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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. Tiberium was the last I played of C&C. I bought the compilation some years later, but didn't even touch it.
  2. Have no opinion on low profile mechanical keyboards, but I've seen this floating around the internet from time to time if you are looking into getting one. https://kono.store/products/hexgears-x-1-mechanical-keyboard
  3. It’s been pulled. https://www.engadget.com/2018/10/06/windows-10-october-update-delete-pulled/
  4. Its got some great art assets attached to it, though yeah in terms of an actual route to race its not great. Mostly a nostalgia factor, makes me wish race had a more dedicated gametype in Halo though.
  5. Did the 14 day trial to Xbox Games Pass so I could play Forza 4 just for the Halo run... lol
  6. I don't remember loving the first one very much, but I picked up the second since it was free. Maybe I'll try it at some point in the future.
  7. Don't do it spend the extra and get the 4k 144hz
  8. The first movie is the only one that I was really interested in. Wasn't a huge fan of Prince Caspian, didn't even watch the third movie. Can't say I'm overly excited for it, but if done right could be pretty good.
  9. These are my feelings. Minecraft probably isn't the Juggernaut it use to be, but to be beaten by games I haven't even heard of?
  10. I guess my question would be do you know what you want? I’ve primarily switched to VA panels because I can’t stand IPS glow. I’m guessing with your previous comment you aren’t a fan either. Do you need G-sync? 144hz? Curved? QHD? There are some decent options out there. HP has a 100hz QHD flat VA panel 32 inches for like $300. I just ordered a 27” 144hz QHD 27 inch VA from Samsung for $330. Neither have G-sync, but depending on what you want you can save some money. I typically find QHD panels to have horrible QC. Back light bleeding, stuck pixels, weird dark smudged on the panel, IPS glow, etc, etc. I went through 7 panels until I got one that I found acceptable on my PB279Q. Just went through 2 MSI monitors, returned both and am now trying the Samsung.
  11. I woke up this morning and this was one of the first things I saw. I am excite.
  12. My biggest issue with the game is that after the first two hours or so the story just stops and becomes a grindfest to get enough pieces (can’t remember what they were called) to continue on. The gameplay itself was alright, some decent action, good controls, nothing to really complain about. Nothing to really excite me either. I haven’t played it since it launched though, I haven’t played the definitive edition or whatever it’s called.
  13. Thats actually a pretty decent price for a GSYNC monitor. Being curved I'm going to guess that this is a VA panel.
  14. They also have a blog detailing the services or a DIY if you feel brave enough. http://www.retrofixes.com/2014/05/nes-101-toploader-av-mod-kit.html
  15. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills now. I thought the blackout map was modular and that the locations shifted around the map (area's stayed the same, just shifted around). I swear I remember dropping into the estates on the right side of the map one round and Nuketown down near the bottom. I must have just not gotten the hang of it in the short amount of games I played.
  16. For most people the notch will "go away" within hours of use. You adjust to it and then hardly notice that its even there. I've even come to appreciate it at times. I had the same problem when I tried the essential phone out for a couple weeks a month or so ago. Android P is great, looks great, got great features, but I'm just set in my ways at this point. I didn't really "miss" my iphone, but I noticed that I was using my phone less and less and wasn't doing what I'd normally do on my phone.
  17. I second this post for anyone else having an itch to play an older game. Buy a WiiU Classic controller and you can play anything from NES to N64 (I think) as well as gameboy, PS1, sega, etc. Super simple to set up, super simple to get running. If you wanna upgrade some older stuff (like the NES RBG mod) though you can check out these guys. It ain't cheap though. https://store.retrofixes.com/collections/services
  18. Hopefully in the future they adjust the tick rate. I still for the most part really enjoyed the game even with it being 10/20hz
  19. Yeah, the AI just stands there for the most part and moves around a little bit. The combat looks incredibly slow for my taste as well. I understand this is an alpha, even pre-alpha state, it just isn't something I think I'm willing to invest in until I see more.
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