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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Yep, those EXACT 3 movies are what I thought of. I had the biggest damn smile on my face when I saw where the tunnel took them
  2. I liked episode 4. This story is really starting to open up. And good lord was the entire search For the vault some 80’s Spielberg adventure movie goodness. God that was fun.
  3. Does anyone know how to do this using a 3.5mm cord? Every time I try it only plays audio from the left headphone. Gone in and turned the Mono setting on/off and messed around with the fader. Not sure if it just isn’t possible or if I’m missing some setting somewhere. I know I can go buy an adapter for the USB stick so it’ll be wireless but I don’t want all that crap in my pocket haha.
  4. Yeah I had it at launch too. There was nothing grindy at all about the game. If you played it like a normal person. My guess is, that since most reviewers seem to speed through games in order to get their reviews out on time, that they skipped a lot of side quests and as a result were under leveled when they got to the end of the game which resulted in them having to grind. If you play the game like normal, you don’t even have to do all the side stuff, then you come to the last act at the appropriate level and you don’t have to grind anything. Also the loot stuff was also way overblown. I went through the whole game, didn’t spend a dime and got everything I wanted.
  5. I’ll buy it just in the hopes it helps push along a damn sequel. They really should bring the Prince of Persia series back since Assassins Creed has moved sooooo far away from it at this point.
  6. Same. The rental is still a bit too high. And I’m waiting for the inevitable Trilogy Pack to buy it
  7. I’m not sure how alone i am in this opinion but I always liked Bogus Journey WAY more than Excellent Adventure.
  8. Something that’s 100% worth watching besides the first 3 movies(it references all 3) is the YouTube video that theorizes that Daniel is actually the villain of the first movie and not Johnny. Johnny basically summarizes the theory at one point but the entire first season kinda of plays around with that theory actually being true. Like I said, Johnny will give you that theory eventually but I found it a lot of fun already knowing about it’s existence.
  9. I’m down. I’ve only seen III once so it’ll feel pretty fresh. And like others. I remember watching it and thinking it wasn’t as bad as everyone says.
  10. That all could be better but it’s still pretty sweet. I’ll get 3D All Stars just because. Mario 35 looks amazing. Tetris 100 but playing Mario levels? Sign me up!! And that Mario Kart: Home Circuit is going to dominate Christmas morning with my son.
  11. Ahh bummer. There goes MS hope of acquiring a studio that actually puts out games once in a while.
  12. They shouldn’t drop EA, they should just stop giving EA the exclusive license. Allow competition in the genre again
  13. Cursed - Could Not Finish/10 I gave it a go but I just can’t keep going. There’s a couple interesting characters, Merlin for example. But what a garbage take on Arthurian legend. Just have the balls to give the characters an original name instead of adding already established names to get cheap views. Fuck this show.
  14. Been super into Neil Gaimans audiobooks while I’m driving around for work. Just finished The Sandman pt 1 which was utterly amazing. I always assumed graphic novels couldn’t be translated into Audio form but good god was this executed perfectly. Decided to start Gaimans Lovecraft Monsters book. I’ve actually never read this one so it’ll be fun to have to listen to something brand brand new for a change.
  15. Whats The Pagan Lord about? Ive read Saxon Stories(really good) and Warlord Chronicles(amazeballs good) by him and would love to get into another series
  16. Trying to decide if listening to this as an Audio book in the car is feasible.
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