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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Okay...I downloaded the game again. God help me, here comes another 120 hours or some crazy shit.
  2. Surprised to see it got good reviews because that trailer sucks as much as most of his movies have so far.
  3. Welcome to the club. The person that uses my account the most, including myself, is my ex-wife.
  4. I wrote that after using the Poison Perfume maybe an hour prior and it literally did nothing. I've actually only used that one and the one that boosts damage and HP but decreases damage negation, that one I liked.
  5. Those balance changes to magic and consumables are all welcome to me. Especially the range increase on Glintstone shard and effectiveness of those perfumes. Shit was useless before.
  6. Christ just go to the titty bar and spend most of your paycheck on Savannah who's paying her way through dental school before you return home to cry into your thrift store pillow like everyone else.
  7. I think we exchanged ours and have seen each other online like twice because we both put it on Offline mode or whatever
  8. The tower here, from what I'm seeing, seems pretty damn close to a new biome gladly. There are new cutscenes, lore markers, a full new boss and apparently a couple new enemies as well from what I read. Shoot me your PSN and I'll add you. I won't be playing for a bit because of Elden Ring and Hunt but when I get into it, maybe we can try some Co-Op.
  9. Any of those Medium shields like heaters with 100 Phys are great in my opinion. Beyond that, I just swap for variations of non-phys defense values like magic. But I also use that spell that enchants your shield for magic damage negation etc.
  10. I only play sword & board and it's definitely viable, yeah. Just later on, they really ramp up the bosses and magic attacks and what not are rampant so it's often roll city out there.
  11. I was gonna write about this at some point. I really like the crafting here for the same reasons. It's another thing to keep you in the world at all times instead of creating a pause.
  12. I'm playing the PS4 version on PS5 and it very rarely drops below a seemingly solid 60fps and the only actual bug I've experienced so far was my damn currency drop not showing despite the map showing the location as well. This game has actually performed shockingly well for a From title for me. Then again it's absurd I had to play the PS4 version on PS5 to achieve that. Edit: Actually, a boss pushed me into geometry that I got stuck in and subsequently died in. Nice....
  13. First someone would've searched through their entire posting history first and looked for a smoking gun of a dissenting opinion, reposted it, then had them banned, then reported it to their actual job and had them fired.
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