read that Little Hope (the follow on from Man of Medan) is wank - really banking on Supermassive making something on par with Until Dawn, but it's starting to feel that it was a one-off from them.
  11. This thread is a timely reminder to never give anyone you phone number unless you're seeing them in person - frequently.
  12. I'm a teacher so I'll still be going to work, at least now there won't be any traffic on the way home!
  13. After several weeks of the UK government saying that we will not enter a second lockdown and that our strategy of using a tiered, locally targeted lockdown system was working...there’s been a reporter leak that the UK will enter a second lockdown on Wednesday to last until December the 1st. Honestly, after this many u-turns by the conservative government you’d think Johnson, Gove and Hancock would have whiplash.
  14. Apart from quite hardcore Nintendo fans, would the fourth game in a series really be the sort of thing to launch a new console with? (Speaking very hypothetically here). I do agree it sounds as though it will have that cross over, but I wonder if we’re going to be looking at a reboot rather than a follow up.
  15. Wife has decided this will be her autumn game so currently downloading. Looks like all my gaming is going to be before 8am until we get a Switch.
  16. I think I’m going to really push to complete MP after I’ve finished Fallen Order. I’m still across the room from the ice beam so it’s nice and easy to use a guide to get back in track.
  17. That’s good to hear. I’ve not been able to play it any more but I’m actively thinking about playing it lying in bed at the moment. The last time I had that feeling was Last of Us 2.
  18. For the briefest moment I thought this was going to be based on the Sebastian Faulkes novel...ah well.
  19. What exactly do you have to do to be banned these days - much less on a permanent basis.
  20. He’s a scout and a dab hand with a compass - without which we’d have been very, very lost. He does go on a lot of walks though.
  21. http://en.m.wikipedia.org//static/favicon/wikipedia.ico Exmoor - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  22. So Exmoor is a very nice, quite remote park about an hour from my house that’s mostly farmland and moor land. I went with my father in law and his brother and it was a series of walking through bogs, up endless fields and hills, through farms and some nice roads. Literally the entire walk though, all I could think was it all felt very Death Stranding. @Mr.Vic20 The route did have quite a cool name though ‘The Chains’. B684752-B-34-FB-43-E4-A91-D-F820-B81492-C4 IBB.CO Image B684752-B-34-FB-43-E4-A91-D-F820-B81492-C4 hosted in ImgBB D75-D6975-D93-B-48-D3-83-EB-102836-D1975-A IBB.CO Image D75-D6975-D93-B-48-D3-83-EB-102836-D1975-A hosted in ImgBB Anyone been on any good walks lately?
  23. Weirdly no, I actually really enjoyed it (and the whole game). But it was in the same way that I enjoy waking around my local park, it’s not engaging, but it’s really nice to do - enhanced by having another layer of engagement.
  24. During that third chapter I just listened to podcasts and enjoyed it as a pleasant way to spend some time.
  25. Beat RE4, finally purging my soul of a an unfinished game since 2005. I ended up having a dig around for some games to trade in and after the shop sadly not having FF7 remake or RE3, I bought Jedi Fallen Order and The Fractured But Whole. Played the first 30 minutes of Fallen Order and I’m very happy with it.
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