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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Russian Doll S2 I like surreal stuff so this has been quite appealing. Let's see how it finishes and I'll post some thoughts then.
  2. My coworker, who was also adopted, found some biological family members through whatever site he went through. Not sure if you're interested in it since it could be a bit of a can of worms I imagine but I just wanted to give you the heads up. I can ask him what service he used because I can't remember for the life of me. My sister and I both did it and found out some interesting origins nobody was really aware of. I thought it was absolutely worth it myself.
  3. No I mean that's why I didn't comment on that particular special. What I said was my opinion and impression based on his previous specials that I think the same applies to. He's already like three specials deep by the time he goes "I'll stop and listen", which I'm not taking away from him, but if you heard the same shtick you dislike twice do you return for a third helping? I'm not saying I care if others do btw but when I read the new special is more of those topics, I lost interest. PS: I might as well watch the fucking thing now lol. Might do so next weekend, now that I've talked about the guy all day
  4. I had a fucking FIVE KILL game in Hunt: Showdown and my first collective server wipe with my team last night.
  5. He's not heeding his own advice that I've heard him say about race issues. Stop and listen a bit more if you don't understand. That's really the crux of the issue with this "material" that I don't understand because he is a thoughtful, intelligent and highly talented man and yet it just all breaks down completely in the face of this Godzilla that seems to be trans and gay people. The bit where I checked out and really felt truly awkward continuing to watch was his bizarre LGBTQ (?) and someone hitching a ride in a car analogy/joke/whatever that was? I forgot which special but it was legit painful to see him trip so hard and just keep going.
  6. And a big reason why I don't dismiss "Nu" Chappelle wholesale is material like this: I've already said my piece in regards to the shit I don't like, or find to be a shitstain on his talent personally, but material like this I truly do appreciate. PS: I haven't seen it in a hot minute but going by memory.
  7. I think I've exclusively watched Seinfeld on Netflix for like two months now if I boot it up at all.
  8. Alright, I should clarify that my post(s) weren't pro-Chappelle but specifically pro-"if you think you're going to Dimebag Darrell someone, you deserve what happens after". You'll rarely see me in topics like this because I don't consider myself intellectually, nor experience-wise, equipped to make any valid contribution about a topic like trans issues. I'd rather shut up than say something potentially ignorant or short-sighted because, quite frankly, I have no fucking clue beyond my own moral compass. However, I will say that Chappelle's last few specials prior to this recent one turned me off specifically because of his unfunny, hackneyed and blundering homophobic and transphobic "bits", or whatever they were supposed to be. I find his whole zeroing in on these things to be bizarre and uncomfortable to watch. In short, I don't support Chappelle's weird obsession with this subject at all and it comes off like a bruised ego doubling down on shit he doesn't understand to begin with. Furthermore, I don't even really like Nu Chappelle in general. I think he's slowly turning into a self-aggrandizing self-parody which doesn't mean there aren't brilliant moments there still, which there undeniably are in my opinion. So a big reason I haven't commented on him at all in here either, despite his old shit being some of my favorite comedy material ever, is because I've had zero interest in seeing this last special specifically because I'm tired of his weird-ass trip regarding these topics. With that out of the way, I completely disagree with "he deserves everything coming his way". The stage-rusher was armed with a deadly weapon so to me you're implying he deserves to be murdered. I don't care about logic there, my gut tells me that that's a fucking dumb opinion. On the other hand, the guy rushing an entertainer on a stage with a deadly weapon on them absolutely deserves that beatdown as far as I'm concerned. The last few times that happened, someone ended up dead. And with that, I slither back into my cave of random bad jokes and videogame talk because I typically don't come here to have intelligent debates, I have to do that at work all day.
  9. Dude launched himself into Chappelle like a torpedo and bounced off like a NERF projectile. What a bizarre move.
  10. Man, I really haven't paid attention to this dude but reading his Wikipedia page is something else. What an asshole.
  11. I actually don't collect or anything so no trades, sorry. Game goes anywhere between $600 and $900 right now. I was gonna list it on Ebay for $600 but I'd do $500 for anyone on here.
  12. Gotta memorize this one quickly, I'm going in for my test on Wednesday
  13. I find this truly baffling because even the official government answer for my current American History & Civics test for my citizenship interview is the following: 74. Name one problem that led to the Civil War. ▪ slavery Copied & pasted from an official document.
  14. I'd say it's probably based on the writers' good memories of the 70s so in that regard, maybe it was partially? Either way, I really enjoyed that show but don't really have any interest in this one. I also don't really have any 90s nostalgia yet outside of maybe videogames.
  15. I mean they managed to trick you into thinking that's what the '70s were so naturally they can do the same for people that didn't actually live in the '90s. PS: I loved That 70s Show.
  16. I can't put my finger on why but describing that as a "moment of madness" is somehow the most hilariously British shit to me. I can HEAR the snooty accent
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