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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Its been years since I played it but I think one of the biggest things is to increase the sensitivity of the camera? Someone else can probably confirm this but I remember it playing really sluggish till you change the sensitivity and then it runs way better. Also don’t play the combat like a hack and slash. Use your potions before each battle, looks for openings. If you play it more like a Souls game I think you’ll enjoy the combat a lot more. Oh and #teamyennifer
  2. The Girl on the Third Floor - 7/10 So CM Punk made a horror film, so I watched it. It’s decent. The first two acts are kinda standard haunted house stuff. Nothing super interesting. It doesn’t suck but it’s not super memorable either. The third act is a little more fun. I did LOVE the practical effects. It felt like a golden age 80’s horror movie in that regard. I also really enjoyed CM Punk performance. Def pleasantly surprised. I hope he does more stuff. It felt like he could pull off some more interesting roles. As odd as this is to say, it felt like he could do a really good job in an Evil Dead remake, if they did remake more in the the vein of Evil Dead 2 as opposed to the more hardcore remake they did already. I dunno that makes sense, but I think he could pull off that over the top performance that Bruce gave. Anyway, that’s a long review for a pretty average movie haha
  3. I’ll be honest. I didn’t hate the full trailer
  4. More annoying: A) The vegan/vegetation that won’t shut up about. B) The person who doesn’t eat/hates fast food and won’t shut up about it. I gotta lean B cause you run into more of them.
  5. Theaters won’t die. They’ll just need to continue evolving the way they already were. Theaters will have to continue to cater even more to the “experience” vs the default way to see new movies. Upping the service level and the quality of the actual theaters themselves I think will go a long way. But unlike renting movies I think there will always be a large enough segment of the population that enjoys the experience of going to the the movies that it will always be around in some form. The shut in, introverted nerds won’t ruin everything for everyone.
  6. Awesome! This sounds a lot more like upgrading Ezio’s Villa/Town which I absolutely loved. Cant wait for this! I believe the male voice actor is Cnut from The Last Kingdom so I’m 100% going male this time. Went female for Odyssey.
  7. When Wendy’s fixes their god awful fries then we can talk about them playing with the big boys. Until then, back of the line they go. Taco Bell has had Fries for 5 minutes and they’re already better than those bland nothing sticks Wendy’s tries to pass off as fries. Disgraceful.
  8. The Babysitter - 9/10 I feel kinda gross enjoying a McG movie so much but here we are. Super fun little horror comedy. Nothing as on point or brilliant as Cabin in the Woods but still a super fun story with a nice little twist on basic horror character tropes.
  9. The fact that there are so many questions to be answered and contradictions is exactly the problem with JS. A true journalist would have done a MUCH comprehensive story. But instead he always gets enough to warrant a headline and runs with it. He’s basically the NY Post mascarading as the Times. And no one(at least in here) is white knighting for corporations. But just because a company is a big corporation doesn’t mean they’re always the bad guy or should always be vilified in stories. So when a story comes out that CLEARLY wasn’t telling the whole thing, it’s ok to “take the corporations side” In the interest of wanting full objective reporting.
  10. Id say def at least try Origins before Valhalla comes out. Origins is such a big departure and jump forward for the series. I think itll Help you appreciate Valhalla more if you at least get a taste of the beginning of the “reboot”
  11. TrIgGeReD relax fan boy. If 1 and 2 are serious questions then I can’t help you. I didn’t say it was a garbage way to describe a journalist. You can describe any journalist any way you want. It’s a garbage STANDARD to hold a journalist too.
  12. The Platform 8/10 I have a soft spot for these sort of dystopian, single set, isolationist horror movies. This one has a pretty interesting premise. Solid allegory the class system and sorta trickle down economics. Really liked it.
  13. “net positive” is such a garbage term in the context of a “reporter”. Their job is to put in the work to deliver truth and facts. Not be a “net positive” Where hopefully they get more right than wrong. Be a fucking real journalist. Put in the actual work to get a full story. And if you get something wrong have the balls to admit it and amend the story. He does none of these things. He’s a joke and his creepy followers are a joke.
  14. “Energize our salesteam” lol corporate speak for “what the fuck am I paying you asshokes for if this kid can make something better for free. Do better or *vincevoice you’re fiiiiiired”
  15. I haven’t seen either. But I assumed it got the anthology tag based on the Seasons not the episodes. It’s doing something similar to American Horror Story. Same creators, similar naming convention and reusing many of the same actors to tell a new story each season.
  16. Bone Tomahawk - 9/10 The horror marathon continues. This one sorta skirts the edge a bit but who fucking cares, phenomenal movie. God the only thing that would have made it more perfect was if Sid Haig was in the role of the deputy and we got him for the whole movie. I don’t know how they got the cast they did for this but they all seemed like they really wanted to be there. Amazing performances all around.
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