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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I recently got high for the first time in quite some time and had the weird thought of thinking of D1P and how I interact with you people for years now and have no idea what your actual names are or even what you look like. It weirded me out MAAAN.
  2. Shit, she really was an absolute highlight in a show full of nonstop highlights. Her and Stiller had insane chemistry in this, whenever they were featured in an episode I got excited immediately. She was gold, Jerry, GOLD!
  3. I'm a bit late to the party but I saw Hedberg live with Dave Attell sometime in the early 2000s and I was going to a lot of comedy shows at the time. It's absolutely one of my favorite performances I saw and at the time he had no big "legend" status that I was aware of at all. He was incredibly fucking funny live, the whole combo. I'm sure he had technical issues so to speak but that's like dinging the Ramones for technically not being good musicians to me. I was supposed to see Carlin live as well but unfortunately didn't go, still kicking myself for that. My favorite standup gig ever though was Patrice O'Neal. Edit: Jesus christ, they're basically all dead I just realized. Depressing...
  4. I really liked Skyward Sword, need to replay that.
  5. I did but he just went apeshit in the second phase. When I realized you have to do the first phase again I calmly put the game down for now. I'm a bit exhausted lol
  6. Thanks for pointing this one out, that sounds great. I really loved The Last Door last year and want to check out more Point & Clicks
  7. Holy shit man... I completely forgot that this was the first game besides Tetris I ever owned. I LOVED this game so much, just had to go on YouTube and check it out again to hear that music melt my nostalgia face off.
  8. Ah man, that's terrible, I'm sorry to hear that. I've gone through it with many cats over the years since I tend to adopt some sort of misfit with 8,000 health problems so I completely relate.
  9. Which is truly shocking considering your levels of misanthropy.
  10. One of those shows I keep meaning to watch... And then I watch the same episodes of Seinfeld for the millionth time instead.
  11. I just had this conversation with my girlfriend last night. I'm absolutely guilty of picking and choosing what I'm apparently upset by but this is definitely an outrageous absurdity over the past few days.
  12. A good friend of mine works at a tattoo shop that Willis used to frequent and he's told me some stories about him being really out of it and sometimes incoherent. Now it makes sense I guess, damn. Just thought he meant he was fucked up on drugs or something.
  13. I just remember quite a few posters on here marathoning games like Assassin's Creed Valhalla and I can't even do it with Elden Ring, a game I absolutely love for the most part. I realized last night that I need to take a full break because I was starting to rush through things and getting legit frustrated. Think I'm gonna dip back into Returnal for the DLC content while also playing Hunt.
  14. Alright so I gotta say I don't know how some of you guys marathon these open world epics regularly. I fucking love this game and even despite that I'm totally out of steam right now and have to put it down for a while just because of the amount I've been playing. I rarely play open world games but when I do, I tend to burn out around the 60 hour mark and never got back so far but hey, I've made it to about 110 hours here so far at least! I really liked Witcher 3 at first, like a lot, and even there I burnt out completely at around the 60 hour mark and never went back.
  15. I saw it's 17.99/month for the tier that actually includes anything I'm interested in. Yeah, no thanks, I'm good. I'll just keep emulating the handful of games that I actually love and that held up. OF WHICH I OWN ORIGINALS OF COURSE.
  16. I randomly decided to check on an NPC last night and realized I didn't pay attention to like one line of dialog properly. Ended up realizing it was a hint, tried it out discovered an entire new area...what the hell. The worst is that every single time I want to keep playing for hours because I just have to know what's there but this was like right around bed time.
  17. Been going through the A History Of Rock Music In 500 Songs podcast on Spotify and discovering all sorts of interesting music lately. I highly recommend that to anyone seriously into music nerding.
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