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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. At least I got a mew out of it I guess. I thought about getting 151 since my buddy bought Pikachu and I got Eevee.
  2. Because it just feels like a gimped joycon with less buttons. I wouldn't say I have large hands, but I find it more uncomfortable to hold than a joycon. I probably won't next time I play
  3. I actually hate the pokeball controller. Makes me not want to play the game.
  4. Finished Dune Messiah, I still liked the book, but it felt quite a bit more boring that the first book. Just started Children of Dune, it almost feels like Messiah was just a build up book for this. I kind of spoiled myself a couple things by wandering out on the internet looking things up. Somethings I really don't like, but I guess we will see how they turn out.
  5. This could be the only game on the system and I'd still buy it
  6. I had a half sleeve planned back in October, but cancelled due to not really enjoying the idea of what I came up with. I have 6 random tattoo's across my body. Mostly hidden beneath clothing and my wrist most people don't even notice. @Triage Those lines look clean, its a well done tattoo. @atom631 I love the all togetherness of your tattoo's. Something I've been planning to do is connect them all of my tattoo's in some way that I like. However the older I get the less I enjoy the pain and lose the desire all together to get anything done.
  7. I completely forgot about that mod, I think I have a couple from dismantling gear, and I could also go find the rest of those cats.
  8. Yeah I figured it still worked that way so I leave them in my inventory. I usually get over competitive in Crucible so I take every advantage that I can. I usually just don't swap off that armor/guns unless I start struggling to kill enemies (like in the nightfall).
  9. Thanks @Anzo. I'm pretty sure I have higher LL boots and helmet, I just don't use them because of the perks for crucible. I should swap them out when I do other activities, but I don't really care enough. I'll probably need some clan peeps to help me out with anything 560 and above. I barley passed the nightfall with one of my friends who is even lower LL than I am. Impossible for me to do the ascendant challenges by myself or with my friend. I don't even do enough damage for me to have him just run around as a decoy. Clan bounties are about the only thing I can do. I'll have to hop in discord more often.
  10. I just dislike Gambit as a gametype, but yeah if powerful is involved I will power through it. I've got too many instances of bad teammates/carrying/just overall BS that happens in Gambit. Some people might enjoy it, but I don't.
  11. Yeah thats what I figured. I mostly just pick up all the bounties from the tower and petra and do as many of them until I don't want to do anymore. I also actively avoid Gambit, I hate that every clan bounty is usually attached to that gamemode. I hate gambit with a passion
  12. This is by far the worst aspect of the show. It's bearable, but really annoying. Other than that I'm enjoying the show.
  13. Does anyone have some general recommendations for getting to a higher light level? I feel like I used my powerful gear far too early and I kind of capped out around 535/540, wondering if there are other ways to help get me higher (I can barley pass the nightfall with a friend, can't do shattered throne / ascendant challenges) So far I've just started leveling a Titan until the reset and then I'll hop back on my hunter.
  14. I should probably do this. I've been putting my consoles on top of boxes for the same reason since the release of the 360. I should probably invest in these as they look 100000x better.
  15. While I do love me some tetris, I'll just whip out my gameboy until this hits $5
  16. Just realized that I haven't read a lot of books that have been turned into movies/shows. I agree with LOTR. I didn't reach much growing up, it wasn't until my late teens that I started reading for fun and by then the movies had already been out. I attempted to read the Fellowship and couldn't force myself through the slower parts. It would get to the point I would force myself just to read a page or two, I gave up about halfway through. Also the entire beginning in Hobbiton is probably one of my favorite parts of any movie ever, it would be pretty hard to top that. The only other books off the top of my head that were made into movies were Holes, Harry Potter, and Dune. Holes is pretty on par with itself, I remember enjoying it as a book when I was younger, the movie is likewise. Harry Potter is a little weird for me. While I admittedly agree the books are better, I can't have one without the other. Dune is..... yeah. Hopefully Denis Villeneuve's version will be a hit.
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