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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I like that at the beginning of a new gen everyone forgets what the beginning of a new gen is like. It’s like the first snow fall of the year when everyone shits themselves like they haven’t lived in the north their whole lives lol
  2. Sheesh that last episode was insane. I’m still not really sure where this show is going, or what the point is but god damn am I enjoying the ride
  3. I think $30 is too high. I don’t mind throwing around cash for entertainment but even I have paused at that price. Granted, like others have said. They haven’t released any movies I consider “must see” in that format yet. If Wonder Woman or Dune was released I would pay it in a heart beat. $20 I think is a much easier to swallow price.
  4. Well I mean it’s not like the series history is littered with nothing but amazing movies. For every great Bond there’s a trash one. And this iteration is 2/4 so far. Also classifying Skyfall as “Good at best”? I don’t know about that
  5. No that’s not really the point. Obviously there’s lots to play on Xbox if you include multiplats. The joke comes from the complete lack of AAA, hell even AA exclusive games on Xbox vs Playstation. If you got by that list(which I’m not entirely sure is accurate) MS’s output plays into the narrative. Do those games suck? For the most part no, of course not. Do any of the games on that list push the needle? Not even close.
  6. Alright, I’ll bite. What is your standard for a good parent?
  7. Yeah...it’s not great and it misses some of the moments from the cartoon. But if you missed why the “transition” scene(s) youre criticizing make sense then you kinda weren’t really paying attention.
  8. Watched it tonight. Wife and I did a “date night at home” type of thing. Tried to replicate the theater experience a bit. It was fun. Anyway, movie was a little disappointing. It’s certainly big and beautiful but the actual story is meh. Pacing isn’t great after the first act. The music was surprisingly disappointing, nothing really memorable. And the worst part was Mulan herself was really pretty boring. That all sounds worse than it is. I still enjoyed it. Just had much higher hopes. 6/10
  9. Just finished season 2 last night. Good lord I did not expect it to go there. Also the big finale fight is one of the greatest things ever filmed.
  10. You should read it regardless of whether or not you see the movie. Its fucking incredible. And yeah from I remember about those shields is that the slower you go the easier it is to penetrate the shield.
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