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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. There I was, scrolling away, adding a few politics, sport and game podcasts and low and behold I see a link for erotic stories. This obviously makes sense as a thing, I haven’t listened to one...yet, but the summary has the line ‘he looked up at me from my vulva’ so I’m not holding out hope for greatness.
  2. I just had a flick through and I counted 11 games that I haven’t played yet but still want to . I don’t know if this is a testament to how many good games have come out in the last three years or how few games I’ve actually bought. Either way, enjoy and I hope you all have some one off work in the next few months to see out the previous generation and welcome the new.
  3. For those that doubt the third person James Bond, go buy Everything or Nothing for less than the cost of an apple and enjoy a quality EA game. Back when that weird kid would whisper ‘challenge everything’ during the loading stage.
  4. Really looking forward to RE8 and just slightly related, I've just started Ace Attorney on the DS for the first time. It's been good - though a fair bit of reading and clicking to get through after a long day of work..
  5. gamer.tv

    What's up?

    Currently in school, calling parent's as it's our Parents Evening day (well, second one). Then home, bit of looking at the baby, eating some dinner, watching the Crown and then bed time!
  6. The highs of this generation have been really high (Last of Us Part 2, God of War, Breath of the Wild, Red Dead Redemption 2) - but it has also been a very familiar generation. I'd also say that I had more fun with Gears 2, CoD4, Bioshock, Mario Galaxy 2...
  7. I've literally been waiting three years for one - the curse of deciding to change careers and going right to her bottom of the money pile/back to school with no income. I’m not waiting any more dagnabbit!
  8. Sorry to bump this random thread. I was browsing trying to decide on which Switch bundle to buy and after thinking about the 3D All Stars bundle, there was a suggested google search for Metroid Prime. This made me wonder how long it will be until we have a Metroid Prime trilogy re-release. We know that the joycon are capable of replicating the Wii and it would be nice for the first two games to offer a choice of control method. Just some random thoughts.
  9. I look forward to buying it, playing a good 10 hours and then remembering that actual Souls games annoy me more than I enjoy them.
  10. I'm most likely leaning towards something like a 4K Samsung, purely as they are fairly entry level, I've had positive experiences in the past and don't cost the earth, though comments about ensuring the television has a 120hz at 4K, I'll be choosing carefully as it would be nice to get the most out of the console.
  11. Another reminder that by about the 20th of July (next year), I need to save up about £900 to buy a new television, a PS5, a sound bar and a few games. I'd say it wasn't essential, but we currently have some old Philips television that weighs a ton - and both myself and my wife play are keen gamers. The deadline is mainly as that's around the start of the summer holiday's and will hopefully be a reward to myself for passing my probation year...
  12. As a teacher, podcasts have become a great way of building my subject knowledge and stealing great ways of sharing that love of history. Will book mark a few of these...and the thread in general.
  13. Play guitar, teach kids and make fun of kids in a way that is incredibly mean - but goes enough over their heads they don’t tell their parents on me
  14. I appreciate that we're getting a lot of ports...but does this generation already feel like a summary of the highlights of last gen - but at 120FPS?
  15. Am I the only one that finds the whole ‘if it’s wrong you get banned’ trade off - as if any of it really matters.
  16. I think I’ve only replayed a handful of games - I used to be much worse at getting half way through a game then buying the next new release. It meant I had a fantastic library of games, but had only completed maybe 3 of them in total. I try to just focus on one games at a time now and with life being the way it is, never have cause to go back to a game unless it’s online based.
  17. Last three books mentioned (bar the Uthred book which I've happily read) have now been noted for future buying.
  18. How does the system in the US compare to the UK system? We pay National Insurance which covers state benefits (maternity pay, pension etc) and income tax which covers our National Healthcare Service, Education, Welfare etc. It's based on your current earnings, so increases the higher your income bracket - although everyone is guaranteed to have 12,500 as personal allowance (which isn't taxed) with the remainder looking like: Band Taxable income Tax rate Personal Allowance Up to £12,500 0% Basic rate £12,501 to £50,000 20% Higher rate £50,001 to £150,000 40% Additional rate over £150,000 45% Then for National Insurance, if you earn more than £183 a week, you pay 12% of your earnings, up to £962 per week.
  19. A person who bets on something - or someone who pays for a service in general. Owner of the shop: Now lockdown is back, we're gonna lose a lot of punters!
  20. My wife is thrilled. Thank you Wade. Could we please have CyberPunk for the PS4 please.
  21. I just had a quick check and I’m roughly half way through the main story if Fallen Order. I’m still really enjoying it, though occasionally there are some performance issues and slightly annoying parts. I’m also still pretty poor at the gameplay - although not a massive fan, Dark Souls seems to give you a lot of practice against the enemies in it, which makes deaths feel more your fault. Fallen Order doesn’t have as high an enemy count and so I sometimes end up just blunt forcing my way through with force powers, holding triangle and running away. it has helped me enjoy games though where the point is to be lost, unsure but explore - even with a marker on it’s not like many games where it’s either a very obvious marker or the game literally has something that guides you. it’s also nice just seeing out the last few releases of this generation with my limited free time before we buy a PS5 and a new TV next summer.
  22. Even if they do, it’ll end up being like the improved 3DS - better but not essential as they can’t exactly alienate 68 million current switch owners.
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