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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I'm somehow really curious: Name one band you do consider yourself a legit fan of.
  2. The humor of this does not escape me simply because my mother used to blast this in the car on the way to the pool the summer it came out in Germany. Obviously none of us had any idea what it meant. I still sometimes mock her for this.
  3. You're in for a treat in terms of it being seemingly the antithesis of modern AAA game design.
  4. I think he needs the short and ultra-sweet replay value of Resident Evil 2 Remake. I beat that game like 9 times and did all extra modes and all kinds of shit and I usually rarely beat any of these massive AAA spectacles even once at this point.
  5. I'm with you on that 100%. The map design, fast travel (or lack of) options, sparse save spots all ended up being a recipe for pure frustration for me and I absolutely love Metroidvanias. I'm very methodical with these games, taking notes and everything and even I found it too obnoxious about 70% in and just dropped it. I'd say I played about 35 hours total and the last 15 of those felt like the definition of a slog. There is so much to love about that game and I wanted it to fantastic but those issues above make it grating as hell.
  6. For fans of the show: Are season 7, 8 or 9 any better than 6? I really didn't enjoy this one and thought most of it fell flat and don't want to invest more time if it's just going to continue floundering around.
  7. The weirdest shit about this pic is that he's still playing N64
  8. The original cover is great, what the hell is happening here? Also, gave this new song a shot out of curiosity. I'm not a big Tool fan but I did like Aenima a lot back in the day so maybe my opinion is half-assed but...this sounds like every single Tool song I've heard in the last 20 years just more tired and with weaker production.
  9. It's 2019, the little motherfucker has a chip implanted with GPS or something, no?
  10. I mean, we have cell phones, the plot crumbles within 45 seconds.
  11. So basically you're saying I'm incredibly astute (I've been waiting to use that word for a while now)
  12. None of us seem to have considered yet that she may well be just as fucking nutty as that fruitcake himself and thought it was totz edgy.
  13. Second thought: "Pornogrind band with song titles about murdering and dismembering women" "First date" "Dated for a few months" And basically blaming anything, even clearly unwholesome things I disagree with as well, is always easier than admitting that this country has a fundamental and far-reaching cultural problem. Treating symptoms like the actual underlying disease isn't effective.
  14. "Mass shooting video on first date" "Dated for a few months"
  15. I've been into all kinds of Heavy Metal since I was a kid and somehow even I wasn't aware of..."Pornogrind"... Just
  16. If you do, shoot me a message and we can attempt to kick each others' asses
  17. I didn't wanna make a new thread specifically so I figured I'd ask in here: Since I'm giving SFV a shot as my first online fighter, anyone in here currently playing it? I assume you can do direct matches with your friends etc.? I've only done random Ranked and Casual matches thus far and would like to try that out. I'm sure anyone would fucking crush me but still curious.
  18. The trailer vaguely reminded me of a not-stupid Natural Born Killers at points. Visually it looks really appealing especially. That's the actor from Sicario, right? I really liked his presence in that, thought he was very memorable in a film full of memorable performances. Edit: And Get Out, duh...
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